The following is a list of a some of our needs.

They are as follows:

* Yours and others continued prayers.

* Food, we supply some but can't afford much. There is a big demand.

* Computers, scanners, fax machine, modem, etc. These items will be used to teach the residents in our program how to operate computers so they can advance themselves in the market place.

* Transportation vehicle for transporting residents to and from appointments, looking for employment, etc. To see our "mode of transportation" click here.

* Someone to help with ideas for a fund raiser and to help implement them.

* Professionals such as Doctors, Lawyers, Dentist, Tutors, etc. to donate their services as a community service to the needy. And there are many!!

* Cash donations to help operate the cost of the ministry.

* Location for a thrift store in Oceanside or Vista.

* More houses to shelter for women & children.

* Houses for single women.

* More houses for single men.

* Employers to contact us to hire the homeless and other needy families.

* For the Lord to continue to draw more people here that need our help and people that to need to help.

* Anything else that the Lord puts upon your heart and the hearts of others.

Misc. Items such as:

*Blankets, sheets, towels, socks, kitchen utensils, bathroom supplies, color T.V. VCR (for viewing educational tapes and for entertainment), everyday household supplies. Want to help ? Main page