

Our Solution

Start with natural, protected, spring water from an underground source. Such quality water is consistent from year to year, and is naturally purified and protected.

Keep the source clean and protected at the site

Eliminate bulk transport by bottling at the source

Monitor the quality by tasting throughout the process, from source to final bottling.

Protect the water as it travels to the bottles, using oxygen, (in the form of ozone) as nature's best disinfectant. Ozone dissipates into the atmosphere as pure oxygen within seconds.

Sterilize the bottles and cap at the moment of bottling

Deliver the spring water to your home or office, ready for consumption from the crock or the cooler.

The current water situation here in Australia is similar to many other parts of the world. Specifically, the Municipal Water System is experiencing huge increases in demand, beyond what it is able to cope with, given its extensive and older underground network of pipes.

Start with pure fresh clean water, and keep it that way...
the way nature meant it to be.

Call 1800 012345 NOW for your FREE trial
of Crystal Clear spring water.*

(* subject to bottle deposit.)