They all gave what they had and no one was in need

This idea was given to Kenneth Fetzer, he believes, by the Lord while doing his homeless ministry work a few years ago.  We believe that now is the time to implement it.

How about you??  Read the following and see if you or your church might be interested. This can be done even in an apartment complex or at work or ...?? You get the idea! We have found that in every church there are families sitting next to each other on the pews that have needs that can be met simply by informing people in the church. There are some that need a couch, for example, sitting next to someone that has a couch that they need to give away and no one knows. Starting a ministry in our/your church and using this information at the bottom of this form, those needs can be filled. I feel that like the loaves and fishes, the Lord will not only fill the needs of people in your church but there will be extra to share with others outside the church. Conceivably to a Christian ministry like People From Bondage. Please fill out the area below that fits your needs. Thank you and God Bless.

     Items Needed


Phone ______  ________________
Items needed _______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________.

Can you pick up? Yes___ No___ 

                                 Items to give

Name: ____________________________________Address:____________________________________________________________________________

Phone: ________________

Items to give away:_____________________________________



Can you deliver? Yes___ No___

There are also those that really don't need anything or have anything to give but they may know someone that does. Below is a place where that person can list that information. Also, if you want to do something for the Lord and only have a little time to help and maybe have a truck, perhaps you can also fill out the space below to pick up or deliver for the ones above.


Type of items/service ____________________________________________


Thank you for using this form and I hope and you pray that it has helped in some way. Like in the biblical days,

 "They all gave what they had and no one was in  need". 

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