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My Page!
All Mine!!!!

I am Michael!

(Please don't ask to purchase my cookbook!)

Now don't let the music fool you---I'm sometimes not as quiet and peaceful as the music is. I'm the boss in this household and what I say goes. I hope you won't be bored if I tell you a little about myself.

I'm originally from Waterbury, Connecticut, born February 15 (we won't mention the year) to a totally Irish Mother and Father, with a beautiful sister Patricia, another lovely sister Kathy, and a wacky brother Brian. Thanks to them, I'm a very blessed Uncle!

I graduated from the Roman Catholic Seminary with A.A. in Psychology; I received a B.A. in Philosophy from Providence College, and studied for a Master's Degree at Bonaventure University. I then spent four LONG years as Chaplain and Special Liaison Officer in the Air Force at McConnell AFB, Kansas. Finally, finding the insurance business as my niche in life, I gravitated to the Washington D.C. area where I met Kenny and we started Briarwood International Insurance Group in 1985.

We moved here full-time to Basye in the summer of 1997. Also in 1997, I was ordained to the Order of Deacons in the Apostolic Independent Rite of Catholicism, know as The Free Catholic Church. The rest is history!

BUT, my real passion, my catharsis, my emotional release is cooking! I never write anything down. I don't use cookbooks. I just go to the store, buy whatever strikes my fancy, stock the fridge, then start putting food together. Somehow, it always turns out a winner! I really love to cook for people---the more the merrier!

Another hobby of mine is Science Fiction! It's fascinating! I'm a died-in-the-wool Trekkie. I fend off all invading Klingons and search the skies for suspicious UFO's!

Of course, Kenny is always teasing me that INSURANCE is my REAL hobby!!!

This is me!
Your Chef!---Your Priest!---Your Insurance Agent!---
Simply The Best!

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