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Welcome to our new website!!!  

Vision  Statement:

     "Global Leadership in education, certification, and practice of management

accounting and financial management."


Mission Statement:

    Provide to members personal and professional development opportunities

through education, association with business professionals, and certification in

management accounting and financial management skills.


    Ensure that IMA is universally recognized by the financial community as a

respected institution influencing the concepts and ethical practices of management

accounting and financial skills.



President's Message:

I feel privileged to be once again the President of the El Paso Chapter of the Institute of Management 

Accountants for the 2001-2002 fiscal year.  I believe our Chapter's diversity is one of its

strengths.  We have a wonderful blend of senior members, several of whom boast more 

than 25 years of service in the IMA, professionals, educators, and students.  All areas of 

the accounting field are represented:  public, private, not-for-profit, and education.


Overall, the goal of the Board of Directors of the El Paso Chapter is to meet the professional needs 

of our members during the upcoming year.  Over the summer, our Professional Meeting Coordinator, Janet 

Omundson, sent out surveys to our members.  In response to the surveys that were returned, we have tried 

to provide topics and speakers that are not only of interest to our members, but qualify for continuing professional education

 as well.  In addition, we will be offering a couple of breakfast meetings during the year.  I hope you 

will plan to join us for some or all of these events.


In addition to providing useful and timely presentations, we would also like to increase our membership over the 

next year.  The IMA is a wonderful organization, and membership can be very beneficial.  I hope each of you will 

invite at least one guest during the year.  Our diversity is our strength - let's increase that diversity!


Finally, we see community service as important, and would like to return something to the El Paso community.

Our student members are very involved in FEMAP, a Juarez based program that helps under-privileged minorities

get a fresh start in business.  We are tossing around ideas for other community projects.  If you have any ideas, we

 would love to hear them.


The plans we have for the upcoming year require a lot of work.  Fortunately, we are blessed with a core of energetic, 

hard-working individuals who believe in the benefits he IMA can provide - the Board of Directors.  Without their 

support and help, our Chapter would not be as strong as it is.  I thank my lucky stars for each and every one of them.


In spite of all we are already doing, I feel we gave barely begun tapping the talents possessed by 

our members.  I hope you will bring  your skills to the table and become an active participant in

the El Paso Chapter.  Together, we really can make the whole greater than the sum of the parts.


Kathy Otero

President, El Paso Chapter # 205








   Please e-mail your questions or comments to David Dominguez

    or Kathy Otero