The truth is that there is no reason why you should trust us with your 5 pounds except that you trust that we will deliver what we promised. It is rather unfortunate that we all have to be wary of ourselves because of what others have done in the past. However we believe that things could go back to being "business-as-usual" when trust is restored. We are extending this hand of friendship and trust to you by investing our resources in something everyone says the "419" syndrome shall kill. We want to risk to bring all these good services we offer to you. In actual fact we have had to create a system of vendors(which you could be part of) to still try and bring your initial risk to as little as 1.20 pound. So, trust us a little bit and you wouldn't be disappointed.
We are trying hard. As you know payment methods and rules differ from country to country. We hope that during the course of time when we have enough vendors payment method will improve tremendously. You could help us too by being a vendor. We will welcome any suggestions from any corner of the globe.
Some of them will also be visited in our investment summaries
as the market for their products is still far from saturated.
As you can see the title of one has already appeared in Naijainvest
A subscription will guarantee you an insight into whichever business
is summarised.
We simply offer services that are professionally done and thus
more accurate than you normally get by asking your uncle, friend or cousin
who underestimate the importance of a thorough analysis of a market.
After understanding the basic reasons why most Nigerians abroad fail
in ventures they embark on in Nigeria, we decided to offer our own experiences
in terms of consulting for people who need it. It is a private firm based
in Nigeria but with good and knowledgeable people who have also gone through
the same and thrived afterwards.
We presently offer services as listed on our
We are cheap in prices because we are able to minimise our costs by
combining the cheapness of web technology with the low cost of labour in
Nigeria. This low cost is then passed further to our customers.
We report market(in the Business sense) situation on commodities or
services requested by you (e.g. You can request that we give a market situation
of cosmetics or specifically “Hair relaxer” in Lagos or Nigeria).
We equally release summaries of various reports on viable businesses
in Nigeria.
Market situation includes primarily reporting on: Potential customers,
Market size and trends, competition and estimated sales volume. We equally
report specific things requested by you.
Please note that we emphasize on the small business sector of the Nigerian
If you don't have any business in mind yet then watch out for
our bulletins that will come out almost weekly from the first of October
It is best to subscribe early.
Send your request to
The Marketing ManangerOur Services