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Our Four-Legged Family

Our home is actually owned by seven (yes, count 'em, SEVEN) kitties. They are all "fixed" and de-clawed, and we love 'em to death!

This is Baby, who is our elegant queen of the house

Here's Pickles; she loves to be very warm and drinks water from the faucet

And Pikey, who guards and loves his master, Michael

Bunky; he's Pikey's brother and always getting into things

Puff; she is a little "Puff-A-Roni" and talks constantly

Mittens; she loves to knock on doors

Our yard was recently taken over by a vagrant tomcat. We promptly named him Bruce, had him "de-clawed", and brought him in the house. So now he has taken over the house, too! Here's Bruce!

We hope you enjoy our lovable little critters as much as we do.
These kitties are the proud owners of "Kittie Mutual"

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