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My Story~

Hi! My name is Teddi Kella. I live in Niles, Michigan and I am in the Make It Happen Region of the company. I have been selling candles and accessories through in-home shows since June 30, 1997. I have to say I do love it.

I have my Bachelors Degree in Communications but I NEVER wanted to work the 9-5 rat race. So, I became a Real Estate agent. Ha! Not great money there either...just lots of hours and lots stress!!

I did NOT want to go to my first show in 1997 mainly because I did not burn candles...But, my boyfriend encouraged me to go-he is a candle freak. I was completely amazed by the Iced Crystal Trio and how the candles liquified when was so beautiful...and I never saw a candle do that before. I liked the fact that I would not have to "dig out" the candle wax. That was my biggest reason for not burning candles.

So, I asked the consultant is she could give me a votive to take it home to burn to "see if it really burned completely down to the metal tip" and it did!!! And, the Iced Crystal Trio was the hostess special so after seeing the candle burn so great I decided to have a book show--because I really wanted that piece.

At that point I was "kind of thinking about becoming a consultant just long enough to get the kit for no cost to me". I loved the idea of getting started for NO INVESTMENT! Since I am a Realtor I know lots of people and I could have shows for people when I sell them a house.

Consequently, I turned my show into my starter show and I have been a consultant ever since. (Well past just earning my kit). By the way, the piece I wanted comes in the starter kit so I was even more excited! Then just three weeks after I started I ended up buying another consultant's registration form to attend National Conference because she could not go. This was a great investment. So, I ended up going to National Conference being brand new and LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!! I was sold on this awesome company and what it stands for. And, I will never miss another National Conference.

For now I still sell Real Estate (part-time). It does help me because of the networking I am able to do to help generate shows--I certainly do not still do it for the money and I could surely do without the stress... I would not trade this job of being a consultant or the people for anything in the world!!

In April of 2002 I had my son, Taylor, and I quit Real Estate and have retuned to school to earn my second degree. I will have my Master's Degree in Speial Education in May of 2006. I have continued to sell candles part-time since I began in 1997. As of July 2005 I have since picked up my pace and have started selling candles more. I have to do my student teaching and I do not get paid during it so selling candles will be my only income! I am glad it is so fun and so easy to do more or less shows when ever I need to.


I Turned My Last $20 into $200,000!

article from--
First for Women, August 31, 1998.

Terrified, totally terrified. That's what I was when suddenly, at age 27, my marriage was over, and I was left alone to raise my two young sons, Kayle, 3 and Garrett, 10 mos. Plus, I had no child support - my ex-husband, a compulsive gambler, was out of work - and my job left me short $900 a month.

In desperation, I sold my engagement ring and wedding band, but then that money ran out. When I finally couldn't come up with the monthly car payment, I drove it back to the bank and handed over the key. What was I going to do? I had no choice: I had to come up with a way to earn some extra money or else I'd have to move out of our home.

Maybe I could find a second job. I poured over the want ads, yet every part- time job listed would hardly even cover the cost of a babysitter. I was at my wits end, until, out of the blue, a friend invited me to a"candle" party she was hosting. "Don't worry", she said, knowing my financial plight, "you don't have to buy anything. Just come and have a good time. And bring the kids."

The moment I walked through her front door, I could feel myself beginning to relax. It had been so long since I'd had any fun and the candles smelled so heavenly, so wonderful. "What's that scent?" I asked the woman who'd come to show the products. "Spiced plum," she replied.

As I sat back, taking in the lovely aroma, I noticed everyone buying something - candles, candleholders, accessories. while I hadn't planned to buy anything- how could I afford it? I couldn't help myself: I bought a tiny candleholder and candles with my last $20. I was excited about my purchase, but more than that, I realized my friend must be making a lot of money selling these beautiful products. I found myself counting the number of women in the room: 15. If each of them spent even as little as I had, that would be $300.

I returned home that night and lay in my tub while my candle burned and, to my surprise and delight, felt a sense of peace for the first time in months. Maybe everything will be all right after all, I thought. Then like a bolt from the blue, it hit me: Sell! Sell candles! I could start slowly - throw my own party to see if I liked selling and if I was any good at it. I called the woman who did my friend's party and asked her what to do.

"Call everyone you know," she replied. "Relatives, friends, co-workers,anyone who might appreciate the candles." My first party was a huge success - fifteen women showed up and I sold $600 worth of candles and gift items, which earned me free gifts and an extra $300 in products. And I loved it! This was the part time job I was searching for. The first month I had 10 parties and made $1,000.

Even when I didn't make money on a party, I still made contact with lots of women who wanted to host parties for me. I could make a commission on what they sold, too! As more and more people started calling me to buy products, I began to think about selling full-time. I'd worked for the same insurance company for 11 years and felt unappreciated, but I was scared. Could I afford to give up a secure full-time job with benefits when I had two children to support?

Why not? I'd be home for the boys during the day, and if I succeeded, there'd be no limit to the money I could make. On January 2, 1996, I started selling candles full-time. Within four months I went from earning $1,800 a month to $4,500. Last year I earned $120,000 and expect to earn $200,000 this year.

This business has given me financial security and much, much more: I've never felt so good about myself. I have a newly found confidence and I know I can survive anything as long as I take control of a situation, instead of letting it take control of me.

~Shonda Salter~ as told to Rita Guarna.


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As of August 31, 1998
Last update: July 28, 2005.

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