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I'm a 23-year-old Registered Nurse, who recently relocated to Russell, Kansas in order to obtain my very first job in Nursing. In my spare time I like to create websites and graphics to use on those sites. I've received many positive comments about the graphics I've made, so I decided to devote a site to what I come up with *G*
Most of my works are done with Paint Shop Pro, a wonderful creation that you can download and try for 30 days from JASC. The graphics I use to create my works are found throughout the web, and in various software programs I own.
I hope you enjoy what I'm offering at Fairy's Footsteps Graphic Design. If you do, tell a friend! I'm always here and waiting for new visitors ;0)
All graphics contained within these pages are © Fairy's Footsteps Graphic Design 1998, and are not to be used in violation of the terms set out by the Graphic Designer. Graphics used in setup of Fairy's Footsteps Graphic Design are not available for public use. Your cooperation in this is greatly appreciated.