Progress Report: November 7, 1999
Team Members:
B. Barr, MA (Project Director)
Hollyfield, BFA (Director of the Celtic Legacy Foundation)
G. Sutton, MA (Archaeological Consultant)
B. Hollyfield (Field Technician)
K. Saum, BA (Field Technician)
Written by Scott G. Sutton

November 7, 1999
After yet another late night, the crew slept until 8AM. After clearing
the cobwebs over a hot breakfast and coffee, team members continued reviewing books
acquired from the local library. Our research efforts have been greatly assisted by
the site's property owners, as well as the owners of the bed & breakfast, whose
libraries we have gleefully plundered. Our hosts at the B&B have been most
understanding and supportive as they've seen their quiet home converted into a
hyperactive, 24-hour field research laboratory. As modest
thanks, we brought the lady of the house a bouquet of lilies and carnations. She was
quite appreciative, but continues to scold us for the "unhealthy" length of our
workdays and overcaffeinated diets.
In the afternoon, Barr, Saum, and Ben Hollyfield headed to the field, while Sutton and
Cecile Hollyfield remained at the B&B to conduct further research and web site
development. With the remaining sunlight, the field crew cleared most of the
vegetation and debris from the masonry tower's east wall.
After hours spent gardening in the tower, the team has concluded that nettles are
decidedly not our friends. As has become our custom, we read, wrote, and webbed
until the wee hours of the morning.
Note: These investigations are ongoing, and updates will
be posted as time permits. Assessments made during the course of this survey are
preliminary, and may change upon the recovery of further data.