








click here for halacha software             click here for more halacha games

Price $19

Over and Over
The fast-paced game of brachos-matching fun! Players must match coins depicting different foods, back-to-back with foods of the same bracha, creating towers, while racing against fellow players. Or, arrange your coins in order of the brachos said on them. Learning this way kids will never forget.  Ages 6 and up. Buy It

Price $15

Shemiras Halashon Cards
Guarantee the future of your kids. The simplest, most enjoyable method of learning the laws of Lashon ha-Ra is here! Every one of the 60 cards contains a cartoon, story, and lesson that "speaks" to children.
Available in Hebrew and English.  Enthusiastically recommended by Jewish educators. Buy It

Price $30

Lost in Time
Are you ready for an interplanetary time-traveling treasure hunt?! Everyone loses things now and then, but what do we do when we FIND something? Now, you and your family can learn the halachos of hashavas aveidah, returning lost objects, while having loads of fun! For ages 8 to adult. Buy It

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