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:: Site Updates
02.16.2002 // member list has been updated. 10.30.2001 // enhanced the main index page
10.24.2001 // photos from the head of the charlse party updated in gallery!!
10.21.2001 // photos from 2nd meeting updated in gallery!!
10.19.2001 // photos from BBQ at Newport updated in gallery!!

Click for Boston, Massachusetts Forecast
.the spring is here!!.
Picture of the week
:: 04.26.2002 The Election!!
interested in becoming a board member of bukbc? wish granted. the election for next year's board member is being planned to be held on Friday 04.26.2002. exact date, time TBD. if you are interested in becoming a board member, please write to us>>
:: 03.15.2002 Guest Speaker
This Friday, 03.15.2002, we will be holding a SPECIAL MEETING at 6PM in RM211 of SMG. There will be a guest speaker. Everybody should come!!
:: 02.24.2002 New York Trip
bukbc is going to New York during spring break '02. if interested, contact kwoopil
:: 02.15.2002 February Regular Meeting
Don't forget that we are having our regualr meeting today, 02.15.2001, 5PM at SMG RM208!! Please show up!!
:: 01.28.2002 Spring 2002!!
There hasn't been much update to the mistake. I will try to put up some new stuff and some pix. Hope everyone's having a great start of Spring 2002 semester!!
last updated :: 04.15.2002 ::
AD :: summer STUDIO SUBLET :: on Bay State Road from mid-May to August 31, 2001 more info>>
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