We have many concerns that we could bring to the notice of the world-wide church membership. However, our immediate concern now is the need for our own church building. We are currently looking for a plot on which we can put up a santuary for the Lord. We have many problems in this endeavour, Naiorbi being a fast growing city. It is very hard to find a free plot in the city centre, the preference of most of our members. There are times we have come across opportunities of getting a plot or other property for sale in the preferred areas but the costs have been far beyond our reach. We would appeal to the world-wide church body to assist us in this endeavour. We encounter a lot of problems in our worship services at the city halls. Many a times we have come in the Sabbath mornings to find the whole place littered with filthy items and drunkards. It is also hard for us to have a whole day service because the hall is usually booked for other activities. Please assist in our efforts to put up a sanctuary for the Lord. Home | Intro | Pastor | Elders | Services | Congregation | Concerns