M A T E R I A L S a n d I N K S C A R D - P A P E R - E N V E L O P E S


All items are printed on card except for Letterheads and the inserts of Service Books which are on a
matching paper.

This is a quality recycled material with a smooth finish and a substantial weight. It is available
in White and Ivory shades, although some styles of invitation are supplied in White only. Prices
are normally based on this material.

Invitations (except for styles A and B), Thank-You Cards and Correspondence Cards are supplied with a
matching envelope. With Response Cards and Style A or B Invitations we supply a white cartridge envelope.

Besides our regular recycled material we offer a range of textured finishes at a supplementary price.
These are the materials; it is not practicable to illustrate them, but we supply a swatch with our
brochure. Please note that some of these are available only in Ivory.

Laid texture — in White or Ivory
Hammer embossed — in White or Ivory
Linen embossed — in White or Ivory
Parchment — in Ivory only

LUXURY MATERIAL PRICE SUPPLEMENT — per unit Multiply the figure given by the quantity ordered

A Invitation, small 1-side
B Invitation, large 1-side
AA Invitation, small 1-side
BB Invitation, large 1-side
C Invitation, sm. folding
D Invitation, lge. folding
E Invitation, sm. folding
F Invitation, lge. folding



Within the prices stated you get a choice of any one of the following ink colours. (Examples are approximate;
we will gladly supply printed specimens on request.)

Other colours, including Black, Chocolate, Scarlet and several shades of blue, are available for a small
extra charge (from £10 to cover all items ordered at one time).
