Author not responsible for content of GeoGuide ads.

- ALL graphics shown on these pages are my designs and are
© Fairy's Footsteps Graphic Design. They are not to be distributed in other graphic collections or used on commercial sites without my expressed written consent.
- These graphics are NOT to be altered in any way other than adding text to blank buttons. If you would like a different colour scheme other than that shown, please email me and I will change them for you =0)
- PLEASE do not link to my server to use these graphics. Right click on the ones you would like to use, and save them to your hard drive. Then upload them to your own server.
- Users of my graphics are required to display my logo, and link it back to
- If you use my graphics, please email me with the name and URL of the page(s) the graphics are on, and I will include your site in my Links to Sites Using our Designs.

Main Page | Bordered Backgrounds | Tiled Backgrounds Background Sets | Banners, Buttons & Bars | Custom Graphics Design Graphics Design Discussion Forum | Sites that use our Designs Fairy's Footsteps Greeting Cards | About the Designer
All graphics contained within these pages are © Fairy's Footsteps Graphic Design 1998, and are not to be used in violation of the terms set out by the Graphic Designer. Graphics used in setup of Fairy's Footsteps Graphic Design are not available for public use. Your cooperation in this is greatly appreciated.
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