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"Highlighting the WONDERS of the world to you"

Hi... glad to see you here.

I am very excited surfing the net to be able to contribute and be part of you guys out there.

People might have different views and looks but they may face the same problem. While its sad to know an array of problems many faced, its interesting to share their stories too.

Once I visited a blind man,age:50+ who was living alone in an apartment. He told me that he was not born blind. It only happened three years ago. He was formerly a manager of a company. He talked very well in terms of knowledge and experience.He told me that he used to enjoy life to the maximum. Being smart, well-built, influential and travelled a lot he used to have a lot of girlfriends to enjoy with. But this really hurt his wife who can only cry but failed to change him. Realising that his wife was an obstacle, he decided to divorce his wife even though they already have two sons. Thereafter then he was very happy to do what he loved to do. He also liked to do physical exercises. One fine morning, he went out jogging and there he saw a drain and jumped over it. He felled and knocked his head which landed him in a hospital. Subsequently he became blind from one eye and then both. He went for treatment both locally and abroad but to no avail. Today he is living alone in a dusty environment and not a single girlfriend cared to visit him. He regretted what he did to his wife and today... he prays a lot to seek solace.

Well this is one of the real-life stories worth sharing. Err... am I taking too much of your time?

By the way...

Take time to:       Its...
Think               the source of power
Play                the secret of perpetual youth
Read                the fountain of wisdom
Pray                the greatest power on earth
Love and beloved    a God given privilege
be friendly         the road to happiness
Laugh               the music of the soul
Give                too short a life to be selfish
Work                the price of success
do charity          the key to paradise

Just knowing some wonderful and natural stuffs is not enough, its wise to know how it can benefit us... yea.

Thank you.

God Bless!

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