Welcome to the Home
of the

Brotherhood of Purity, A legit players guild

There are those among us who do not walk
in the shadows of temptation.
There are those among us who resist the
tainted fog of deception.
There are those among us who are pure of
spirit and heart.

Our brotherhood of diablo players has joined together for the enjoyment of a cheat free game environment. We play only with people that have proven themselves to be cheat free. We do this by playing with potential recruits in our normal difficulty game.

Playing with people and questioning them about play style will generally expose them quickly if they cheat. We maintain untainted characters by only playing our main characters in our private game network. These games are always the same name and password. They are created as needed by our members if they can not join current games. This method generally insures one of our private games is usually open. That way no times are required to play and no one feels left out. Should the game be corrupted by a cheater, I email the group with updated game names and passwords.

Cheating in ourbook is defined to be duping, accepting items from unproven characters, using any form of trainer. No more TK! Yeah!! What is not cheating, but not looked upon favorably is player killing in the dungeon. The members of this guild will only do this in self defense, or in a friendly duel, or by accident.

The members of this guild look forward to having fun playing a great game as it was 'intended to be played. (That is the idea, right?).

If you have any questions about us, please send email to: Grantham

This is a sister page of the Brotherhood of Purity. Please visit them at:
The Brotherhood

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