This page will always be under construction! New links will be added as my favorite folders overflow!
Please note that each graphic site has their own rules for the use of their graphics, even if the site is titled "Free Graphics". Please follow the site owner's specifications for the use of their graphics.
Iluminessence - This site has some beautiful golden frames (You'll find these under their 'Baubles' section), letter sets, page sets, buttons and bars. There is a very rich feel to all their work! (My thanks to Morgan for sending me this site!)
Designed to a T - This is one of the few sites I have found that allows you to modify their graphics! A truly great find! (Thanks again to Morgan for this site... it was found through a link of a link that Morgan sent.)
Graphic Garden - Very well made graphics,
most with a country theme.
Draac's Gifs 1-2-3! - LINKABLE GRAPHICS! Another GOTTA HAVE for webtv-ers!
Angel's Castle of Gifs - Links to LINKABLE
gif and midi sites! Great GOTTA HAVE for
Advertising Anamation - Make your own
banners, 'Dancing Words' messages and greeting
cards, business cards, advertising buttons and
more! Cool site to explore!
Image Magic Tutorial - An absolute
GOTTA HAVE for webtv-ers who use the amazing
Image Magic Utility!
aking an Image Map - Great image map
tutorial! Play around with it!
The Fantabulous Icon-O-Matic - Another graphic
Certificate Maker - Make your own printable certificates online!
WebTv4You Envelope
Addresser - Address envelopes with WebTV!
Cassette Labeler - Create your own printable labels for your cassettes!
MediaBuilder 3D Text/Banner Maker - One of my
very favorite text generators!
Site Owner
- Check out who is linking to your site!
James Marshall's HTML Test
Bed - My favorite HTML test bed!
From Trash To Treasure Craft Ideas -
Tons of great craft ideas using common items and
CD Jewel Case Label Printing Tutorial
Activity Professionals Online -
Great resource site for activity professionals
working with older adults in nursing homes, adult
day care centers or other adult activity settings!
Valentine Coloring
Pages - Kids canprint and color valentine cards,
puzzles, coloring pages and more!
Together We're Better - Family Calendars - Printable daily activity
calendars for kid activities (preschool through
early childhood)... great ideas!
Christian Friends Bookmarkers - 7 Printable bookmarkers!
Busy Cooks - 30
Printable gift tags, gift labels, canning jar labels
and food gift lables and tags! (Busy Cooks Main Page and Index... great easy recipes!)
Billy Bear's Sticker Game - These 'games' could be printed on either sticker
paper or printed on plain paper and glued to fine
sand paper and used as you would a felt board! (Billy Bear's Playground Main Page and Index - A MUST SEE
(and do) site for kids!
Teacher's Activity Guide - Remember
'cootie catchers' and the '100th day of school'?
Check out all the cool activities to do along with
companion books!
Certificate Maker - Make your own printable certificates online!
WebTv4You Envelope
Addresser - Address envelopes with WebTV!
Cassette Labeler - Create your own printable labels for your cassettes!
Jan Brett's Home Page - Jan Brett has written and illustrated many beautiful children's books. Jan's home page is a wonderland of printable activities featuring her beautiful art that complements her books! The list of beautiful printables includes a calendar, 15 graphics for making iron-on transfers (already in mirror image), 4 stationary note designs, masks, 4 Troll pencil toppers, 6 beautiful bookmarks and much much more! Please don't miss this site!
Pig Latin Converter - Just plug in the URL of a webpage, click 'convert' and the text of the
webpage will be transformed into Pig Latin! Great
for love poems! :)
Stan's Insult Generator - You gotta try this one!
DMarie Time Capsule - Enter any date from 1900 to 1907 in the box to generate a page of assorted information that applied to that date! (Average income, top songs, top movies, price of bread, etc.)
Ditch Letter Generator - Just what we all need at some point in time! - Don't miss the EKissing Booth & the Big Trunk of Fun (pintable kissing coupons)!
Happy Father's - Printable cards, printable bumper stickers, printable 'Dad's Wish List', printable 'IOU's'!
Mark's Bitch Letter Generator - Oh, Boy! :)
Women Journeys - All sorts of great links for kids - Many links have printable activities! - Great vocabulary building word games - Many are printable!
Syndicate - Another great site for word games - Many are printable!
Puzzles By Char - Wonderful site for printable puzzles and games, including Addles, Teleword, Criss-Cross, Word Search, Scramblers, Cripi Clue, Power Vocabulary and Dot to Dot.
Alsoft Publishing Company - Great site for printable crossword puzzles!
Puzzle Connection - Yet another great site for printable crossword and word search puzzles! - Hundreds of ecards indexed by subject,
function and special occasion!
Yahoo Internet Life - Incredibly Useful
Site of the Day - Scroll down for the archives
of all previous sites... GREAT reference site!
Internet Movie Database - Research all sorts of info on just about every movie you can think of!
The International Lyrics Server - Search for over 114,000 song lyrics!
A Volition to Shop Frugally! - Tons of FREE magazine and Coupon links!
Wild x Angel - Real stories, letters, tips & powerful
information about the risks and hazards of internet
dating! - The
Ability Utility
University of Life - Serious Tests
Treasure Maps - The How-To Genealogy www Site
The Fishernet - There are some great fish recipes here, even if you
aren't a fisherperson!
Athai - Exotic Asian
Moab, Utah Police Department - For REAL Police
stories, check out 'The Blotter'!
Bill Auclair's EARchives - High quality sound files from just about every movie you can think of and it's searchable!
Coop's Amusing Lists - Don't miss "The
Message in a Bottle - Toss a message in a bottle
into the surf of the internet sea... :)
Dancing Baby MegaSite - Lots and lots and lots
of dancing baby anamations!
Funny Stuff! - Be sure to read 'Hotel Soap Problem' and
'Whose Job'! :)
University of Life - Fun Tests
Complete Elvis Presley Database
Go to Donna's Place - Bio
Go to Donna's Place - Poetry
Go to Donna's Place - Adventure
Go to Donna's Place - Main Page
Be sure and sign my guest book and/or drop me an
email before you leave! I would like to know who is stopping by!
© 1998
(There's a story behind that addy!)
Graphics for this page were found at the following wonderful graphic sites:
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