The following is a guide to help you determine if
your mate is cheating on you. If after reading this
guide you find that there is some area of concern do
not confront the cheater. This will only cause them
to clean up their act and make it more difficult for
you to catch them.
This guide is simply that, a guide, a resource for
you to use to obtain the peace of mind of knowing the
truth. Although, sometimes the truth is hard to deal
with. Therefore, I urge you to really think about
what you would do if you found out that your
suspsions were true. Above all, violence is not the
answer. If you can not deal with it, hire a
proffessional investigator, then let your attorney
handle it from there.
Some Sure Signs Are:
#At the beginning of an affair the mate
that is cheating is more attentive to his/her spouse.
This is due to guilt that the cheater may be feeling
at the time.
#After the affair has been going on for a
while the person cheating seems to find fault with
the person he/she may be living with to try to
justify the affair in their mind.
#Cheating spouses may lose attention in the
activities in the home. They don't show interest in
the livelihood of you or the children that live in
the home. Nor do they have any desires to do any
fix-ups to the home (i.e. lawn care, house repairs,
#Intuition (gut feeling) that something is
not right usually is a BIG sign you may have a
cheating problem; when in doubt check them out.
#Cheaters may have a change in sex life
(i.e. more sex, less sex) as well as unexplained
sexual requests.
#The cheater has a definite change in
attitude towards everyone in the home, especially the
mate (i.e. if he/she didn't act the way they do, well
then maybe I wouldn't be doing the things I do).
#Another sign is Finances. If someone wants
to play they have to pay therefore keeping an eye on
their monies (i.e. check stubs, bank account
balances, credit card bills, etc...) would tell you
whether their spending more money than usual.
#Grooming habits will change. Cheaters will
be more attentive to their person (i.e. the way they
dress, frequent bathing, physical fitness, grooming
of their hair, switching of colognes, etc...).
#Physical signs to look for to determine
whether or not someone is having an affair is
lipstick on the collar, odors of cologne/perfume on a
shirt/blouse, checking underwear for secretion
stains. You can also check their wallets and/or the
glove compartments of their car to see if they left
receipts, pieces of paper with phone numbers,
addresses, condoms, etc.
*You may want to monitor your spouse for a
few weeks. During this time keep track of the mileage
on their car. Monitor the time they leave for work
and the time they come home. *Keep a calendar and
note the times, this should help you establish a
pattern. *If your mate claims to be working late,
check paycheck stubs to verify this overtime. If they
will not let you see the stub or it
"disappears" simply drive by the job site
to see if their car is there. Of course theres always
the chance that they may have left their car there
and left with someone else, in which case you could
wait (in a borrowed car) to see for yourself.
*Be tuned in to home telephone calls when
your mate has a tendency to whisper or gives a quick
answer and immediately hangs up or when you answer
the telephone and get an abrupt hang up. The easiest
method to deal with this is to simply dial *69
(Return calling) You can obtain this feature from
your phone company for about $5 a month, some phone
companies have this feature without having to sign up
for it, for a charge of around $.75 each time it is
*Many cheaters use cellular telephones to
communicate with their lovers. Should your mate have
a cellular telephone you may want to get a detailed
billing of the calls made from the cellular phone to
determine whether a certain number has been
frequently called.
*A good area to start looking is for the
first number called when your mate first leaves for
work and the same number called again right before
they return home.
*Female cheaters are more discreet in the
selection of a lover . This is most likely because of
their concern of Sexually Transmitted Disease's
(STD's). Most females are looking for a longer
lasting relationship rather than a one night stand
*When a female is having an affair she tends to have
more of a glow about her, happier than usual (she's
getting the attention she needs).
Caught them, now want to know
who the other person is?
# There are lots of ways to find out
whatever you want to know about this person: first,
if you already have a name that you may have found,
say in his/her wallet; The first thing to do is check
the phone book, this will give you a phone # and
address, If its not listed, call directory assistance
(sometimes they will have it even if its not listed)
#Not listed or want to know what type
(make, model, year, color, tag #, of the car they
drive; how much its worth, who they have it financed
through) also gives address and date of birth, This
information can be obtained by simply visiting your
local tag registrar office and ask them to run a MVR
(motor vehicle registration check) on the name that
you have, some county offices will give this
information to you because it is public record, if
yours won't, you can easily obtain this information
for around $15-25 from a P.I. or information broker.
# Still don't have a name yet? It is a lot
easier if you have seen them together and have a tag
# off their car, then you can still use the method
above, call or visit the DMV and request that they
give you a name that belongs to the tag # that you
have. You might even tell them that this strange car
has been parked in front of your house and you want
to know who it belongs to.
# Followed him/her to an address, and want
to find out who lives there? Simply visit the local
registrar of deeds and ask for a copy of the deed to
the address you have (again , public record and
easily available). This information will not do you
any good though if they rent or live in an apartment,
so you will need to use an alternative method, such
as: using a search directory on the internet that
will give you information from a phone #, a name, or
simply by entering the address. There are lots of
free search engines to find someone's phone number,
name, or address on the web. If you don't have access
to a computer, you can call a P.I. or information
broker for the information at a cost of around $20

*This site is not to be construed
as legal advice. It is for informational purposes