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Welcome to My Notre Dame Site!

If you're a Notre Dame Fan you're in the right place!

(Be sure to scroll down and check out the great ND Links before you leave)

Here is something Irish Fans
may be interested in...

If you have ever wanted home delivered (vs. online) N.D. merchandise catalogs
and either did not know where to get them
or you did not want to take the time to find them
to get on their mailing lists then this opportunity is for you!

I can help you ... I will do it for you ... three different ones!!

Great to get for yourself and they make a great "surprise mailing" for a friend too!

Get THREE DIFFERENT Notre Dame Catalogs
filled with all the latest N.D. Merchandise, Collectables, Clothing & Memorabilia.
****You will also get additional catalogs throughout the year
including Holiday and Gift collections.


This is the information I need from you
along with your $3 payment.
The following information is about the person who is receiving the catalogs:

Name ________________________________
Address _______________________________
City _________________________ State _____ Zip ____________
phone number (_____)______________________
email address ____________________________

You have a choice of two ways to pay~

You can pay by Mail or by PayPal.

1. If you want to pay by mail...
Email me and I will email you my mailing address
to send your payment & your mailing information above.


2. You can pay by PayPal using the link below
Remember to use my email to send payment
(PayPal is a secured site using a credit card or your checking account).
After you make the PayPal payment be sure to send me
your mailing information (name, mailing address, phone,& email) and
I will send you an order confirmation online.

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

Once I receive your order & payment I will process your order.
I will have you added to each of the catalog's mailing list!!
It's that easy...Hope to hear from you soon.

**(In the continential U.S. you should begin to receive your catalogs within 7-10 days after your order is processed).**
It may take longer for other delivery locations.

~~You are not paying for the catalogs~~
you are paying for my time to get you and/or your friend added to each catalog's mailing list etc.

If you already get some ND merchandise catalogs
and want to know which catalogs I offer
before you send for these please email me your request.
If you are not interested but, you know of someone else who is a N.D. fan
click below to forward this information to them.

If you have any questions or have a link that you would like to be added here
please click here and give me the information.

About Me...

My name is Teddi and I am a Big Notre Dame Fan!!

I live in the Michiana area about 10 minutes from Notre Dame...
My very first ND game was the Cotton Bowl.
Then my first ND Home game was a "Field Press Pass"
for the BC game in 93'--terrible game for the Irish
but, it was very exciting for me--I could not have asked for better seats!!!!!

(Be sure to scroll down and check out the great ND Links below before you leave)

~ Notre Dame Links ~

Local & National Media Covering Notre Dame Athletics

Tickets / Books / Merchandise & Memorabilia

Notre Dame Information / Links / Auctions

Message Boards & Message Group for ND Fans

Email Yahoo Group for Irish Fans

Click here to join GoIrish
Click to join GoIrish

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly. Sporting Event tickets at TicketsNow Real savings on all you do! Premium Tickets to Sporting Events! - Unique Sports Gifts Up to 50% OFF Bestsellers! A Better Selection at a Better Price! Over 8,000 team items at Alumni.Net - Bringing School Friends Together

Find Sports Items on eBay Subscribe to Sports Weekly

Click here to find out about "THE SHIRT" and other cool stuff.
I do NOT get paid a commission for anything you order...
I just wanted to give fans the link
I would appreciate it if you would send
for the three different catalogs I am offering above--Thanks!

Find a map, get directions & mileage to & from any address.

Click here for Great ND LINKS

See Click Here to Visit (EPage) for the World's largest classified network
check out the Notre Dame Sports Items and place your ad for FREE!!

Here are my classifieds and auctions:

My items on eBay

If you are not a member of ebay it is free and easy to get started.
If you want to become a seller click below and start your research today.
If you are looking to buy...go ahead and bid on just may win!

Local-Michiana Classifieds-first portion of the listings below
Nationwide-USA Classifieds-second portion of the listings below

Thanks for visiting my Notre Dame site
Email me with your questions anytime

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Created & launched on April 17, 1999

Last update: January 23, 2007

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