Sir Head Peanut's Guide to Submitting Stocks for Analysis
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Step 1 You gotta find a stock. Click on the Quotes/Data tab towards the top of the AMA page. It's between Messages and My Portfolio. At this page if you know the stock ticker symbol you want, enter it in the box to the right of the words Company Information On . It's towards the top of the page. Make sure you backspace over enter symbol(s) first. Click go! If you don't know the ticker symbol, enter the company's name in the Lookup section. If you only know part of the company's name go ahead and enter that. For example, let's use cola. When you find the company you want, in this case Coca-Cola; click on the ticker symbol KO. You should now be at the simple section of the Quotes/Data page.
Step 2 Click on the Estimates tab and the first item under COCA COLA CO will be Estimated Long-Term Annual Growth:14.58 that's the number we want. Write it down for #1 - Long Term Growth Rate.
Step 3 Click on the Financials tab and you should see the SEC Filings for KO. In the Revenue section find the last complete year listed in the Total line. In this case it's 1998, 18.813 billion. Write that down for #4. I know it's out of order but you'll be OK.
Step 4 Click on the Snapshot tab and you'll get a lot more information. DON'T PANIC! You don't need to know all this stuff yet, I sure don't! All right now, take a deep breath, have a sip of Coke, eat a few peanuts, go for a little walk if you need to. OK now? Feeling better? Let's go! Scroll down to Dividend Information. Here you'll find Payout Ratio (TTM)%. Our number is *41.99. Write that down for #2. You're doing great!
Step 5 Find the Mgmt Effectiveness section. Here you'll find Return on Equity (TTM). Our number is *45.89. Write that down for #3.
Step 6 Find the Financial Strength section. Here you'll find Total Debt/Equity (MRQ). Our number is *0.59. Write that down for #5.
Step 7 Find the Valuation Ratios section. Here you'll find Price/Earnings (TTM). Our number is *45.14. Write that down to use in our Real PE calculation.
Step 8 Calculate the Real PE by dividing #7, the P/E, *45.14 by #3, the ROE, *45.89. Or, 45.14 / 45.89. You should get .98365657. .98 is fine. Note: If your company is a financial company, like AIG, double the ROE before dividing it into the PE, or, PE/(ROEx2). For example, if KO was a financial co. (which it's not) it's RealPE would be 45.14 divided by (45.89 x 2), or, 45.14/91.78 = .49. If your company is a mixture of financial and other stuff, like GE, multiply by 1.5, or PE/(ROEx1.5).
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