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Training Programs

Customized to your organization

Managerial Development Program
  Executive and Supervisory Development Program 
Technical Staff Motivation Program  
Group Leader and Line Leader Development Program
Operatives Development Program
Administrative Staff Development Program  
Industrial Relations Training Program 
Personal and Skills Development Programs


Industrial Relations and 
Employee Relations Consultancy


Reviewing Contract of Service and Terms and Conditions of Service 

Disciplinary Procedures 

Domestic Inquiry 

Collective Bargaining and Collective Agreements



Human Resource Management Consultancy

Strategic Manpower Planning

Corporate Culture Identification 

Organizational Design 

Training Needs Analysis 

Training Plans Development

Job Grading

Wage Structure Design


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For the Organization that is serious about developing managerial skills with a consistency that is pertinent to its culture

 Note : All these programs are designed in suites of relevant modules

1.  Managerial Development Program

Core Modules


Operations Management 

Examination or non-examination-based

  • Time for holding classes and the duration of the programs are totally flexible to fit around production schedules 

  • Equivalent to post-graduate studies level 

  • Conducted through lectures by hands-on professionals

  • Exam or non-exam orientation, and complete with assignments and project work

  • Delivered with direct reference to operating conditions 

  • Flexible course schedule designed around operating time-tables - evening or weekend classes

  • For executives and supervisory staff, a similar program is also available

HR Management

Financial Management

Information Management

Organizational Behavior 

Appreciation of TQM

IT Management

Marketing Management

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2.  Executive and Supervisory Development Program 

Effective Supervisory Skills


Positive Work Attitudes

  • Non-examination based 

  • Time for holding classes and the duration of the programs are totally flexible to fit around production schedules

  • Designed to equip an organization's selected team with a common set of supervisory and human values

  • The modules can be varied, and contents can be modified to suit the level of participants as well as the needs of the organization

  • Duration of program varies with the requirements

Supervisory Roles and Responsibilities

Communication and Human Relations Skills

Practical Skills for Supervision

Leadership Skills

Introduction to Motivational Theories


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3.  Technical Staff Motivation Program

Positive Work Attitudes


  • Designed to provide technical staff with a sense of value for their work and to appreciate the (positive and negative) impact they can have on the work of others

  •  Adds value to their sense of professionalism in the way they look at and carry out their jobs

  •  Duration of program varies with the requirements, but is usually 4 days

Self Management

Self motivation for enhancing effectiveness

Effective Technical Support

Roles, Duties and Responsibilities

Managing Your Workplace


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 4.  Group and Line Leaders Development Program

Personal Effectiveness


Introduction To Production Management

  • Designed to provide group leaders with a rounded knowledge of their work and the environment of manufacturing.

  • Proven to reduce in-grained resistance in certain group leaders to management efforts to improve quality and productivity

  • Duration of program varies with the requirements, (usually 4 days)

Basic Motivation and Team Building

Managing Productivity

Basic Communication In Supervision

Understanding Quality Management

Decision-Making Tools

Leadership and Human Relations Skills




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5.  Operatives Development Program

Self Management

  • Helps operatives understand their work obligations

  • Helps them understand their work motives and to positively link these to their work

  • Increase their understanding of work and quality requirements in manufacturing and reduces their resistance to management programs

  • Increases their awareness of communication barriers within themselves and also helps them to understand and overcome barriers to communicating with their superiors

  • Duration of program varies, and ranges from 2 to 4 days

Self Motivation

Quality Awareness

Effective Communication


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6.  Administrative Staff Development Prgram

Personal Effectiveness 


Time Management

  • Increases awareness of personal actions on the work and feelings of others.  Raises awareness of office politics and its destructive impact

  • Increases awareness of time-wasting habits and activities

  • Provide organized and rounded knowledge of the administrative functions in relation to operational functions

  • and  communication barriers within themselves and also helps them to understand and overcome barriers to communicating with their superiors

  • Duration of program varies, and ranges from 6 to 8 days

Fundamentals of Office Management

Creative Problem Solving

Effective Communication

Telephone Handling  Skills

Behavioral Aspects of Office Management


Appreciation of Information Technology


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Applications of the Employment Act 1955 


Industrial Relations Act 1967

Preventive Discipline Management

  • Individual Module which can be further tailored to maximize effective learning and applications

  • Conducted only by hands-on professionals

  • Non-textbook approach

  • Certificate of Participation

  • All are two (02) days program

Domestic Inquiry Procedures

Domestic Inquiry Prosecuting Skills

Employee Counseling

Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1994

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 PERSONAL and SKILLS Development Programs

·    Motivation (Specific To Job Groups)*

  • Conducted In English or Bahasa Melayu
  • Non-generic approach, carried out in workshop style with exercises and cases discussions.
  • Certificate Of Participation
  • Managing Absenteeism In Industries*
  • Selection Interviewing Techniques*
  • Time Management (Executives and Managers)*
  • Performance Appraisal and The Superior*
  • Effective Supervision Techniques (Designed To Specific Needs)* 
  • Basic IT for Administrative Staff *
  • Salary Structure Design and Development (For HR Managers and Executives)
  • Legal Aspects of Compensation (For HR Managers and Executives)

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* These programmers are being conducted in English or Bahasa Melayu.

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