These are just a few of the poems I have written over
the years.
Many of these poems were written during very dark times of my life, while others were written during some of the best times. I'm sure you will be able to tell where my emotions were after reading each one.
Some of the poems aren't about me...some were written as I was deeply touched by other people in my life...either by personal interaction with their lives or by simply observing from a distance as they were struggling with very difficult personal issues. In cases where there were names written in the origional version, those names have either been changed or deleted to protect the innocent. : )
Sit back and take a ride on an emotional roller-coaster of many lives through these lines...
Dying All Alone
Night Sounds
The Lonely Dreamless Man
Come...Take Rest
Dreaming...Ever Dreaming
"Oh, God! Give me strength!"
Never Regret
Smiles In Quiet Times
It Is Finished
A Heart Set Free
As each poem is typed up, the title will become a
'hot link' to the me if you are curious
about any certain one and I will add it next. Thanks
for taking the time to stop by. : )
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stopping by!
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(There's a story behind that addy!)
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