Progress Report: November 5, 1999
Team Members:
B. Barr, MA (Project Director)
Hollyfield, BFA (Director of the Celtic Legacy Foundation)
G. Sutton, MA (Archaeological Consultant)
B. Hollyfield (Field Technician)
K. Saum, BA (Field Technician)
Written by Scott G. Sutton

November 5, 1999
Over breakfast, the team decided to seek shelter for the day, a
shrewd move considering the storm front which had descended overnight. This provided an opportunity to review field notes and maps, research the
site's historical background, and update content for the web site. The immensity
of the task at hand has required round-the-clock effort, with the crew averaging 18- to
20-hour days. Exhaustion is setting in, but spirits remain high.
To date, discussion of the garrison tower has emphasized its Roman
origin (eg. "Roman garrison tower"). Since the structural and cultural
components of the building remain to be determined, we will refer to the entire structure
as the "masonry tower", in order to eliminate assumptive bias.
Note: These investigations are ongoing, and updates will
be posted as time permits. Assessments made during the course of this survey are
preliminary, and may change upon the recovery of further data.