14 DESKTOP                           DOWNLOAD
in .hlp format
in .chm format
6 TASKBAR                                      
6 EXPLORER                                     
4 ICONS                                             
7 PROGRAM MANAGER                    
8 REGISTRY                                      
6 MEMORY                                       
5 IE5                                                 
3 MODEM                                          
3 WORD 97                                         
7 DEVICE MANAGER                         
2 DOS                                                 
5 NEWEST TRICKS                                        
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
Change start up shut down screens
the screens must be
1 a valid 256 color rgb encoded bit,ap
2 have dimensions of 320x400 pixels
3 the extension must be .sys
4 the start up screen (logo.sys)  must be in the root of the
   boot drive
5 the please wait (logow.sys) and it's now safe (logos.sys)
   screens must be in windows.
the easy way to do it
1 open the original screens with paint
2 rename them
3 edit them and save the edited screens with the original names
   in the folders as mentioned above
   to disable the start up screen 
1 remove the System, Hidden, and Read-only attributes from
2 under options add the following line to msdos.sys
3 save msdos.sys
4 put the System, Hidden, and Read-only attributes back
   to msdos.sys
Save your custom color scheme
without plus
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3 in the left pane double click on Control Panel
4 in the left pane double click on Appearance
5 in the left pane double click on Schemes
6 in the registry editor toolbar click on registry click on
   export registry file under file name it custom1 click save
7 exit registry editor
8 find and open the file custom1.reg with notepad you will notice that
  all the color schemes are in this file
9 do not delete the headers REGEDIT4 and
  [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Appearance\Schemes]
10 after the above headers you will see text like
11 delete all those except the one called custom1
12 save the file and exit notepad
    to restore the custom1 color scheme
1 in explorer find the file called custom1 right click
    on it and click merge
2 the custom1 scheme will now be in
   display properties/ appearance/ scheme
Stretch the wallpaper to fit the desktop screen
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3 in the left pane double click on Control Panel
4 in the left pane double click on Desktop
5 in the right pane look for a key named WallPaperStyle
   create it if it is not there
6 in the right pane double click on WallPaperStyle and give it a
   value of 2
7 click ok exit registry editor
if you need to create the WallPaperStyle key in the left
pane right click under desktop then in the right pane right
click an empty area choose new string value and name it
relog for the effect to take place
Add personal info to system properties
1 open notepad          (sample oeminfo.ini available in ics chm hlp)
2 in the first line type
3 in the second line type
   Manufacturer=what ever you like
4 in the third line type
   Model=what ever you like
5 in the fourth line type
   [Support Information]
6 type the next five to twenty lines like this
   Line1=what ever you like
   Line16=what ever you like
7 save the file as oeminfo.ini in your windows\system folder
also to add a picture for system properties under the mswindow create a .bmp file name it oemlogo.bmp and put it into your windows\system folder
Show window contents while dragging
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3 in the left pane double click on Control Panel
4 in the left pane double click on Desktop
5 in the right pane look for a key named DragFullWindows
   create it if it is not there
6 in the right pane double click on DragFullWindows and give it a
   value of 1
7 click ok exit registry editor
if you need to create the DragFullWindows key in the left
pane right click under desktop then in the right pane right
click an empty area choose new string value and name it
Show window animation
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3 in the left pane double click on Control Panel
4 in the left pane double click on Desktop
5 in the left pane double click on WindowMetrics
6 in the right pane look for a key named MinAnimate
   create it if it is not there
7 in the right pane double click on MinAnimate and give it a
   value of 1
8 click ok exit registry editor
if you need to create the MinAnimate key in the left
pane right click under WindowMetrics then in the right pane right
click an empty area choose new string value and name it
Enable font smoothing without plus
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3 in the left pane double click on Control Panel
4 in the left pane double click on Desktop
5 in the right pane look for a key named FontSmoothing
   create it if it is not there
6 in the right pane double click on FontSmoothing and give it a
   value of 1
7 click ok exit registry editor
if you need to create the FontSmoothing key in the left
pane right click under desktop then in the right pane right
click an empty area choose new string value and name it
Enable smooth scrolling
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3 in the left pane double click on Control Panel
4 in the left pane double click on Desktop
5 in the right pane look for a key named SmoothScroll
   create it if it is not there note this is a dword key
6 in the right pane double click on SmoothScroll and give it a
   DWORD value of 1
   the dword value should show 0x00000001 (1)
7 click ok exit registry editor
if you need to create the SmoothScroll key in the left
pane right click under desktop then in the right pane right
click an empty area choose new dword value and name it
Wrap text under icons
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3 in the left pane double click on Control Panel
4 in the left pane double click on Desktop
5 in the left pane double click on WindowMetrics
6 in the right pane look for a key named IconTitleWrap
   create it if it is not there
7 in the right pane double click on IconTitleWrap and give it a
   value of 1
8 click ok exit registry editor
if you need to create the IconTitleWrap key in the left
pane right click under WindowMetrics then in the right pane right
click an empty area choose new string value and name it
Save your folder settings
first set up all your folders the way you want &
keep them open
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3 in the left pane double click on Software
4 in the left pane double click on Microsoft
5 in the left pane double click on Windows
6 in the left pane double click on CurrentVersion
7 in the left pane double click on Policies
8 in the left pane double click on Explorer
9 in the right pane double click on NoSaveSettings and change the
   dword value to 1
   the dword value should show 0x00000001 (1)
10 click ok exit registry editor
if you want to change the way your folders look later you might
have to change the NoSaveSettings dword value to 0
Add sounds to programs events
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3 in the left pane double click on AppEvents
4 in the left pane double click on Schemes
5 in the left pane double click on Apps
6 right click the apps key and add a new key and name it after
   the application you want to add the sound events to
   (name it exactly as the application is named and do not put
   the .exe extension in the name
7 in the right pane double click on default and give it a value data
   that you want it to be called in the control panel sounds cpl
8 go back to the key you created in the left pain and add a new
   key under it and name it open
9 go back to the first key you created in the left pane and add a
   new key and name it close
10 click ok exit registry editor
11 go to control panel / sounds and associate a sound file to the
     new program.   (sample sound events available in ics chm hlp)
Enable beep on errors
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3 in the left pane double click on Control Panel
4 in the left pane double click on Sound
5 in the right pane look for a key named Beep
   create it if it is not there
6 in the right pane double click on Beep and give it a
   value of yes
7 click ok exit registry editor
if you need to create the Beep key in the left
pane right click under Sound then in the right pane right
click an empty area choose new string value and name it
Deleting obsolete entries in the add remove list
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3 in the left pane double click on Software
4 in the left pane double click on Microsoft
5 in the left pane double click on Windows
6 in the left pane double click on CurrentVersion
7 in the left pane double click on Uninstall
8 in the left pane look for the obsolete entries and delete them
before you delete you can do a registry search to
see if there is any associated strings and delete
them also but export them first in case you need
Your city and country text in time zone properties
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3 in the left pane double click on Software
4 in the left pane double click on Microsoft
5 in the left pane double click on Windows
6 in the left pane double click on CurrentVersion
7 in the left pane double click on TimeZones
8 in the left pane find the key with your time zone and click on it
9 in the right pane double click on display and change the value
   data to your city and country (Vancouver Canada Pacific)
10 click ok exit registry editor
the next time you display timezone properties your
city and country will show
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
Create a Control Panel cascading menu on the Start button
1 Click the Start Button once with your right mouse button.
2 Click Explorer  with your left mouse button.
3 an explorer window will open right click an empty area in the right
4 a context menu will appear right click new and then folder
5 name the new folder
   Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
6 hit enter
Create a printers cascading menu on the Start button
1 Click the Start Button once with your right mouse button.
2 Click Explorer  with your left mouse button.
3 an explorer window will open right click an empty area in the right
4 a context menu will appear right click new and then folder
5 name the new folder
6 hit enter
Create a dial up networking cascading menu on the Start button
1 Click the Start Button once with your right mouse button.
2 Click Explorer  with your left mouse button.
3 an explorer window will open right click an empty area in the right
4 a context menu will appear right click new and then folder
5 name the new folder
   Dial-Up Networking.
6 hit enter
Create an IE5 active x cascading menu on the Start button
1 Click the Start Button once with your right mouse button.
2 Click Explorer  with your left mouse button.
3 an explorer window will open right click an empty area in the right
4 a context menu will appear right click new and then folder
5 name the new folder
   Active X Controls.{88C6C381-2E85-11D0-94DE-444553540000}
6 hit enter
Add  start a program command by right clicking from the start button
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
3 in the left pane double click on Directory
4 in the left pane double click on Shell
5 right click on shell and select new / key
6 name the key after the program you are adding and press enter
7 in the right pane double click on default and change the value
   data to the title you just created with & in front of it (no space
   between & and the title)
8 go back to the left pane to the key you created and create a new
   key and name it command
9 click on it and go to the right pane and under default give it
   the value data of the full path of the program you added
10 click ok exit registry editor
Get rid of click here to begin at start up
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3 in the left pane double click on Software
4 in the left pane double click on Microsoft
5 in the left pane double click on Windows
6 in the left pane double click on CurrentVersion
7 in the left pane double click on Policies
8 in the left pane double click on Explorer
9 in the right pane double click on NoStartBanner and give it a
   DWORD value of 1
   the dword value should show 0x00000001 (1)
10 click ok exit registry editor
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
Add right click quickview to any file
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
3 in the left pane double click on * (add this key under
   hkey_classes_root if it is not there)
4 in the left pane double click on Quickview (add this key under *
   if it is not there)
5 click on quickview then in the in the right pane double click on
   default and change the value data to *
6 click ok exit registry editor
Caution this trick might make the office 97 task bar behave strangely
Add right click open with Word
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
3 in the left pane double click on * (add this key under
   hkey_classes_root if it is not there)
4 in the left pane double click on shell (add this key if it is not there)
5 under shell add a new key and name it openas
6 in the left pane double click on openas ,in the right pane
   double click on default and change the value data to 
   open with word
7 in the left pane under openas add a new key and name it
8 in the left pane click on command and in the right pane
   double click on default and change  the value data  to
   winword.exe %1
9 click ok exit registry editor
Add right click open with notepad
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
3 in the left pane double click on * (add this key under
   hkey_classes_root if it is not there)
4 in the left pane double click on shell (add this key if it is not there)
5 under shell add a new key and name it open
6 in the left pane click on open ,in the right pane double click on
   default and change the value data to  open with notepad
7 in the left pane under open add a new key and name it command
8 in the left pane click on command and in the right pane
   double click on default and change the value data to
   notepad.exe %1
9 click ok exit registry editor
Add explore from here to every folder
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
3 in the left pane double click on Folder
4 in the left pane double click on Shell
5 in the left pane double click on RootExplore (add this key under
   shell if it is not there)
6 click on RootExplore and in the right pane double click
  default and change the value data to Explore From Here click ok
7 double click on the RootExplore key in the left pane and add a
   new key and name it command
8 click on it and in the right pane under default and change the
   value data to Explorer.exe /e,/root,/idlist,%I
9 click ok exit registry editor
Add dos prompt here to any folder
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
3 in the left pane double click on Directory
4 in the left pane double click on Shell
5 add a new key under shell and name it DosHere
6 in the right pane double click on default and change the value
   data to DOS &Prompt Here
7 go back to the DosHere key in the left pane and add a new
   key and name it command
8 click on the command key and go to the right pane,  double click
   on default and change the value data to /k cd "%1"
9 click ok exit register editor
Add right click any application on any folder
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
3 in the left pane double click on Folder
4 in the left pane double click on shell
5 in the left pane under shell add a new key and name it after
   the application you want (notepad) to add then click once
6 in the right pane double click on default and give it a value data
   that you want to show up in explorer (open notepad)
7 in the left pane under the new key you added (notepad) add a new
   key and name it command then click once
8 in the right pane double click on default and give it a value data
   of the full path of the application you added
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
ICONS * top
Show icons using all colours
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3 in the left pane double click on Control Panel
4 in the left pane double click on Desktop
5 in the left pane double click on WindowMetrics
6 in the right pane look for a key named Shell Icon BPP
   create it if it is not there
7 in the right pane double click on Shell Icon BPP and give it a
   value of 16 (for 16 bit video cards) or a value of 24 (for 24 bit
   video cards)  or a value of 32 (for 32 bit video cards)
   the default is 4 for 16 colors and 8 for 256 colors
8 click ok exit registry editor
if you need to create the Shell Icon BPP key in the left
pane right click under WindowMetrics then in the right pane right
click an empty area choose new string value and name it
Shell Icon BPP
your video card must display over 256 colours for any effect
View .bmp icons as thumbnails
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
3 in the left pane double click on Paint.Picture
4 in the left pane double click on DefaultIcon
5 in the right pane double click on default and change the value to %1
6 click ok exit registry editor
Make .cpl files show there own icons
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
3 in the left pane double click on cplfile
4 in the left pane double click on DefaultIcon
5 in the right pane double click on default and change the value to %1
6 click ok exit registry editor
Make .dll files show their own icons
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
3 in the left pane double click on dllfile
4 in the left pane double click on DefaultIcon
5 in the right pane double click on default and change the value to %1
6 click ok exit registry editor
this only works with some .dll files
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
Add recycle bin to a program manager group
1 click on a group to add to
2 on the program manager toolbar click file / new / program item
3 in the properties box under description type recycle bin / under
   command line type C:\WINDOWS\RECYCL~1.{64 under working
   directory type C:\windows
4 click change icon and grab the recycle bin icon from
5 click OK
Add device manager to a program manager group
1 click on a group to add to
2 on the program manager toolbar click file / new / program item
3 in the properties box under description type
   Device Manager under command line type
4 click change icon and look for an appropriate icon
5 click OK
you can make a short cut and add it to the
desktop or taskbar
Add system properties to a program manager group
1 click on a group to add to
2 on the program manager toolbar click file / new / program item
3 in the properties box under description type system properties
   under command line type C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL32.EXE
   shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl , system, 1
4 click change icon and look for an appropriate icon
5 click OK
note make sure there is one space bar between
exe and shell32 in the command line
you can make a short cut and add it to the
desktop or taskbar
Make windows explorer open like file manager
in program manager

1 click on a group to add to
2 on the program manager toolbar click file / new / program item
3 in the properties box under description type Windows Explorer
   under command line type
   C:\Windows\Explorer.exe /n,/e,/select,C:\
   under working directory type C:\windows click ok
you can make a short cut and add it to the
desktop or taskbar you can also change the
/n,/e,/select,C:\ to something else to open
windows explorer a different way
Explorer.exe c:\               Open directory as a single pain of icons
explorer.exe /e,c:\           Explore drive as 2 lists - directories on
                                    left & files on right
Explorer.exe /e,/root,c:\   Explore drive without showing other drives
Explorer.exe /n,/e,/select Opens showing only drives
add a shut down icon to a
program manager group
1 click on a group to add to
2 on the program manager toolbar click file / new / program item
3 in the properties box under description type Shut down
4 under command line type
   EXE,ExitWindows (no space between user. and exe)
5 under working directory type C:\WINDOWS
6 click change icon and look for an appropriate icon
7 click OK
you can make a short cut and add it to the
desktop or taskbar
Add a restart in dos icon to a
program manager group
1 click on a group to add to
2 on the program manager toolbar click file / new / program item
3 in the properties box under description type restart in dos
4 under command line type C:\WINDOWS\EXITTO~1.PIF
5 under working directory type C:\WINDOWS
6 click change icon and look for an appropriate icon
7 click OK
you can make a short cut and add it to the  desktop or taskbar
Add a restart icon to a
program manager group
1 click on a group to add to
2 on the program manager toolbar click file / new / program item
3 in the properties box under description type restart
4 under command line type
   EXE,ExitWindowsExec  (no space between user. and exe)
5 under working directory type C:\WINDOWS
6 click change icon and look for an appropriate icon
7 click OK
you can make a short cut and add it to the
desktop or taskbar
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
Disable floppy seek
if your floppy drive seeks often when you open files
with explorer or word pad there is a fix
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3 in the left pane double click on Software
4 in the left pane double click on Microsoft
5 in the left pane double click on Windows
6 in the left pane double click on CurrentVersion
7 in the left pane double click on Policies
8 in the left pane double click on Explorer
9 in the right pane look for a key named NoDriveTypeAutoRun
   double click on it and change the value from 20 00 00 00
   to 95 00 00 00 or b5 00 00 00
if you experience problems    change back to 20 00 00 00
note these are binary values
Register COM objects by right clicking sendto
1 Type Sendto in the Run dialog box.
2 When the sendto window opens right click an empty area
3 Choose New then Shortcut click next
4 When the wizard opens under the command line type in
5 Click Next then name the shortcut Register COM. click finish
From now on whenever you need to register a com object  you will be able to do so in explorer by right clicking on the file then choose sendto then choose
Unregister COM objects by right clicking sendto
1 copy the following line to notepad
   C:\Windows\system\Regsvr32 /u "%1"
2 save the file as Unregister.bat in C:\Windows\SendTo
   make sure you save it as .bat under all files and not as a text file
From now on whenever you need to unregister a com object  you will be able to do so in explorer by right clicking on the file then choose sendto then choose unregister.bat
Change owner name and organization
if you bought a used pc and would like it to read
this program is registered to you
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3 in the left pane double click on Software
4 in the left pane double click on Microsoft
5 in the left pane double click on Windows
6 in the left pane double click on CurrentVersion
7 in the right pane double click on RegisteredOrganization
   and change the value data to your company click ok
8 in the right pane double click on RegisteredOwner
  and change the value data to your name
9 click ok exit registry editor
Stop auto registry merge
to prevent a .reg file from automatically  registering by double
clicking on it
1  open explorer
2  click on view
3  click on folder options
4  click on file types
5  scroll to registration entries
6  click on edit
7  select new
8  in the action box type open with notepad
9  in application type c:\windows\notepad.exe %1 click ok
10 click on open with notepad once
11 click set to default
from now on before you merge a .reg file you can look at it with notepad
to merge it right click on the file from explorer and select merge
Re-Associate .cab files
if you have cabview and a third party zip program
associated .cab files with it you can re-associate
cabview with .cab files
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
3 in the left pane double click on Cab
4 in the right pane double click on Default and change the
   value data to
5 in the left pane double click on CLSID
6 in the left pane double click on
7 in the left pane double click on shell
8 in the left pane double click on open
9 in the left pane double click on command
10 in the right pane double click on default and change the
    value data to
    explorer /root,{0CD7A5C0-9F37-11CE-AE65-08002B2E1262},%1
11 click ok exit registry editor
Increase the File Allocation Cache size
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3 in the left pane double click on System
4 in the left pane double click on CurrentControlSet
5 in the left pane double click on Control
6 in the left pane double click on FileSystem
7 in the right pane look for a key named ContigFileAllocSize
   create it if it is not there
8 in the right pane double click on ContigFileAllocSize
a and give it a DWORD value of 1024 (in decimal)
   the dword value should show 0x00000400 {1024}
b or give it a DWORD value of 2048  0x00000800 {2048}
c or give it a DWORD value of 3072  0x00000c00 {3072}
d or give it a DWORD value of 4096  0x00001000 {4096}
9 click ok exit registry editor
the default value is 512 0x00000200 {512}
the larger the files you work with and your harddrive
the larger the value should be
if you need to create the ContigFileAllocSize key in the left
pane right click under FileSystem then in the right pane right
click an empty area choose new DWORD value and name it
Compact the registry
over time the registry needs to be defragged when you
uninstall programs the registry values are deleted (hopefully)
but they also need to be defragged (compacted) 
first run regclean 
1 restart your computer in dos safe mode ( do not exit to dos)
2 back up system.dat and user.dat to a safe folder
3 remove the system, hidden and read-only attributes from
   system.dat and user.dat as follows
a type in cd \windows
b when you see the c: prompt type in attrib -s -h -r system.dat
c when you see the c: prompt type in attrib -s -h -r user.dat
4 when you see the C; prompt type in regedit /e oldreg.txt
   be patient this might take a while
5 when you see the c:prompt type in regedit /c oldreg.txt
   this will take a long time
6 when you see the c: prompt restart windows
7 if you have problems you can always copy the backed up
   system.dat and user.dat files you made over the new files
at least once a month you should make back up copies of
system.dat and user.dat
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
MEMORY * top
Add a new performance tab in
system properties (max)
If you have 64 megs of mem or more and the network server
setting is to slow then add a new max option
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3 in the left pane double click on Software
4 in the left pane double click on Microsoft
5 in the left pane double click on Windows
6 in the left pane double click on CurrentVersion
7 in the left pane double click on FS Templates
8 right click the FS Templates key and add a new key and name
   it max then click once
9 in the right pane double click on default and under value
   data type max click ok
10 in the left  pane click on the max key and then in the right
     pane right click new binary value and name it NameCache
     click once and double click on it and give it a binary value of
     00 18 00 00 click ok
11 in the right pane right click new binary value and name it
     PathCache click once and double click on it and give it
     a binary value of 80 00 00 00 click ok exit registry editor
12 go to system properties performance file system and you
     now have a new option called max with the new values
Add a new performance tab in
system properties (custom)

If you experience that the desktop computer setting is to slow
and the network server setting drains to much memory
then add a new custom option
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3 in the left pane double click on Software
4 in the left pane double click on Microsoft
5 in the left pane double click on Windows
6 in the left pane double click on CurrentVersion
7 in the left pane double click on FS Templates
8 right click the FS Templates key and add a new key and name
   it custom then click once
9 in the right pane double click on default and under value
   data type  custom click ok
10 in the left  pane click on the custom key and then in the right
     pane right click new binary value and name it NameCache
     click once and double click on it and give it a binary value of
     00 08 00 00 click ok
11 in the right pane right click new binary value and name it
     PathCache click once and double click on it and give it
     a binary value of 30 00 00 00 click ok exit registry editor
12 go to system properties performance file system and you
     now have a new option called custom with the new values
Manually optimize your memory
1 in system properties click on performance
2 click on virtual memory
3 click on let me specify my own virtual memory settings
4 choose a non windows hard disk drive
5 put in a value two and a half times your extended memory for both
   max and min  (sample memory setting available in ics chm hlp)
6 click OK don't restart window yet
7 open your system.ini file with sysedit or notepad
8 under [vcache] put in MinFileCache=a value of 1 8th of your total
   system memory in kb
9 under [vcache] put in MaxFileCache=a value of 1 4th of your total
   system memory in kb
10 save system.ini and restart windows
if you have 32 or more megs of extended memory
1 go to device manager, click on performance, click on file system,
  change typical role of this system to network server  
2 in system.ini under [386Enh] put in PageBuffers=32
Defrag virtual memory
windows defrag does not defrag the part of your drive with virtual memory
to defrag the whole drive do the following
1 defrag all drives but the one with virtual memory
2 move the virtual memory to a different drive
3 restart windows
4 defrag the drive that had the virtual memory on it
5 restart windows
6 move the virtual memory back on that drive
7 restart window
Activate dma
if you have a dma or udma hard drive, bus mastering
and osr2
1 go to device manager
2 double click on disk drives
3 select your disk drive
4 click on settings
5 check the dma mark
6 click ok and repeat for all hard disk drives
   and cdrom
7 don't restart windows yet
8 double click on system devices in device manager
9 double click on direct memory access controller
10 click settings check the reserve dma buffer and
    put in a value of 64 click ok
11 exit device manager and restart windows
ECP printer port
you might get a higher printing speed
if you
1 go to bios settings
2 find an option called on board parallel port
3 change the setting to ecp
4 find an option called ecp mode
5 change the setting to dma 3
if this does not work go back to the old values
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
IE5 * top
Put your own text in IE5's title bar
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3 in the left pane double click on Software
4 in the left pane double click on Microsoft
5 in the left pane double click on Internet Explorer
6 in the left pane double click on Main
7 in the right pain right click an empty space right click new
   click string value name it Window Title
8 double click on it and in the value data name it whatever you like 
9 click ok exit registry editor
Put your own text in OE5's title bar
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3 in the left pane double click on Software
4 in the left pane double click on Microsoft
5 in the left pane double click on Outlook Express
6 in the right pane right click on an empty space click new
   click string value name it WindowTitle
7 double click on it and in the value data name it whatever
   you like 
8 click ok exit registry editor
you might also have to
1 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
2 in the left pane double click on Identities
3 in the left pane double click on an identity number
4 in the left pane double click on Software
5 in the left pane double click on Microsoft
6 in the left pane double click on Outlook Express
7 in the left pane double click on 5.0
8 in the right pane right click new then string value and name
   it WindowTitle
9 double click on it and in the value data name it whatever
   you like 
10 click ok exit registry editor
Put your own text in media player's title bar
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3 in the left pane double click on Software
4 in the left pane double click on Policies
5 in the left pane double click on Microsoft
6 in the left pane double click on WindowsMediaPlayer
7 in the right pain right click an empty space right click new
   click string value name it TitleBar click once
8 double click on it and in the value data name it whatever you like 
9 click ok exit registry editor
Add a new html editor to IE5's
edit toolbar button
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
3 in the left pane double click on htm
4 in the left pane double click on OpenWithList
5 right click the OpenWithList key and add a new key and name it
   after the application you want to make the html editor (wordpad)
   (name it exactly as the application is named and do not put
   the .exe extension in the name
6 right click on the new key (wordpad) and add a new key under
   it and name it shell
7 right click on the new key (shell) and add a new key under it
   and name it edit
8 right click on the new key (edit) and add a new key under it
   and name it command click on it once
9 in the right pane double click on default and give it a
   value data of
   C:\Program Files\Accessories\WORDPAD.EXE %1
10 exit registry editor
the next time you run ie5 you will have a new html editor
under the edit toolbar button
Restore ie5 window size
1 make sure ie5 is not running
2 open registry editor
3 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
4 in the left pane double click on Software
5 in the left pane double click on Microsoft
6 in the left pane double click on Internet Explorer
7 in the left pane double click on Main
8 in the right pane look for a value named
   Window_Placement right click on it and delete it
the next time you run ie5 the window size will be the default size
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
Fifo buffers
if you have a high speed modem
1 go to device manager
2 double click on modem
3 double click on your modem
4 click on modem under speed put in 115200
5 click on connection 
6 click on port settings
7 check the use fifo buffers
8 put both levels to the maximum position
9 click ok
Speed up modem transfer rate
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3 in the left pane double click on System
4 in the left pane double click on CurrentControlSet
5 in the left pane double click on Services
6 in the left pane double click on Class
7 in the left pane double click on NetTrans
8 now you should see numbers like 0001 and 0002
   click on the one you are using for your modem, if you are not sure
   add the next values to all of them that have a TCP/IP on the
   DriverDesc in the right pane
9 in the left pain click on 0001
10 in the right pane double click on MaxMSS and give it a value
     of 536
11 in the right pane double click on MaxMTU and give it a value
     of 576
if the MaxMSS and MaxMTU keys are not in the right pane
then after you click on ( 0001) in the left pane go to the right
pane and right click new string value name it MaxMSS
click once double click on it and give it a value of 536 do the
same for MaxMTU with a value of 576
most internet service providers use these values but if you are not sure call them and ask
Speed up your high speed external modem
newer external high speed modems are capable of
external data transfers of up to 230400bps windows
95 is limited to 115200
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3 in the left pane double click on System
4 In the left pane double click on CurrentControlSet
5 in the left pane double click on Services
6 in the left pane double click on Class
7 in the left pane double click on Modem
8 in the left pane double click on 0000 or the number where your
   modem is
9 in the right pane right click on properties and then right click
   modify, in the fourth line change C2 to 84 and 01 to 03
   do not modify anything else click ok and exit registry editor
now go to device manager, modem, your modem at the top click
the modem button and on the bottom under maximum speed you
have a new option value of 230400
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
WORD 97 * top
Scroll through document while dragging the scrollbar
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3 in the left pain double click Software
4 in the left pane double click Microsoft
5 in the left pane double click Office
6 in the left pane double click 8
7 in the left pane double click Word
8 in the left pane double click Options
9 in the right pane double click LiveScrolling,
   and change the value to 1
10 click ok exit registry editor
if the LiveScrolling key is not in the right pane
then after you click on options in the left pane go to the right
pane and right click new string value name it LiveScrolling
click once double click on it and give it a value of 1
Adding autoscroll to word 97
1 on the tools menu click customize
2 click the command tab
3 in the list box titled categories on the left hand side scroll down to
   all commands and select it
4 in the list box titled commands on the right hand side scroll down
   to autoscroll and click on it
5 holding the left mouse button down over the autoscroll command
   drag it some were on your  toolbar and release it
   (you can always move it later}
6 right click on the autoscroll button and choose  text only.
7 close the tools customize box
Add a quickspeller to your desktop
1 open notepad
2 download this speller.vbs file from here
3 save the file as speller.vbs
4 put speller.vbs in  your microsoft office\office folder
5 drag a shortcut of the speller.vbs file on your desktop. taskbar or
   program manager.
6 choose an appropriate icon for the short cut
copy this speller.vbs file into notepad
where ever it says ivan you can change to your own name.
you must have word 97 and updated vbs files.
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
ide hard disks
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3 in the left pane double click on Enum
4 in the left pane double click ESDI
5 under esdi there should be keys with names like
   generic_ide_disk_type47 (these are your hard drives) double
   click on the key and then double click on the key under it and
   in the right pain look for a key named DeviceDesk and double
   click on it and change the value data to that of your
   hard drive's name
caution do not change any other values
floppy disks
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3 in the left pane double click on Enum
4 in the left pane double click FLOP
5 under flop there should be keys with names like
   generic_nec_floppy_disk (these are your floppy drives) double
   click on the key and then double click on the key under it and
   in the right pain look for a key named DeviceDesk and double
   click on it and change the value data to that of your
   floppy disk's name
caution do not change any other values
1 in the left pane double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
2 in the left pane double click on Enum
3 in the left pane double click on SCSI
4 in the left pane double click on UTI, ATAPI or similar
5 in the left pane double click on the key under it
6 in the right pane double click on DeviceDesk and
   change the value data to the name of your cdrom
caution do not change any other values
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3 in the left pane double click on Enum
4 in the left pane double click MONITOR
5 under monitor there should be keys with names like
   0000 and 0001 there might be a key named default monitor
   (find the number with your monitor) double click on the key and
   in the right pain look for a key named DeviceDesk and double
   click on it and change the value data to that of your
   monitor's name
caution do not change any other values
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3 in the left pane double click on Enum
4 in the left pane double click ROOT
5 in the left pane double click on MODEM
6 under modem there should be keys with names like
   0000 and 0001 (find the number with your monitor) double
   click on the key and in the right pain look for a key named
   DeviceDesk and double click on it and change the value data
   to that of your modem's name
caution do not change any other values
notice for plug & play
the devices under root might be named like pnp0f0c
instead of mouse or modem you just have to look under the keys
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3 in the left pane double click on ENUM
4 in the left pane double click ROOT
5 in the left pane double click on MOUSE
6 in the left pane double click on 0000 or whatever number your
   mouse is assigned to
7 in the right pane double click on DevicerDesk and change
   the value data to the name of your mouse
caution do not change any other values
notice for plug & play
the devices under root might be named like pnp0f0c
instead of mouse or modem you just have to look under the keys
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3 in the left pane double click on Enum
1 media (soundcard joystick) under ISAPNP
2 printers under LPTENUM
3 system devices under bios
4 ide controllers under MF
5 controllers under PCI
6 look for all others under the enum key
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
* top
Exit to dos  with cd, mouse and soundcard
if windows loads your cdrom, mouse and soundcard ok but when you exit to dos you loose some or all of these devices then make a dosstart.bat bach file
1 open notepad
2 put in the devices you wish exit to dos to load like in the
   example dosstart.bat file (available in ics chm hlp)
3 name your new file dosstart.bat
4 put the dosstart.bat file in your windows folder
5 right click on your dosstart.bat file click properties click
   program  click advanced and click suggest ms-dos mode as
see example dosstart.bat (available in ics chm hlp)
this can also be done if windows is loading your windows and dos drivers but you wish for windows to load only your windows drivers and exit to dos to load your dos drivers
another advantage of having this file is if you start your pc from the command prompt you can type in dosstart.bat and this will activate your cdrom mouse and soundcard
(dossstart.bat must also be in the root directory for this advantage)
some dos drivers must be loaded into your autoexec.bat and config.sys.
Customize dosshell
You can customize the colour scheme in dosshell
You can also customize the file association
take a look at the
sample dosshell colours (available in ics chm hlp)
to view the dosshell.ini file click on the sample and
copy it into notepad
sample dosshell.ini (available in ics chm hlp)
you can move your dosshell.ini file to a safe folder
and copy the sample dosshell.ini file and run it
experiment with it and make your own
check out the associations
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
Shut Down ATX Powered PC
From a True DOS Prompt

If you have an ATX powered PC and you are in native (true dos prompt)
and you try to shut down the PC using the power button the PC might
go into stand-by mode instead of shutting down forcing you to start windows
and then shut down the PC. To get around this type at the DOS prompt
win /z (without the underline) then (when prompted) press any key.
Change the Cascading Menu Icons
Here is what you do to change the cascading menu icons.
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
3 in the left pane double click on CLSID
4 in the left pane double click on a string (see the strings below)
the strings are
control panel  {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
printers          {2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D}
dial up net      {992CFFA0-F557-101A-88EC-00DD010CCC48}
ie5 active x    {88C6C381-2E85-11D0-94DE-444553540000
5 in the left pane double click on DefaultIcon (right under the above key)
6 in the right pane double click on Default
7 change the value data from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\shell32.dll,-137
   (or similar)    to where the icon you want is example D:\ICONS\STARTREK.ICO
8 click  OK
also do a second search for (the string key)
you should find it under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\
under the above key double click on (the string key) under the above key click on DefaultIcon
in the right pane the value should already be changed to your new location
if not change it manually
exit registry editor and relog for the new icon to take effect.
Add dos prompt here to any drive
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
3 in the left pane double click on Drive
4 in the left pane double click on Shell
5 add a new key under shell and name it DosHere
6 in the right pane double click on default and change the value
   data to DOS &Prompt Drive Here
7 go back to the DosHere key in the left pane and add a new
   key and name it command
8 click on the command key and go to the right pane,  double click
   on default and change the value data to /k cd "%1"
9 click ok exit register editor
Put your own text in IE5's title bar update
In IE5.5 you may have to enter the value in
instead of in  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
Add right click back up any folder to Floppy Disk
1 open registry editor
2 in the left pane double click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
3 in the left pane double click on Directory
4 in the left pane double click on Shell
5 add a new key under shell and name it Back up Folder
6 in the left pane under the Back up Folder key add a new key and name it
7 click on the command key and go to the right pane,  double click
   on default and change the value data to
8 click ok exit register editor
NOTE you may substitute the A for a drive letter of your choice
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