Bilal Chouman

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Home : 961-1-854714
Mobile: 961-3-775183


BACHELOR degree in COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE SYSTEMS. Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada 1996.


Project Leader. January 2000 - Present
Data Management, Beirut, Lebanon

    A project leader responsible for leading, managing, and developing web applications. Following are some of the duties:

    • Currently, working as a sub-contrator in Dubai for NavLink ( under the supervision of Data Management. I am leading, designing and developing an online portal banking solution for one of Dubai's leading banks using J2EE technologies under iPlanet 6.0.
    • Led and developed an SMS (Short Messaging Service) server and a monitor that offer mobile subscribers to send short messages through the internet. The SMS server was modified to serve corporates and banks to notify their clients. The SMS server talks directly to SMSCs through SMPP protocols and through other providers to send text, ringtones, pictures and logo messages.
    • Developed a web enabled tool that simplifies and automates the generation of daily news articles for a portal web site. The news manager works under Netscape Application Server (iPlanet) and written using servlets, Java Server Pages, EJB and XML for news configuration.
    • Developed a portal site using the news manager developed above and Netscape’s Portal Application Framework (PAF). The portal framework and the news manager work together to automatically update the content of the portal site. The content of the site is updated using the Document Object Model (DOM) in parsing XML news channels. (See
    • Worked on the development of an intranet system for a bank using Active Server Pages (ASP) under Microsoft’s IIS. The intranet system holds web applications such as employee managements for human resources.

Software Designer. July 1997 through December 1999
MetaQuest Software Montreal, Quebec.

    A member of three people responsible for developing Triage, TriageDb, Triage Pro, and Triage SDK with Visual C++ for Windows NT, 98, and 95. Following are some of the duties:

    • XML, XSL, and HTML parsing & generation of Triage profiles.
    • Reverse engineer Windows NT,98 & 95 Hardware configuration for the purpose of information extraction for Triage (using the registry trees).
    • Extract information for ODBC settings, and ODBC databases.
    • Manipulation of MFC control trees for comparing two result trees.
    • Class and Object modeling for Triage ODBC support.

Compiler Consultant/Software Developer. August 1995 through June 1997
Visual Edge Software, St Laurent, Quebec.

    Responsible for the enhancement and the maintenance of the C/C++ interpreter of UIM/X. The following two items briefly outline some of the responsibilities.

    • Porting UIM/X to different platforms.
        The porting task consists of a reverse engineering scheme to find out object layouts, virtual function table layouts, name mangling schemes, and calling conventions. The target platforms were:

        • HP10.10
        • AIX 4.1.3, AIX 4.2
        • Solaris 2.5
        • SunOS 4
        • DIGITAL UNIX 4
        • IRIX 6.2

    • Internationalize UIM/X.

        The front-end part of the interpreter was modified to recognize multi-byte characters. In particular, UIM/X was modified to run in a Japanese environment.

    • Laying out the schemes, the designs, and the drawings of object layouts, class inheritance, and virtual function tables of the HP ANSI C++ compiler.

Computational Tools Developer. September 1993 through August 1995
Biotechnology Research Institute
National Research Council of Canada, Montreal, Quebec.
Working as a part time training student with the following responsibilities:

    • Using nonlinear optimization techniques, work included writing C++ tools to minimize the energy of organic molecules. Researched for the best technique for the unconstrained energy minimization.
    • Developed and wrote C++ classes used for the construction and the rotation of significant organic molecules.
    • Modified and updated existing programs written for tracing graphically laser spectrums; enhanced input validations and user interface. Reconstructed a Fortran program used for laser interface written for a PDP-11 machine into a C++ program written for PC.
    • Wrote programs to compute electrostatic interactions of organic molecules. Developed C libraries used for the manipulation of large molecules.


Object Knowledge: J2EE, OMT, UML, Design Patterns, OOD, and OOP, LDAP.

Languages: Java, Java Servlet, JSP, EJB, PerlScript, JavaScript, ASP, ASP.NET, SOAP, XML, XSL, WML, HTML, Visual C++, MFC, C, Java, Visual Basic, Pascal, Assembly, Modula-2, Cobol, Fortran, Ingres, Postgres.

RDBMS: Oracle, SQL Server, Postgres, Ingres, MS Access.

Operating Systems: Win 2k Server/NT, Win98/95, HP-UX, Solaris, SunOs, AIX, IRIX, DEC, Linux.

Software: iPlanet, Triage, Rational Rose, InstallShields, Visual Source Safe, UIM/X, Bound Checker, Quantify, Purify, PureCoverage, SYBYL, CLIPS.


Projects: Currently I am involved in developing a software tool that allows GSM mobile holders to remotely access and control server applications and home based applications using Over the Air (OTA) and Smart Messaging technologies.

Languages: English, French.

Interests: Reading, cycling, swimming.

References, samples, or CD-ROM of related work available upon request.