E-MAIL US: opspecial@yahoo.com
6/27/00 Hey guys, have we lost interest in this site, or what?? This is my home page and its getting very boreing. Whats going on?
OS RESPONSE Yeah, you are right. Fishing season, vacations, one guy is selling his house. The page will be slow until mid-August. It will be just as shity as the stuff the company and union put out for the nest few weeks
6/26/00 As far as I`m concerned you can take both candiates and stick um. I dont see where either is any better then the other. We`re fucked with either one, a known LOSER, or a greese monkey diesel dummy, who knows nothing about the transpotation game. I dont like either one of them, and I`m not voteing for either one of them. 998 is no better then MCTS. They both suck, Fuck em all, just keep giving my money every Tues, thats all I`m concerned about anymore.
6/3/00 I submitted this letter once before. Somehow EVEN THE OPERATOR SPECIAL , swept it under the rug. Is someone willing to tell us "HOW MUCH DO OUR UNION VICE PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, AND FINANCIAL SECRETARY MAKE??????
How overpaid, underpaid are they, or are they in line with the rank and file?
OS RESPONSE Its really no secret. You can call the office and they will give you the exact figures, but off the top of our heads the president gets $48,000 and the others get a grand or two less.
5/30/00 Although Keith Nelson might be a sensible solution to knock "King" Perkins out of his fancy office, I believe that your knocks on Nick Rudelich may be unwarrented. You are worried that Nick being a student may interfere with his time to be be spent as President of this local. If that is the case, how has he found time to do all that he does, and legislative director, and no one has complained about his commitment to the union untill now.
Nick is a more than qualified to run this union. But Nick understands something that most other candidates forgot. This union is not only made up of operators. There are other departments that must be represented in all areas. Although, I understand that this is a site for operators, don't forget about those folks that work on the buses that you drive everyday. There are people in the garages and shops, that work 24/7.
Not even operators do that. "King" Perkins understands where his bread is buttered. Keith Nelson, being a driver, obviously understands that the drivers are his backbone. But what about maintance? Will we have another "King" on our hands? Nick has fought for the union overall. Not just the department he works in. I beleive he will represent the union as a whole, with out prejudices and favoritisms, to the best of his abilitiy. But we do agree on one thing...PERKINS HAS TO GO! Thank you
OS RESPONSE If Nick remains a part time college boy, he will also be a part time President; make no bones about it. You saw what happened to the Union when Colburn and then Goldstein lost interest in the job; the entire Local suffered as a result of their self interests. The same shit will happen if Rudelich gets in.
No one complained about the job Nick did as legislative director because nobody gives a damn about the job. It's all money down the toilet as far as most people are concerned. We don't see how three years of kissing politicans asses qualifies him for squat.
Furthermore we disagree that Nick will fight for the drivers. We've just reviewed his campaign literature and there is no mention of drivers working conditions in it. We actually think Nick will be the next Perkins, if somehow he should be elected.
5/23/00 Hey Guy`s First of all let me say, there is no doupt in my mind that Kieth is the best qualified to take the position of president of our local, and he got my vote, but from what I`ve been hearing from alot of drivers`s at KK station is that alot of people are concerned about Kieths health. Would you care to comment on that? or would Kieth care to address this for the people that are concerned. It never really crossed my mind, but I know it has alot of the drivers wondering. Thanks for your time, RC.
OS RESPONSE Keith is back to full strengh and we are amazed by his energy level. Hell, he drank us under the table a few nights ago and was out campaiging early the next morning while others were green under the gill. Health will not be an issue with Keith.
5/23/00 I'm not in agreement with Nick being qualified for the job in any way, and I didn't know about his Spanish gig, but how in the hell is he going to be President with that kind of time commitment off the job? I have also heard that Nick is looking to run for some high profile office like State Rep, and is looking to get name recognition. Using 998 as a stepping stone in a career move.
OS RESPONSE Compared to King Perkins, everybody is qualified.
5/23/00 I thought that a restraining order, kept you from including names in the submitted letters. WHAT GIVES GUYS? The former 998 recording secretary, just because he had a falling out with the union president, HE gets to have names included? He distinctly used the name "KING PERKINS." You must really think that some of us are stupid. You think that we don't know who he is referring to? It should have read Local 998 Union President.
If names are deleted in other letters. "MR. FORMER RECORDING SECRETARY" can also have the names in his letters DELETED!
I am NOT endorsing Mr Perkins (lets see if you delete the nmae here). The point is, if others have the names deleted, so does "KING MATZEN" (sic).
Oh by the way, I believe in the first amendment, but couldn't we keep the obscene comments (swear words) to minimum in the submitted letters? Unless swearing makes you seem more MACHO?
OS RESPONSE Fuck our resraining order, fuck King Perkins. And as to the swearing, MCTS tells us, that as professional drivers, we should get used to it. So I guess you can say we're just following company orders
First let me say that your website contains a lot of great ideas and insight. I often hoped that our officers would learn to listen because our members often have the best solutions to our problems. Hopefully with the ousting of King Perkins the members of Local 998 will again get back to having a union of proactive, protective, responsive and progressive representation.
Just to clarify the circumstances of my leave of absence and my resignation, the decision to do so and the manner in which it was done was my own choice. The King had fenced me out of any meaningful evolvement in the process of representing our members or continuing to provide grievance research and even editing "the 998 Express" along with the fact that my health had deteriorated (I am feeling much better).
The funny thing is that since my leaving none of the grievance research is being continued, the 998 Express has become a pitiful representation of its former self and our union hierarchy has grown more distant from its members. The platform of the King is centered on self aggrandizement and ego massaging instead of building a strong organization, credible to its members that would be effective in defending our rights, bargaining good contracts, educating its members, building for the future and serving its membership.
I took the leave to save the membership the expense (thousands of dollars) to hold a special election. What happened after my resignation was up to the Executive Board. I believed in representing people, protecting rights, improving working conditions and bargaining good contracts. I did not believe in organizing properties just for the sake of organizing properties, especially when there is a lot to do with the properties and people we already represent. Let the International organize the non urban transit properties.
Of course that doesn't put a feather in the President's cap, or the Labor Councils'. It doesn't add to the President's resume. I have talked with many members and their need to have a union they can feel a part of, that represents their rights and plans for the future while being ethically and fiscally responsible and that listens to them. At the very least the union must afford their membership a chance to be heard.
Ever seen the King's office. He threatened to hold up actions by the Board unless he got that office furniture and remodeling. That's right. He held up your representatives from doing business so he could get his fancy office.
And after caucusing at contract negotiations to make sure that everyone would not tell the Company our bottom line on wage increases he told the Company what our bottom line was, to the percentage point.
As of this writing there will be several candidates for President and some of the other offices. Please choose your candidate carefully. Know who the candidates are and what they stand for. Make sure they have the experience and the track record to be your representative. If you don't know find out. And when you know, get others to vote for who will bring credibility and responsibility back to Local 998.
In Solidarity, Former Local 998 Recording Secretary, Dean Matzen.
5/7/00 I disagree with the OPERATOR SPECIAL.
For reasons that should be obvious, we should use only forms issued and approved by M.C.T.S and Local 998, regardless what the form is used for. You don't want operators making up their forms, and trying to get the company or union to sign them.
Example: would you accept a ticket or warning form from a police officer, issued on a form not approved or issued "OFFICIALLY" by that police department?
Or have someone give you coupons for a store, that were not officially issued or approved by that store or the product manufacturer or vendor?
Honestly, I think FU-69, means F=FUCK, U= YOU , 69 = pertains to the 69 position used for sex. In other words FU-69, is a form to fuck the union and company.
OS RESPONSE Actually FU-69 stands for Fordham University class of 1969, the alma mater of the man who drew it up. The double meaning of FU-69 has been a running joke with Fordham graduates for years. Lighten up!
The form is being used to tweak management on the travel time pay issue. It's not for everybody. But the guys with the balls enough to use it are having a gas. Management can't punish users of Form # FU-69 without admitting they perjured themselves to the State of Wisconsin Administrative Judge who handled our travel time pay complaint. The beauty of it is that Form #FU-69 is making MCTS live with the lies they told the Judge.
If MCTS is pissed at Form FU-69, they can start paying travel time pay for attending disciplinary meetings, as the State has ordered them to do. We would then discontinue use of the form.
Specifically, what lies did MCTS tell the judge?
1) Attendance at disciplinary meetings is NOT required.
2) Drivers who attend disciplinary meetings, do so voluntarily.
3) Drivers who are relieved on the road are on their own time and not required to return to the station.
We think your anger should be directed at the above lies, not the people who are trying to expose them. Yeah, the union has let them get away with it so far, but on June 29, 2000 we will have a new President and this will make a big difference.
Dear OS,
Regarding your reporting on the 998 monthly meeting on 3/4/00, I agree that the women's caucus is a bright spot and of course the by-law changes that allow the full-time officers to carry a week of vacation into the next year and allow union officers' pay increases to be calculated on a percentage basis rather than cents per hour are wrong and should have been voted down by the members.
On the issue of endorsing a " crack head" in the 22nd County Supervisory District, the endorsement was made not on "the promise of economic gain", but rather but rather on the basis of a strong record of transit and labor support. Why does it abandon "Judeo-Christian principles" to forgive someone their transgression when that person admits wrong doing and sincerely attempts to reform? You claim that "time and time again, we are embarrassed by their judgment and association with low life scum." Really,like who? If you examined our endorsements in all the spring election races you would see that while we endorsed the pro-transit, pro-labor, "crackhead" and lost in the 22nd district, we also endorsed and won with two union members,(AFSCME and Steamfitter's) in the 2nd and 13th districts.
Our record of five years of ridership increases and four years without a fare increase speaks well for our political program. We do not use dues money for political contributions, you should know that. And speaking of being "embarrassed by association with low life scum", you shuold feel that way for promoting Mark Belling to working people.
fraternally (Name withheld)
4/18/00 Yes (name withheld) is really retiring. He is being replaced by (name withheld) . (Name withheld) is going to Fond Du Lac. Quote from M.C.T.S, "(name withheld) deserves the position". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Stop me, I can't stop laughing!!!!!! From operator to route supervisor, to station supervisor to TOP man of KK!!!!!!! Boy did he suck up. I can feel the breeze from how fast he moved up!
4/18/00 Although I disagree wit 99% of your writings, I just want to comment on the article "Shakeup at KK". Yes M.C.T.S, WILL as you say "FUCK" any management person with lesser authority than theirs. In 21 years I have seen that there IS a lot of back biting and back stabbing, in order for "THEM" to hopefully move up, but in turn get stepped on for all of their efforts.
M.C.T.S has really gone to the crapper. The only interest of management, lately has been to get their buddies into the management positions. This is happening at other companies too, and is tearing them apart. "BUDDY FAVORITISM" is coming before job qualifications.
Even though MR. Ron Flintrop was not one of my buddies, When Ron Flintrop was head of Transportation, he hinted to me " YOU WILL NEVER GO ANYPLACE", meaning I will remain a driver. Management people are now HAND PICKED, just like some of "MIDDLE" management was, and this willl ruin this company someday.
There is NO mutual respect for ANYONE at M.C.T.S if you are below the person talking to you. When Henry Mayer, Galen Larson, and Max Lucas were in charge of this company, it was a TRANSIT operation, now it is nothing but a method of making money for the county.
When you get right down to it, I don't think M.C.T.S cares about the public or its employees, just themselves. As it goes with Joe McGinty, he no longer fit into "THE CLUB".
4/18/00 Man... you guys have got to elect stong leaders from within, but as long as you talk such a radical line, you won't be able to get a majority behind you. ATU International sold us all out in 78 when Portland went part-time. But we all stood together to fight the good fight. Get those politicians in your corner. Start supporting local politicians so they understand the number of votes you can carry.....They will be kissing your ass soon enough. You guys work the system and you can get what ever you want. You've got the numbers to back it....you just need to organize it.
OS RESPONSE Our position is, no money or support for politicians until they do something for us first.
4/18/00 As a former ATU member and committee chair, I've got to tell you that it is because of people like you that so many transit districts are going contract to priviate carriers. Laidlaw must love you guys. You just don't get it! Hope your solid bothers and sisters can collect their pensions before you fuck it up! You've got one of the bastard jobs of the 21 century and YOU NEED COMMUNITY SUPPORT. You won't get it with "street attitude".... you guys need leaders who will protect your rights while ensuring your jobs. You're one sad bunch of brothers.
OS RESPONSE It would be nice to be the ones doing the fucking, for a change! We really have no power or influence; we just provide a means for drivers to vent.
And Management Thinks We Are Over Paid
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 11:24:19 EDT To: opspecial@geocities.com
Last week while operating on Rt.11at about 13th. and Vliet St. I hear what sounds like a truck back firing, I slow down and low and behold some of my passengers start screaming for me to get the hell going. I looked to the back of the bus to find every body either ducking down or on the floor. While I did not think it was any thing more than a simple case of an engine back firing it truly shows how dangerous our jobs have become. Not only do we have to put up with working 11 to 12 hr. spilt shifts, disgruntled passengers, traffic, a management team who go out of their way to make our working conditions intolerable, now we really have to be on the constant look out for our own personal safety. Management monitors this site so I say to them if you truly believe we're overpaid ...THINK again.
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 21:07:16 EDT To: opspecial@yahoo.com
I want to thank the person's that gave me the correct location for this Newsletter. My wife and I love to read the news on what both the Union and MCTS are doing.
Motel MCTS
4/6/00 Move over Holiday Inn, move over Ramada Inn, and stand out of the way Hilton. MCTS has joined the hotel/motel business. That's right MCTS is in the motel business. Now when a passenger falls a sleep on your bus; you should not wake him up or have Security come and get him off. Why? Because if you have them taken off the bus, they can charge you with Decimation. This has already happen to a driver. And you will get called in and reprimand by doing this. A remedy for this is to take the following steps. 1st anything that goes on behind the yellow line is not you concern. 2nd, if there is a sleeper on your bus, leave him alone. If it's your last trip, take them back to station park out in front of your station, go in call the dispatcher, and tell him the problem and let them worry about it. Late at night after 12.00 this means usually the Police will have to be called and will take 2 hrs to show up. It also means you get 2 hrs of overtime.
4/2/00 The ABS on the NEW FLYER 4300 series buses means "ANTI-LOCK BRAKING SYSTEM". If used properly, they will work, just like on your automobile. You DON'T pump the brakes. It WILL increase your stopping distance. If you HOLD the brakes down, your stopping distance wWILL BE SHORTER than WITHOUT the ABS.
Remember, a lot of people don't know how to use the ABS on their cars either "DUH!" Maybe M.C.T.S. should go back to basic buses? Yeah, right. Like to1300 series Old Look GM buses that I started with..........NO AIR CONDITIONING, NO POWER STEERING, VERY POOR Heating in the winter? YES! worse than the 3400's! The anti skid on the FLXIBLE buses was "CRAP!" , but ABS has come A L-O-N-G way since the FLXIBLE bus. OH, by the way the GM RTS NEVER had any brakes other than Standard air brakes. Has MCTS bought some bad stuff, sure they have, but if other cities can drive ABS, SO CAN WE! Check out the tires on the 43oo buses, they have EXACTLY the same tires that the 3500, 3600, 3700, and 3800 series buses have. They will be a great improvement over the "low profile, sliding , poor traction , tires" of the 4000 and 4100 and 4200 series New flyer buses. Give the bus a chance! New Flyer IS NOT NEW to the bus Industry! One of our problem is , and I see it personally, Drivers DO NOT SLOW down during adverse conditions. Just so you know, I hate the 4000 and 4100 series buses in the winter too. IT IS THE TIRES , NOT THE BUS. And yes! IT IS A VERY POWERFUL bus, that is why 1st gear was taken out of them. Drivers were knocking people down, when starting up.(Drivers fault), can't handle powerful buses. New Flyer builds these buses as Electric Trolley Buses. If drivers of these , can keep their poles on the wires , in adverse conditions, we can surly drive the diesel ones, with NO wires to worry about!
Go to www.NewFlyer.com for info on the new Flyer Buses. E-mail them for facts and answers to your questions and complaints.
OS RESPONSE The RTS buses had ABS and it was so bad even the idiots at MCTS knew they had to be disconnected. They would activate when the bus would hit even a tiny patch of ice, they sounded like a jack hammer, scared the hell out of the passengers, depleated most of the air pressure and took twice the normal stopping distance.
Also, we have reported several times that the skidding problems on the NewFlyers have been corrected by the replacement of the "low profile" tires
4/1/00 Hey Guys, MCTS's actions against your KK reporter have very Clintonesque overtones. If the reporter was a female, they would have shoved a cigar up her vagina and smoked it later over cocktails. Good luck, you'll need it fighting this scummy bunch.
3/23/00 A warning . McGinty's letter is laying the ground work for further action.
Another thing, an employee is no longer "off the clock" and free to do what he/she may wish to do as long as he/she is on company property. Does that include returning to the station long after being relieved on route, but short of being able to actually leave to go home, or go to the library to read books at our leisure?
I'd file a grievance and a complaint with the Labor Standards Bureau, for not being paid for time spent in the employ of an employer. If an employee is still subject to being detain on company business -- regardless of the intent -- isn't that employee entitled to just compensation, especially if said employee is subject to discipline?
Did you file for pay over that incident? If so, was it denied?
On the plus side, that FU69 form is way cool. I hope you printed up a ton of them and can get more people to use them. That's a home run in my book. It really puts everything to rest. Is this meeting really necessary? Most likely NOT! Way to go!
OS RESPONSE Our reporter fully expects to be fired within the next few weeks; the only question is on what trumped up charges MCTS will use. The harassment has not stopped. In fact, he was recently threatened with discharge in an interoffice memo. We will be posting that memo in OS next month along with some spicy commentary.
3/12/00 Routes International <http://www.routesinternational.com> has created a new location on Yahoo Clubs for the interest of transit workers and dedicated enthusiasts alike.
This is a natural extension of the Routes International web site, where people who share the common interest of transit related subjects can share information, ask questions and post stories. There is also a section for posting photos of transit systems that may be of interest to others.
It is hoped that Routes International-Yahoo will become a truly international venue where people can come to make new friends and learn about other transit systems around the world. The discussions will be free and open but with respect to others in the group. Any transit related discussion is welcomed.
Yahoo also offers the ability of group chats which will be featured at sometime in the future.
If this is something that sounds interesting to you and you would like to participate in it, or just have a look, check us out at: <http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/routesinternational> or send me an E-Mail and I will be happy to send you an invitation to our new Routes International-Yahoo Club
Jim Johnson (DieselJimmie) Founder/Moderator
A Ha-ha for you (and it has a happy "bus" ending, too!):
3/8/00 An office manager had money problems and had to fire an employee, either Jack or Jill. He thought he'd fire the employee who came to work late.
The next morning, both employees came to work very early. So the manager though he would fire the first one who took a coffee break. Unfortunately, neither employee took a coffee break.
Then the manager decided to see who took the longest lunch break. Strangely, neither Jack nor Jill took a lunch break that day. They both ate at their desk.
Then the manager thought he'd wait to see who would leave work earliest, but both employees stayed after closing. Jill finally went to the coat rack and the manager went up to her and said, "Jill, I have a terrible problem. I don't know whether to lay you or Jack off."
Jill sighed as she put on her coat, "Well, you'd better jack off, because I'm late for my bus."
3/7/00 I have absolutely no problem with the theory of the collective bargaining process. I was president of an I.A.M. local when I was nineteen. But, in all my years of experience, the A.T.U. has not bothered to "win" things as basic as time to drive fifteen ton vehicles, full of human beings, at reasonable speeds, on the streets where children play, with enough time remaning to use a rest room before we depart again.
With twenty-three years of service, I have had time to observe the fact that this specific Union has not kept it's end of the agreement that was originally made, and, regardless of how mindless the "masses may be, I have no reason to finance the agenda of politicians with a bent toward an idiotic world dictatorship. I Prefer the Bill of Rights.
The union siphoning my funds for political purposes and every other imposition against truths self evident an inalienable personal rights, must stop.
3/4/00 My advice to you is to carry a concealed tape recorder on you, but take copious notes while sitting there (taking lots of notes will make them nervous, very nervous).
Record the starting and finishing times.
When they ask you a question, repeat the question slowly and write it down, word for word. This will piss them off to the tenth degree, but more importantly, it will make them more nervous. After a couple of these exchanges, they'll get excited and start to ask more questions, quickly and without allowing you to answer them -- so don't. Continue taking names and notes!
If they ask the same question over and over, say, "Humm, I see!" And write down how many times they asked it again.
Unless you're 100% confident in answering, say, "I believe my civil and possibly constitutional, rights are being violated. I decline to answer. I would like to have an attorney present."
If you feel you're being railroaded, don't talk except to ask for legal representation. If they say your union steward is present and that's all the rights you have, say you disagree and would like to have legal counsel available. Don't waiver on this point. Once you start talking, they will use anything and everything against you.
Most importantly! Don't lose your cool. Stay in control and calm. It will show through on the tape recording and show them as jerks!
Good luck
OS RESPONSE That part about the concealed tape recorder sounds illegal.
3/4/00Got some e-mail from Jeff Wagner today concerning the e-mail I sent him yesterday 2/12/00. I asked him if he really was a sniveling little whiner like they said on our web site, and refered him to our website. He must have checked it out because he got back to me about 2 hours later, His reply was"A whiner, not for me to say. Sniveling, hardly. A guy that would call the police and have them set up a speed trap, not in this lifetime. I guess sometimes " reliable sources " arent really so reliable. As to complaints and : smear campaigns " its a free country and I always figure that if your going to dish it out, you`ve got to be able to take it. Best Regards, Jeff " ??????????????????????? Whats with this guy???????????????????????? Did you get any mail from him? Just wondering.
OS RESPONSE No, we didn't hear from our ex-friend Jeff. And we stand by our story.
3/4/00 Now what Did our great union do for you???? Well let's see what are you options open to you.
1. File a Grievance. But it probley will get lost like most do.
2. Talk to the Union President Oh But you must be on the Most favored list. or nothing is done.
3. Talk to the Vice President He will say we will look in to it. Which means nothing will happen.
4. Talk to a Lawyer About Harassment changes. Oh but when there is money involved do they ever listen.
My opinion.
OS RESPONSE It is not the intention of our staff member to sue over this harassment complaint. Rather he is trying to stop a pattern of behavior which MCTS has used successfully in the past to intimidate and ultimately fire a supporter of this newsletter.
2/3/00 Did anyone happen to catch The Jeff Wagner show yesterday 2/2/00 at about 1:30 PM ?? He was having a real good time bashing "America's BEST" operators. It seems as though he's very concerned about the public's safety, with all the speeding and running through red lights by our drivers. I couldn't believe all the people that called in to bash us. It was unreal.
One caller especially bothered me by saying that ALL the drivers on the route 53 speed down Delaware just to get to the layover to sit and smoke for 10 to 15 minutes. RIGHT!! How in the hell can you speed on Delaware when there's a stop sign on just about every corner??, and a 10 to 15 min layover?? give me a break. Your lucky, if you get 5 min at that end, or either end as far as that goes. What a Jag.
Going through RED lights?? Someone needs to inform this jerk about our buses not having 1st gear in them any more, and exactly how long it takes to get through an intersection without it. As far as speeding and tailgating, come on hey. If you guys at OS think that Wagner is our friend your sadly mistaken. He's trying to stir up the public against us,( as though we need his help.) Watch it out there drivers the shit is about to hit the fan, this guy has a lot of listeners out there who want to hang us out to dry. Do the speed limit, the hell with making connections. If you start to pull away from a stop and the light turns amber, stop right now. Let the company be responsible for any injuries due to sudden stops. We are being watched, Be Cool, Be Safe .CYA. (cover your ass)
1/28/00 Hello, I am a shuttle bus operator in Tacoma, Wa whose ATU contract is up for negotiations with Laidlaw who just acquired the contract with Pierce Transit. We are having a hard time with this and I was wondering if you possibly had any info about Laidlaw and its negotiations with other unions.
I would appreciate any info or links regarding this.
Thank you!!! Melissa (DMAL6869@aol.com)
1/27/00 Hi, I have seen video in use on few bus systems (Muni, SDMTS) and I'm not totally opposed to its use. What I am concerned about is it being focused on the driver and capturing everything he does. It's not that I'm afraid it will catch someone doing something they shouldn't be doing, it's just the thought that every movement you make would be recorded.
Maybe some of you can expand on how video surveillance is used in the transit systems you know and what the Union's position on its use is.
Jim Johnson (jamesjj@home.com)
1/25/00 I just read your birthday article and think you guys take more credit than you deserve. On the other hand, I don't think the company would have given us anything for our part in the America's Best deal if you hadn't made so much fun of it. You got us a T-shirt, so I guess you're doing some good around here.
OS RESPONSE Hey, it's a polo shirt not just
a T-shirt!
Hello from The Great White North;
Just found your web site and have really enjoyed it. Very informative indeed!
And I intend to revisit alot. Some of the articles might even find themselves
printed and left around the garages. Can you tell me more about your probelms
with the NewFlyer Buses. We have these buses also here in Winnipeg and
although improved slightly they are not very nice to drive. We got an order
of about 100 NF lowfloor buses starting last fall and almost immediatly
they were taken off the road because of a very bad sudden pull to the right
(or was it left? - never drove one before they were pulled from service)
under braking. It took them most of the winter to fix them, but I still
don't think they are up to par. There is still lots of other problems like
the suden nose dive under braking and then the rapid rocking back when
you let off the brakes. The smaller NF lowfloors sound like yours and are
very scary in wet weather. They understeer pretty good and slide around
alot. I don't like driving them at all and I try and stay away from routes
that usualy get these buses assigned to them.
Take care and keep up the good work.
Confucius Say....
> Passionate kiss like spider's web, soon lead to undoing of fly.
> Virginity like bubble, one prick all gone.
> Man who run in front of car get tired.
> Man who run behind car get exhausted.
> Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day.
> Foolish man give wife grand piano, wise man give wife upright organ.
> Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways going to Bangkok
> Man with one chopstick go hungry.
> Man who scratches ass should not bite fingernails.
> Man who eat many prunes get good run for money.
> Baseball is wrong - man with four balls cannot walk.
> Panties not best thing on earth, but next to best thing on earth
> War doesn't determine who is right, war determines who is left.
> Wife who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cathouse.
> Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night.
> It take many nails to build crib but one screw to fill it.
> Man who drive like hell bound to get there.
> Man who stand on toilet is high on pot.
> Man who lives in glass house should change clothes in basement.
> Man who fishes in other man's well often catches crabs.
> Man who farts in church sits in own pew.
> Crowded elevator smells different to midget
1/7/00 I wish they would replace the leaning seat cushions. I have a hip injury because of the leaning seat cushion. A few weeks ago I asked for and was refused a bus change. Putting me back on the injured list, why can't they see how bad these seats are. Or do they really care ?????
12/23/99 Contract time is only a little over a year away, and you know MCTS management is busy preparing themselves for the battle with our union. They will tell us that budget constraints will not allow them to compensate us with little more than a token raise. They are already letting it be known that the health insurance premiums are costing them a ton of money. They are going to try and bring us in line with most other employers heath insurance benefits by seeking a co-pay on a portion of the premiums.
So what our bargaining team has to do is stand up for the membership and remind the politically correct spineless jelly fish, otherwise known as MCTS management, that we aregoing to play hardball this time around. MCTS management team should also be reminded that any budgetary problems that they may have could be because of its own policy on fare collections. Because of its callus disregard of the public trust, and its obvious inability to distinguish between a customer and a common thief, they should not expect the membership to help subsidize a system they mismanage.
Monetary issues notwithstanding other issues loom large. We have to also address develop language that is not so ambiguous that it allows management to talk out of both side of their mouth. Last but not least, a sick policy needs to be formed in writing that spells out what is acceptable and a time frame in which an employee will be able to clear his or her record. Will our current bargaining team be up for the task? Let's hope so because this is going to be a very difficult contract to negotiate.
OS RESPONSE Well said. Who amongst us feels we have fully participated in the prosperity of the 1990's? When management forgoes farebox revenue, simply because they don't want the hassle of security calls, we should not be the ones to suffer financially.
Finally, contract preparation, for us, means a new union leader in June, 2000. We need the best man possible.
12/16/99 I know your site is for drivers only but some of us in rolling stock read it too. We want to tell you that when (name deleted) says he'll "fight to the death" to get your day off trades, he is full of (deleted). He might "fight to the death" for the last piece of pizza but that's about it. When management was jerking us over on the sick day discipline issue, where was he? Hiding like a Frenchman from a popgun! We all laughed when we saw what he wrote in the union paper. "Fight to the Death"-- my ass.
12/16/99 Three things I've witnessed in the past five days three things have happened to make me rethink my opinion of your web site: 1) Early Saturday morning I saw a S.B. # 80, with his flashers on, pull over mid-block just before Wisconsin Ave.. I slowed my bus, thinking maybe I could help when I notice a squad card approaching from the South. Thinking the situation was under control, I continued on. But as I looked in my mirror , I saw that the squad drove right past the bus with the emergency flashers. You guys are right! The flashers are useless for this purpose of calling the police -- we need a different system.
2) On Monday, for the first time all year, I was able to read the "Special" on the 220 bus passes! Thank you, you're effort to make this happen is very much appreciated by me at least.
3) On Wednesday, I drove a 4000 bus in the snow and rain, and for the first time ever it didn't slide all over the road like a greased pig. Thanks again, I know this was a cause of yours to get these buses fixed. Maybe you guys are all right after all. The results are starting to show.
Hey Guys,
12/16/99 I don't know if you checked out the article in Sunday's Journal Sentinel ( 12/12/99) Metro section, front page top. It talks about all the perks that companies throughout the U.S. are doing for their employees. It seems that at the very least 96% of the companies polled are at least putting out food for their employees on New Years 2000. Isn't it great to know that we work for a company, that could care less if we live or die. I`d like to take this opportunity to wish ALL of upper management at MCTS a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ........ NOT!!
OS RESPONSE Then what do you have to say about all the neat stuff they gave us for being voted "America's Best"? OOPS, that's right, we got nothing. But the passengers got a gift pack, and just seeing them happy is rewarding enough, right?
We did a little research and found out that the only thing the company does for us is Employee Appreciation Day; they contribute $3.25 per employee to the station social club and tell them to do the best they can with it. You now know exactly how much you are appreciated.
First Grade True story:
12/5/99 One day the first grade teacher was reading the story of The Three Little Pigs to her class.
She came to the part of the story where the first pig was trying to accumulate building materials for his home.
She read, "...And so the pig went up to the man with the wheelbarrow full of straw and said, 'Pardon me sir, but may I have some of that straw to build my house?'"
The teacher paused and asked the class, "And what do you think that man said?"
One little boy raised his hand and said, "I know," he said, "holy shit! A talking pig!' "
12/3/99 You were too kind to Jolly Bob in your response to his article in the 998 Depressed. He talks about the driver fired over the use of flashers. If he had done his work.( The work that we pay his lazy ass to do.) He would have obtained a copy of the law which shows that buses are exempt from the flasher- use ordinance and showed it to the driver before he got fired over the issue. It is my understanding that the driver requested this both from 998 and MCTS, but they never were able to produce it -- thus leading the driver the believe he was in the right. Therefore, I conclude that 998 and MCTS set up this driver and indirectly conspired to have him fired. I noticed that the OPERATOR SPECIAL web site had no trouble locating and posting the exemption to the law! Does not 998 have a law firm which could have done the same thing? I think THEYare the backyard lawyers we should watch out for. Please keep an eye on them, on behalf of all of us.
OS RESPONSE Hey, be nice! He probably had a very important seminar that he had to attend - first things first (and at 998, we know who comes first).
11/18/99 Regarding the workers comp. claim that resulted from the broken ribs during some "goofing around" at the union office: I'm surprised that the carrier approved this claim, stuff like this is not usually covered. Something is not right. You guys should check deeper into this story.
OS RESPONSE How about it, 998? What do you say about this letter?
11/11/99 This is to notify you that I may have inadvertantly sent you a virus called HAPPY99. If you have received this file please stop sending e-mails to anyone until you have removed the virus.
The virus checker that I was using, Dr. Solomon's Virus Checker, did not detect the virus. After I received notice from several people, that I had sent them a virus, I purchased Norton's Systemworks 2000 and it detected the virus on the first pass.
If you have the virus, you will have to call the Tech Support department of your internet provider for assistance in removing it.
I am sorry that this may inconvenience you, I trusted Dr. Solomon's program and it let me down.
11/10/99 Hey OS please post this open letter to our union heads:
Dear Local 998;
When management goes out and organizes new members for our union, you have
my permission to lecture me about calling streets. But until that time,
you work for us, not MTS. There is an easy way to get the members off your
back-- resign or, at the very least, DO YOUR JOB!
(name withheld)
11/9/99 You have got to be kidding! You mean the union, I pay in excess $44 per month, is worrying about a web site, a site that is asking for accountability, in the way it's union is representing its members, and that union, or a member of that unions rank and file is sending a virus to a dissenting view in the form of a computer virus, is disgusting at best, and possibly illegal at worst!!! I am sorry, but if you don't agree with what is written at OS, it does not give you the right to send a computer virus. While I don't profess to attend Union meetings or agree with all that is written in OS, I feel I have a right to expect my elected union official's to behave in a professional manner.
This is a sounding off site, a way for operators to vent their frustrations with both union and management So to my elected union officials please spend your time on our contract issues, less time on organizing the likes of Laidlaw. I am still waiting for an explanation why we have to share a union with the likes of Laidlaw, not that I think that they don't deserve to be represented, but I want to know why it has to be our Local, when they could have there own. We pay union dues for Local 998 to represent the members of MCTS, so why is organizing more important than impending contract issues? These are just some of the issues that we should be thinking of in the upcoming months.
So please all elected union members, we are not here for you to manipulate for your own personal gain, we elected you to represent us. Please act responsibly, we have a right for you to take our concerns seriously. We did not elect you to take the company's side when it calls for procedure (call streets), (Don't get out of your seat if some one spits on you), I'm sorry but, you should be concerned for union members concerns, not management's concerns.
.So in closing, I ask all 998 members who read OS special, are the union reps we have elected doing the job we elected them to do?
I don't know the answer for sure, but I will say it disturbs me that management monitors this web site (because it really annoys them that we are more than just robots), but our union thinks its important to do the same. I will say this, if the union does not take its membership seriously next election, they might be in for a rude awakening.
OS RESPONSE Thanks for the letter. The staff at OS often argues over some of the issues reported in our newsletter. Therefore, we don't expect free thinking drivers to agree with us 100% lockstep. We just hope you agree with our general philosophy and our mission.
As the union election nears, OS will recruit, interview and endorse candidates who will take a strong, pro-active role in running this union local. The April 2001 contract will be the most important in the history of our local, for many reasons. Given their record, our current officers are not up to the task.
Dear Persons who are upset with articles in the OS:
11/8/99 While I support your "right" to free speech (you do not have the same right of free speech while at work, especially for MTS when off the job, loyalty clause), I am puzzled by your response to the OS. Reading the OS is purely voluntary. No one at the OS is forcing you to sign-on and surf over to its web site in order to read it. It's not sent to you, you have to come to it. So if you are going through all this trouble to find it, why are you upset by what's in it?
The OS is not the cheer leading section of the company rag, "Connections" (how ironic, the way MTS schedules buses it's a miracle any buses are able to make connections at all) and readers should not be upset by what's in it. It is the steam vent for all bus drivers, and others at MTS, to safely vent off their frustrations at an insensitive and uncaring workplace. Far better to say it in the OS, than in the workplace. Far better to blast the company with words in the OS, than to bring an AK-47 to work with a full clip of bullets!
Like it or not, the stress at MTS is real and damaging to all the drivers and others who work there. But instead of working to lessen and eliminate all of the stress that's not inherent with driving in urban traffic and rush hour commuting, management instead heaps more and more stress upon those who are in need of stress relief.
During the time I've worked at MTS, I've never seen so many people who have died as a result of stress related problems. There should be a warning over the doors at MTS:
WARNING! Entering these premises may be hazardous to your long term health!
If you don't want to read things about MTS that will upset you, don't come to the OS web site!
But if you enjoy reading it, because it says what you know is the truth and needs to be said, then welcome!
Big OS Fan
OS RESPONSE For the record, between the entire OS staff, our arsenal consists of one measly BB gun (and only one guy even knows how to load it). By the way, if a passenger were to shot at a driver, what do you think managements first reaction would be? "What did you say to piss him off"! Or, "how can we keep this out of the newspaper"?
Dear Crybabies,
11/7/99 I still feel the same about the crybaby thing, but it is good to
know that you are using the OS and other newsletters to vent your anger
at the loss of job and the way the system seems to treat you and others.
I thank God that you guys haven't gone "postal" and run amuck
with automatic weapons in the transportation buildings etc.
OS RESPONSE Are you "quasi-management" people always this paranoid? We bet you just can't wait until your next promotion so you can completely forget your roots.
Greetings Mr. (name withheld) and company
You'll know who I am by my e-mail return address but I really don't care. I have been reading your opspecials and have been quite amused by the total immaturity of most parties involved in the writing of much or YOUR issues. I have remained silent because of my quazi-managment position but as a member of the rank-and-file, I only find you a minor annoyance. Why don't you just GROW UP!!! You are nothing more than a big cry baby, and I really dislike cry babies. You always feel you are the one being screwed. You are wrong, so give up and get a life.
Sincerely Name withheld
To the person who said he did not screw up the day off trades, I say you are a liar or too stupid to understand the reasoning behind overtime and what it was intended for.
Overtime is a penalty to the company for forcing you to work more hours than you are scheduled . The big bad Unions, that you bad mouth so much, are the one's that championed the 40 hour week and overtime for the working people of America.
The problem with your theory that the company and the Union are screwing you is flawed. You are the one asking for a day off trade to accomodate your schedule. You may have a doctors appointment or you have to go see your kid's teacher or you may have a plumber coming to the house to fix something. What ever the reason, you are asking the company for a favor. Why would you think the company should grant your request and pay a penalty besides. If I asked you to lend me your car, would you expect me to ask you for $20.00 for gas. Would you think it's fair?
The Union was trying to get more flexibility for it's members, so they could function with their families and get things done with out losing any money. The company and the Members were more than willing to waive the overtime for the convenience of the members, I repeat, the convenience of the MEMBERS. This system worked for everyone until you came along.
So, thank you so much for protecting my right to use my personal days when I would rather not, not being able to add a day or two to my vacation and not have the flexibility to function some what like a normal human being.
OS RESPONSE The above letter was sent to us by a full time officer of Local 998. We submit it as an example of the arrogance and ignorance coming from our union leadership. OPERATOR SPECIAL has talked with Ms. Joy Hargons from the Department of Workforce Development -- Wisconsin Department of Labor; she informs us that recent changes in State law no longer require an employer to pay overtime wages when day off trades are made for the convenience of an employee. In other words, we can legally return to our old system of day off trades, out of the pay period, and the company would not be penalized overtime rates. The only reason the company is not allowing these trades is vindictiveness. We've been trying to tell you union boys this for ten months now.
Maybe if you pulled your noses out of management's butt for a while, you could understand. We have been told that since the State changed it's ruling, the Milwaukee Police Department has gone back to the old system of trades! Why not us? It's because you condescending oafs at 998 either don't care, are in management's back pocket, or hopefully, are just misinformed. You sit in your ivory tower and don't realize that this is a hot issue with us drivers. From your letter, it sounds as if you are content to just let this matter rest as is, and point your wretched finger at some ex-employee. Remember, elections are coming and we expect movement on this issue even if we have to force it.
<< To the person who said he did not screw up the day
off trades, I say you are a liar or too stupid to understand the reasoning
behind overtime and what it was intended for. Overtime is a penalty to
the company for forcing you to work more hours than you are scheduled.
I'm neither a liar or stupid. But I am smart enough to recognize
when something is afoul of the law and I simply pointed that fact out.
If the company and union hadn't broken the wage & hour laws, none of
this would have ever happened.
When the union came up with this or was it the company's idea, what did the union's legal attorney say about whether or not this violated or had a conflict of interest with existing public law? Excuse me, what's that you say? The union never checked to see if this was legal or not? What is the union paying this attorney to do?
You are wrong about what overtime is for, the reasoning behind it and what it was intended to do. Overtime wage laws were enacted as a deterrent to the nearly endless hours that men, women and children were working each day, seven days a week. The Bayview Rolling Mill Massacre and Hay Market Riots were over a right to an 8 hour day. Not in the sense of getting a minimum of 8 hours work per day, but a maximum of 8 hours a day! Overtime pay was a deterrent to excessive hours and penalty against companies working employees in excess of 40 hours in a week.
If you read the law, you'd know that there is not a law that says a work week is 40 of scheduled work and any hours over those scheduled are considered as being overtime hours. An employer can schedule employees to work 40, 50, 70, 90, 100 or more hours a week; provided they are not engaged to drive any commercial motor vehicles engaged in inter-state or intra-state commerce. Under state law, an employer can work any employee, except those engaged in intra-state commerce, as many hours as they want, provided employees are allowed one day's rest in seven. Overtime laws have nothing to do with the number of hours scheduled, that plays no part in it at all. It's simply the requirement to pay time and one half for all hours worked over 40 in one week!
<< The big bad Unions, that you bad mouth so much,
are the one's that championed the 40 hour week and overtime for the working
people of America. >>
Partially correct. It was the good unions that fought for overtime
protection. I'm only bad mouthing the bad unions and especially the fat
cat union officials who are out of touch with rank & file members!
<< The problem with your theory that the
company and the Union are screwing you is flawed. You are the one asking
for a day off trade to accomodate [sic] your schedule. >>
Yeah right! This is all in my mind and it's a hypothetical situation.
Bob, you were not sitting in John's office the day he asked, no begged Mr. (name of MCTS executive withheld) to grant me an emergency "layoff" for the vacation day they were taking away from me! I'd be very interested in seeing just how many other drivers had vacation days taken away from them in the same situation? At the time, John couldn't recall anyone else having the same thing done, because he had to look in the contract to see if they could do it to me! So I'd be surprised to find any other examples.
<< You may have a doctors [sic] appointment
or you have to go see your kid's teacher or you may have a plumber coming
to the house to fix something. What ever the reason, you are asking the
company for a favor. Why would you think the company should grant your
request and pay a penalty besides. >>
I'm sorry, I forgot Bob. Sick days are for goin' fishin' or
for those days you are too sick to go to work but not sick enough to stay
in bed and well enough to do anything except go to work! I also forgot
that personal days are for saving until you have 110 accrued and you can
get a big fat retirement check.
I schedule those things -- doctor's appointment, visit with child's teacher, plumber, etc. -- on my scheduled days off. But that's the problem, isn't it? Our working schedules suck, and we've got a union to boot! You should pull your head out of the sand or wherever it is that you've got it stuck, and see what's going on in the real world. Good employers treat their employees better than dirt, which about the level that MTS treats or mistreats its employees.
Honestly, do you really think the jerks running MTS know what they are doing? I don't! My 14 year old son could do a better job than what they are doing.
<< If I asked you to lend me your car, would
you expect me to ask you for $20.00 for gas. Would you think it's fair?
Before all of this I would have, and the gas tank would have
been full. But if you still needed 20 bucks, I would have given that to
you too.
But not now! After I've heard you take phone calls at the union hall from (name of MCTS executive withheld) and yelling out things about me, not knowing that I was in the hall at the time, I wouldn't loan you squat. You have a problem Mr. (name withheld). You can't be buddy- buddy with (name of MCTS executive withheld) and the rest of those in management and still serve the best interests of the rank & file.
Who's side are you on brother?
It's not the union's!
<< The Union was trying to get more flexibility
for it's members, so they could function with their families and get things
done with out losing any money. The company and the Members were more than
willing to waive the overtime for the convenience of the members, I repeat,
the convenience of the MEMBERS. This system worked for everyone until you
came along. >>
I understand perfectly. Entering into an agreement to violate state and
federal wage & hour laws, was like applying a band aid to set a broken
arm! It doesn't fix the root issue. You attempt to justify your action,
after all, you negotiated this contract article, by saying it was to get
more flexibility for members, but I don't buy it. You guys allowed too
much so-called flexibility in favor of the company to begin with. You allowed
things to go too far in favor of the company, at the cost of working members.
To correct your mistake, you then go and break state and federal law? That's
no excuse and you should resign from office. You are a disgrace.
And don't try passing off the buck to the membership either! If you knew what the law said, you would know that the law even states that even when an employee agrees to waive overtime pay, it is illegal. Or are you one of the dumb people who buys the company line that the contract takes precedence over public law? Even if an employee agrees to waive their legal rights, the company, as well as the union, should know it's illegal to do even if the employee agrees. But the union and company both broke the law.
By the way, when the company broke the contract -- by stopping day off trades -- why didn't you and the union take them to court? After all, they are breaking the contract. Members should still be able to trade days off provided they get paid for any overtime worked, and it's entirely possible for the company to schedule less than 40 hours work in 6 days. They do it all the time. So why didn't the union go after this contract violation?
Again I'll repeat a basic rule. It's not good policy for unions to negotiate contractual articles that violate published law or that oppose those labor protections contained in law. In fact, it's illegal to do so! Of course you, and possibly the union, doesn't understand that a good union gets all that's in the law and more, without violating anything. If you knew what you were doing to start with this situation would have never happened. In case you don't realize it, you were the ones who were working to negate all those great union accomplishments -- such as overtime laws that the good union fought for and won -- when you allowed day off trades out of the week, provided employees gave up their overtime pay!
<< So, thank you so
much for protecting my right to use my personal days when I would rather
not, not being able to add a day or two to my vacation and not have the
flexibility to function some what like a normal human being. >>
You should get off you hypocritical soap box! As a union officer,
you don't work a daily split shift, you don't have to work a 12 to 14 hour
long work day (spread) for only 8 hours of pay! You get to take off as
much and whenever you want. Most of the time you get paid while you're
off -- attending all those legal seminars. Apparently you missed attending
the one about illegal banking of hours! You get paid for all your union
business travel, unlike your union brothers and sisters who aren't paid
for all their travel for MTS, on the streets of Milwaukee County!
If the members aren't able to function as normal human beings, both on and off the job, then who's fault is that? Who allowed this situation to begin and hasn't stopped it? Who was in charge of watching out for the best interests of the members and keeping the company from getting too much control over its workers all during this time?
By the way, have you broken anyone else's ribs lately? Why aren't you as concerned about the cost to the local, which in reality is really the members, of having to pay the lost wages of the victims you've injured? Why didn't you, not the union, pay for your actions? Why do the members end up paying -- just like they do because of poor or failed union negotiated contract articles -- for your mistakes?
You equate the number of years in union office, as being a measure of the quality of your elected term. Nothing could be further from the truth!
But keep on thinking and running the union the way you want to. I love watching true dinosaurs.
11/3/99 I didn't screw up your precious day off trades. It was screwed up to begin with. Since when is it a good union practice to negotiate contract articles that violate existing wage and hour laws? Don't blame me because the union was either too dumb to understand or didn't care the contract article they agreed to violated their own members' overtime pay protection.
Also don't blame me because once the company stopped allowing day off trades out of the week, the union didn't take management to the mat for arbitrarily breaking a contract provision. After all, isn't that what a union is there for, to watchdog the company, to look out for the interests of it membership and to insure the contract isn't violated?
By the way. If you want to trade days off out of the week, you still can. You always could. It's in the contract. The fact that MTS stopped allowing it is a contract violation. It wasn't negotiated out, the company just quit allowing you and anyone else to exercise their right to use it.
The sole issue I raised with the state was not about trading days off outside of a week, but it was about not getting paid overtime pay for any and all overtime worked.
Point is, the company was ripping off all of you people.
Of course the state changed it's regulations concerning this and now you can work overtime and not get paid for them. So why isn't the company allowing day off trades out of the week? It's not illegal to screw employees out of overtime pay anymore!
Why did we have to trade days off out of the week to begin with? Working conditions and hours at MTS just a little crappy? Too bad we don't have a union to negotiate better working conditions, wages and hours. That's right, we do have a union, only they are the ones who gave us what we've got!
I'm trying to get my rightful place of employment back. I will do all that is legal to win my job back. I have done nothing wrong.
OS RESPONSE Right on! We've come to expect that MCTS will thumb it's nose at State and Federal laws, as well as our contract as they see fit. But where was the union during all of this? In bed with management. Bill Clinton has his Monica Lewinsky, management has it's Local 998!
You have our full support. And, if the turds at 998 won't do anything about the day off trade issue, we will.
Subject: Greetings
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 08:32:02 -0700
From: James J Johnson <jamesjj@home.com>
To: opspecial@geocities.com
I was just curious if you know a good friend of mine who lives in Milwaukee, his name is Bob Faelak. Bob was a U.S. Post Office Mailman in Milwaukee and retired a couple of years ago. He is a steam, rail, trolley, streetcar fan and has been for many years. I met Bob through some friends of mine here in Vancouver, B.C., they met him when he would come to Vancouver to ride our trolleybuses and the Royal Hudson steam train.
I'm a 25 year veteran transit operator with the transit system here. Firsts starting with BC Hydro Transit, then Metropolitan Transit Operating Company (MTOC), then BC Transit-Vancouver Regional Transit System and now TransLink-Coast Mountain Bus Company. http://www.cmbuslink.com and http://www.translink.bc.ca
It's a small world and you never know who other people might know.
James Johnson
OS RESPONSE Can anybody help our Canadian brother make this connection?
Mr (name withheld),
Why are you a, a recently fired rookie, putting forth sooooooo much effort to trash a company and union, that you don't know much about.
You mean to tell me, that in your SHORT term of srevice, you have as much insight into the bus operator job and MCTS, as us drivers who have been SUCCESFULLY been around 20 and 30 years????????????????????????
You are trying to do nothing else, but get back at a company who fired you, and a union membership, WITHOUT anyone else telling us to do so voted you out by turning down your arbitration. Remember (name withheld), YOU! YES YOU! are the one who screwed up our day off trades! We won't forget.
Just like a little boy, you just want revenge, and stir people up.
We aren't that stupid, Mr. (name withheld)
If you find any mistakes in this e-mail, they were put ther intentionally, for those who want to find mistakes and fault in things and people.
OS RESPONSE To answer your first question; The company and the union trash themselves, we just report it. We pride ourselves in being a hard-hitting newsletter; if you want someone to blow sunshine up your ass, read THE HI-LITES or THE 998 EXPRESS.
As to your next point, we have members on our staff with 20 plus years of seniority who disagree with your definition of "successfully". If we had to kiss union and company butt, like you do, in order to keep our jobs, we would call that FAILURE. We're proud of our fight for respect. Tell us, how does it feel to be a company man?
We're sure MCTS appreciates your "no" vote on the arbitration; that battle being over, we gracefully accept defeat and move forward with our crusade. Should you ever find yourself in a similar situation as our fired brother (and don't think that it can't happen to you), the OPERATOR SPECIAL staff will be at the union meeting and will speak out on your behalf and cast our votes in favor of your case. Your petty little grudges will not alter our pro-driver position.
Finally as to the day off trades: read the contract- it provides that day off trades, out of the pay period are allowed. If you can't read, have someone read it to you. (If you take the time to learn the facts, you would avoid making a fool of yourself). Out of vindictiveness and with mean spirits, MCTS has illegally chosen to disregard this clause. If we had a real union, they would call the company on this, but alas, they are ball-less. If you want your precious day off trades back, point your finger in the right direction. You've killed the messenger, what has it gotten you?
10/10/99 Since suffering a near fatal heart attack several years
ago, I have taught myself to let things go, e.g., checking 220 passes for
the word "Special" on it. The potential confrontation is too
great to have to put up with it. I don't care if someone wants to show
me their Library Card, I let em ride. Why concern yourself when the "Company"
doesn't care! It used to really bother me, kids getting on the bus all
hours of the day with these 220 passes and I used to be a real stickler
for the rules. It's not like they will be on your bus your whole shift,
let em ride, they'll be off before you know it. I remember a couple of
years ago, I wouldn't let a student on my Route 51 with a 220 pass because
she wasn't at an "S" stop. The next day I was called into the
Station Supervisor's office where I was accused of swearing at this female
student (which was untrue) and slamming the door in her face. I was also
informed, that the students parent had wanted me fired because his daughter
had to walk home in the drizzle. I explained that I had told this young
lady that the pass was only good at the appropriate stops and she would
have to walk to the next stop and catch the next bus. No swearing no slamming
the door in her face, end of story. I was told that in the future, I was
to let the students ride after explaining the company policy to them. As
all of us know, we barely have enough time to keep on schedule, little
alone explain "Company Policy" to every little darling that wants
to board at the wrong stop. Now I let em all ride!
10/5/99 Last Monday, because of the heavy rain and traffic accidents all over, I was busting my butt to stay on schedule. I pulled all the usual tricks such as skipping layovers, speeding, right turns on red, you know the routine. I stayed on time and somehow got the bus to my relief man on time. My reward for all this? A 15 minute wait for my ride back to the station in the soaking rain-- no bus shelter!
When I got home the stress of the day suddenly overwhelmed me. I poured myself a double (oh great, now this job's got me drinking), took a very restless nap and awoke with a giant headache. After taking a handfull of aspirin, I looked up the OPERATOR SPECIAL web site. Your article on surrendering to the schedule took on real meaning. I tried it the next day--eight minutes down and I didn't care, I couldn't stomach a repeat of the day before. When you surrender the fight, it's like the weight of the world is off your back--shoot me for saying this but it was almost pleasent. Good advice guys, I'm out of that rat race forever. If they want me back on time, they can switch me or the schedule dept. can add more running time--their call.
10/5/99 Hey guy`s, let some fool spit on me while I`m on the job.That will be the last time he ever spits on anybody, or anything ever again for the rest of his life, and I pity the poor fool supervisor who tries to take me off the route. Go ahead charge me. Been there done that. I`ve about had it with this *&##~!$ job. I need peace of mind.
OS RESPONSE Name for us one other job where management orders it's employees to offer no physical resistance to being beaten-up and spit upon. And then name one other union that would give this type of crap their stamp of approval.
10/4/99 I read in the 998 express that the union is backing MCTS management on the issue of drivers keeping themselves in their seats while getting the crap beaten out of them. Apparently, the company feels that drivers out to be able to take a hurt for them while they (management) sit in their air-conditioned offices pretending to know what's going on in the streets. I believe that deeper frustration sets in when our union seemingly does nothing to counteract this type of thinking. I have news for both the company and the union: It's not going to happen! There is no way in hell drivers are going to take ass-kickings for them or their hidden agendas or insurance plans or their fear of lawsuits!!! Oh.., I'm sorry...was I not suppose to tread on these waters. Maybe I should use the psychology of MCTS and fill my mind with guilt and ask the "What can I do to make MCTS look better" question.
OS...what's up? Am I somewhere in the ball park with this? What's your thinking?
Love the web site.
OS RESPONSE We've been hearing lots of complaints lately that the union is doing management's bidding, the October issue of the 998 Express is a real kicker. When we finally throw these guys out of office, look for some of them to take jobs with management much like a former 998 VP who was offered and accepted a route supervisors job.
9/25/99 The Powers to be have changed the getting spit on policy. It seems now if you get spit on, out on your route, you are expected to clean it off and continue working. Yep, that's right, keep on working! I heard this from Route Supervisor (name withheld) with my own EARS. Also, if you get spit on you can't beat the shit out of the person doing it because that is considered excessive force and also is a felony (class-E) and you will be FIRED and prosecuted! GREAT ISN'T IT !!!!!!!!
OS RESPONSE This must be another one of those stealth rule changes that management seems to be so fond of. When you have the gonads of a neutered ferret, this is how you operate. And you are right about the felony charges, we have documented cases where the company has been instrumental in having drivers charged with felonies, for the simple act of self-defense. However, when one an MCTS supervisor assaults a driver, it's a different story - a written apology is deemed sufficient punishment.
9/24/99 I am a senior citizen who has been learning to use a computer by taking classes at the Milwaukee Area Technical College. In my current class, I am learning how to use the Internet, and I am sending you this e-mail from my classroom computer since I do not yet own one. My route 80 bus driver suggested that I look up your web site and he gave me the address. I will bookmark it and look it up every week when I come to class. You go through so much aggravation that I get angry at your bosses. I am looking forward to see how you resolve all these problems you have. Mostly I don't want the high school pupils on the buses causing us to be afraid, especially when they should be in school. Please try to keep them off unless they have business being there. Thank you to all drivers who are so nice.
9/11/99 So many buses were breaking down on Wednesday that they had to call in outside venders (tow truck) to get all the buses as the KK tow truck was backed up on road calls. Makes you feel good to work for America's number 1, doesn't it.
9/3/99 Do you know anything about a bus accident that happened about two weeks ago? An MCTS bus on the RT. 51 line, was stopped at a bus stop to pick up or drop off a passenger. The rear of the bus was partially sticking out into the lane of traffic (i.e., the traveled portion of the highway) on Oklahoma Ave. A car, approaching from the rear, then struck the left rear corner of the bus, causing the three people in the car to be seriously injured, two of them critically. No one was reportedly hurt on the bus. I'll bet that the company is keeping this accident hush, hush!
Isn't this exactly the type of situation a driver had been complaining to management about -- governing the use of "hazard flashers" on all commercial motor vehicles? Wasn't he fired over this? This is what he warned the company about, that we could be the cause of an accident and why these laws applied to our driving of buses. I think it's especially noteworthy that this accident happened where a bus was at the curb or park lane, but because of its size (8' 6" wide, which was customarily called a "wide load") and because it wasn't parallel with the curb, the rear of the bus protruded into a lane of traffic.
Just imagine if this was one of the streets where the bus stops are actually in a lane of traffic (no park lane), such as on S. 27th Street, or on Hwy. 100, or Greenfield Ave, etc.?
This time, there was a tragic result and three people were needlessly hurt, because a bus wasn't fully out of a lane of traffic.
Secondly, the driver was prohibited by the company to warn this unfortunate driver and other motorists of the hazard poised by his vehicle not being fully out of the lane of traffic. Maybe this motorist could not switch lanes because of other traffic, or maybe he/she just assumed the bus wasn't stopped in his/her lane. Regardless of the facts, the one fact that does remain is this: this accident might have been prevented if the driver had been permitted to activate their hazard flashers and warned this motorist that the bus poised a hazard (hence the reason they are called hazard flashers) to them!
8/18/99 Dear Lodge Members:
We have finally updated our FOUNDER'S PERSONAL HOMEPAGE! Have a look. We welcome all comments. We expect to change this page every 30-45 days, or as we see fit.
I also did some "housecleaning" in the message boards. If a message you posted is no longer there, consider it has served it's purpose and run it's course, and we move on.
Finally, I would also ask you club members to update your comments in the CONTACTS section of the club pages. What we would like to do is have you list your affiliation in the industry, i.e., CHICAGO TRANSIT, NEW YORK CITY BUS, SEATTLE METRO, TORONTO TRANSIT, LONDON COUNTRY, etc. This will give other lodge members an idea of your background, and allow us to filter out groupies and bus geeks. No apologies. In a few weeks we will again scan our roster and make some cuts.
Thanks for understanding,
Grand Poobah, and Chief Cashbox Puller
Transit Bus Driver's Club
OS RESPONSE If you would like to check out this club, you can click over to our LINKS page for a quick connection.
8/18/99 The lack of maintenance is starting to show up now in the buses, for instance: On the 4000's and 4100's, the brake pedal hinge is so full of dirt it's starting to get stuck down when you press on it and will not come up causing hard grabbing stops. And the buses are rattling like on the RTS's because nothing is tightened up.
The Neoplans have a front door track that is never greased and this results in the front door not closing fast and sometimes not even closing or opening.
The Orions: I have no info on- I don't drive them, ever.
The Artics: well if these buses ever make a whole trip without something falling off, it is a miracle!
Now the Rehabs: they are letting these go to crap. The drivers seat has NO lumbar support at all, and there is always a brake light out. They say it's the wash house water that burns them out. Well there is a thing called silicon caulk. I used it on my auto it works nice; you can use clear caulk and caulk up around the lens- sure would save 30 bulbs per bus a month.
And the Gillick bus: The back and forth, side to side bus. It seems to me a bigger shock would work better or add a lot more underneath the bus.
OS RESPONSE And this is "America's Best"!
8/3/99 After complaining to the Schedule Department, all summer, about short running time, they finally adjusted my departure time by moving it ahead by five (5) minutes. The idiots didn't have the curtesy of giving my regular passengers any advance notice. They sprung this on my day off and my passengers were late for work since the extra-man was unaware that a new paddle was first now being used. Some of these people are very nice to me and I feel that they were let down. Why does MCTS post bulletins stressing SERVICE and then urinate all over everybody? Why does MCTS constantly put us, the drivers, in the position of having to apologize for their screw-ups?
8/1/99 You people at OS seem to be pretty loose and fast with the facts about which you write. Two examples come to mind. 1.) "California drivers get travel time pay", you state. Oh really? The writer talks of only the Santa Clara Transit System (VTA). A very small portion of California, don't you think? Yet the headline implies that ALL transit systems in the state (California) get travel pay.
2.) In your letter to State Rep. Wasserman you state: "We also have our own transit police force." Since when? The last time I looked, we only had a SECURITY force. A security person can detain you but it takes a police officer to make an arrest. A HUGE DIFFERENCE!
OS RESPONSE Hey, Now! We figure if it works for Bill Clinton, why not for us? Seriously though, you're right - it's "Reader Beware" when you read OPERATOR SPECIAL. Everything we publish is going to have a pro-driver spin put on it. It's our way of fighting back and we are up-front about this. However we will also print any corrections or differing points of view such as yours.
8/1/99 The correct amount for the contract negotiations was $14,900.03. This was a bargain compared to the $85,000 it cost for the previous negotiations and the wage increase we got.
OS RESPOSE Life has been good since you got us that 21 cent raise!
8/1/99 Are we coming up to the year 2000 or what?? Why don't we have air-conditioning on every bus in the fleet?? Yesterday it was 97 degrees, it was unbearable in that rehab. A customer went down right behind me, sitting in the idiot seat. JESUS CHRIST!! I thought he was dead. As I was standing there watching the paramedics work on him, I felt helpless. The supervisor assigned to this problem told me to come with him and stand with him in the shade where it was cool and that there was nothing I could do. Thank god this was on my relief trip, I don't think I could have lasted another hour in that hot box. Why can't we be relieved on extremely hot days, Like we can be on extremely cold days ?? Why do fares keep going up? What do our riders get for their money?? COLD rides in the winter and EXTREMELY HOT!! rides in the summer. Something is wrong with this picture. Where is all this money going that the company is making with the increased rider ship going? Somebody needs to do something. Changes need to be made. Like NOW. The public needs to be made aware of what's going on here. Maybe Contact 6 should investigate MCTS.
OS RESPONSE We're surprised he didn't order you to give the poor sap mouth to mouth! We got many other complaints regarding MCTS callousness during the heat wave, here is another:
8/1/99 On Friday it was 105 degrees in the driver's area of my GM 5300 rehab (yes, I do carry an accurate thermometer). I was sweating so profusely that I was becoming nauseous, not one inch of my clothing was anything but wringing wet. I had consumed 3 quarts of water, but I was still thirsty and my water bottle was empty. I quickly ran into a service station to refill it and guess what? Some little jagoff supervisor with a goatee comes up and starts to hassle me! He sits in an air-conditioned van all day and has the nerve to harass a man fighting off dehydration. Later that same day the dispatcher gives me grief for running behind schedule - I assume his ass was parked in an air-conditioned office. How about some sensitivity training for these morons?
OS RESPONSE Normally we would edit the cuss words, but somehow they seem appropriate in the context of the heat wave and the treatment suffered by many drivers.
8/1/99 Chick Magnets?? Sounds like wishful thinking to me. The only time a chick pays any attention to me, is if she's short on fare, needs a free ride or if she's lost. Anyway enter me in the contest, OK?
OS RESPONSE Not only did we enter you but you won! We'll e-mail you for delivery instructions. And yes we are chick magnets, Sandra Bullock would love to date any one of us.
Operator Special Editor:
We were able to score a major coupe here in Milwaukee. I contacted all the TV stations concerning the insane situation where transit buses being operated by a private corporation (non-municipal entity/employees), were allowing and forcing drivers to drive in violation of FMCSR §395.3 Maximum driving time (the 10/15 hour rule), and the even less stringent state law's, 12/16 hour rule. Ironically, the State of Wisconsin adopted (in Trans Chapter 327) the entire FMCSR as being applicable to all intrastate commerce, only they forgot to exclude the specific FMCSR section containing the 10/15 hour rule and the §392.2, Applicable operating rules, which governs situations that arise where less stringent state of local regulation conflicts with what the federal regulation requires. Under §392.2, when a less stringent state or local regulation conflict with what the federal regulation requires, then the federal regulation will prevail and apply.
Anyway, WISN TV Channel 12, came out to my home and interviewed me about the situation where MTS drivers were working with less than 8 hours rest between daily work shifts and driving well in excess of 10 hours, or even 12 hours each day. Also, drivers were driving after having been on duty for more than 15/16 hours. They set it up with only a silhouette showing and altering the voice.
Then they interviewed another driver on a MCTS bus. That driver freely admitted that he had worked 60 to 100 hours so far (taped on a Thursday), so he still had 3 more days possible to work. God only knows how many hours this guy actually did work.
All of this was highlighted by an accident involving two transit buses, one owned and operated by Wisconsin Coach Lines, Inc. and the other owned by Milwaukee County (Milwaukee County Transit System) but operated by a contractor, Milwaukee Transport Services, Inc. A WCL bus exited from the freeway at 40 M.P.H. and lost control, hitting a median curb. It then careened towards a MCTS bus, narrowly missing it, but hitting the next MCTS bus behind it. Nine people were injured, four requiring transportation to a hospital. When interviewed, several of the people said they were scared to death by what happened on the way and at the Summerfest grounds.
The news ran it as their top story at 6:00 & 10:00 P.M. on Friday.
Saturday, we went to the City of Greenfield, Fourth of July Parade. There was a family sitting next to us, who we didn't know and who didn't know us. Suddenly, one of them was talking about the Channel 12 newscast and was shocked to learn that there was an accident. They were also so shocked and upset that the transit people (MTS) were allowing its drivers to drive that many hours (100 or more) of work. The one person said that her husband was a driver and he said that what was said on TV was true, that after working that many hours your mind is mush and you're a hazard to yourself and anyone else on the road. They could believe that the people running the buses didn't care about passenger safety, that they were only interested in making a buck.
My wife and mother-in-law, sitting with me, looked at me and didn't say a word. Later, at another function, we heard more of the same. People couldn't believe this was happening and wanted to know why the authorities were allowing this to happen.
Like I said, we scored a major coupe. Thanks to the reporter and news director at WISN TV, we brought a very dirty little secret out into the open.
Name Withheld
OS RESPONSE Thank you for the letter and for telling us in advance when the story would be aired. It was a real bomb shell! Please keep us informed. Even though we are neutral on this issue, we will gleefully report any further developments.
At VTA, the drivers get paid travel time (always at regular time, no premmium if total time is over 8 hours) on any multi-piece run where they have to go from one place to another. On one piece runs there is no travel time even if they are finish at a location other then where they started. The travel time is based on how long it takes to get from one place to another using the buses or light rail, but not allowing for waiting for transfers.
There are exceptions to this, currently on Light Rail all drivers are paid from a single starting point, even when the relief is at another location (this applies only to the Almaden Shuttle). And there are some buses operating in the southern portion of the county where we set up the runs as though they all pull-out, even if it is a relief. (These relief locations are 30-45 minute driving time (45-90 by transit) from the yard).
Hope this helps. If you have any more questions about this, please feel free to ask.
6/7/99 In answer to your questions, each clients buses that they purchase from us is different. Because of the PLC system (computer) on our coaches, something like having the hazard flashers come on when the handicap wheelchair ramp is used is simply a program change, no hardwiring required. Some clients have separate lights that flash when the handicap wheelchair ramp is used. It is dependent on what the client orders.
If your customer that recently purchased a 30 foot, low floor bus has a New Flyer coach, that customer should get in touch their New Flyer regional product support manager (call (204) 224-1251 Ext. 341). If the hazard flashers do not come on when the handicap wheelchair ramp is used and that customer would like to have that changed, their regional support manager can discuss with your customer what is require to effect that change in the program.
Name Withheld
New Flyer Publication >>
6/5/99 A mechanic comes into the station and bitches at some drivers for writing up dash fans which were not working. He said he's sick of replacing them and that all drivers who write them up will be put on a list requested by management.
Well lets see, the fans that came with the New Flyers were cheap junk and broke real fast. And the ones they replacing them with have no turning radius so when you need it to defog the windows you can't get it turned around. Maybe if the fan was on top, like in the Arctics, they would last longer and leave more room.
Another great MCTS idea: buy the cheapest junk, and when it breaks, put the blame on the drivers.
OS RESPONSE Are you sure this guy wasn't a foreman? Why else would somebody get so worked up over a few busted fans? We would like to hear from anybody who gets disciplined for writing up a defective dash fan.
6/3/99 Doesn't this person know that smart people will not quit their jobs to start new jobs for minimum wage. I think that $12.00 per hour is a good incentive to get new employees. I swear some of these people would bitch if they were hung with a new rope.
6/3/99 No matter how many times I have done the math, the Summerfest Flyer fare just DON'T "ADD" up right.
Now since they went to the pay both fares on the inbound trip. It has been always stated that it is 3.25 round trip.
BUT I have done the math and it's not 3.25! Let's see 1.60 +1.60 =3.20!!!! So why has MCTS been over charging by 5 cents???? Could it be that MCTS has changed the laws of reality???
OS RESPONSE - The extra 5 cents is being put to good use! Check out the new carpet in the downtown executive offices.
5/28/99 Your web site is unique among the bus related sites I've visited. I wish we had something like it in Portland. But the point of my letter is to ask you if you have bicycle racks on your buses. We have them and they are a real pain. It takes too much time to load and unload the bikes. Also the racks, when loaded, add several feet of length to the bus, making for difficult turns in some situations. If you don't have them yet, consider yourself lucky.
May I suggest an article about the two operators who were upset with our leader after the meeting ended, about the inequity of the situation where the company (Milwaukee Transport Services, Inc.) is hiring trainees at $12.00 X 40 hours (guaranteed) for a weekly training wage of $480.00? Despite all their efforts, including my two cents, they were not about to get our leader to understand how entry level operators are getting screwed.
Our leader was stuck on the idea that entry level operators, who are paid $13.44 an hour, are making more than the trainees who are only paid $12.00 an hour! Get this, our leader thinks it's a good idea by the company. He applauds management's actions!
However, recently hired entry level drivers, even though they are making more per hour than $12.00, they are limited to 30 hours or less of platform time, per contract. In effect, they are earning less per week than trainees who are guaranteed $480.00 a week.
While we don't advocate abolishing the 30 hour limit, because it's needed to prevent the final total destruction of all full time operators. Just look at the damage the introduction of entry level status has done to the work full timers used to do. Look at the overall decline in all work done! We certainly agree this is a slap in the face to our union dues paying entry level brothers and sisters.
Trainees don't pay dues, but our leader is in lock step with management concerning them.
Maybe the solution to the unfairness created by the company's high wages for trainees, while stuffing its ranks full with as many entry level employees as it can wedge in under its use of contract language -- entry level employees aren't just for driving buses you know! -- is to abolish the classification of entry level operators all together? If the company can pay a training wage of $480.00 a week to people off the street, then -- in addition to paying its executives more than generous wage and benefit packages -- it must be well capable of elevating all entry level operators to full time status!
4/16/99 I did like you said when my TCH showed a screwed up reading. I called the dispatcher and let him know. He just about bit my head off. What gives?
OS RESPONSE We can't say his name but we know who you're talking about. He is very touchy about the GPS because his input was influential in putting this system in place. Since then, the system has become a money sink hole and guess who gets the blame. But so what, if doggy messes the carpet, he gets his nose rubbed in it. Keep calling, your record is more important than his pride.
4/13/99 Great web site ! I wish I would have looked it up sooner but I thought it would be one of those lah-dee-dah blow sunshine up your rear things like the Company puts out. I like your agenda; we've been getting stepped on for to long by management and those slugs at the union. I'll be at the May meeting to vote YES for the arbitration, it will be my first union meeting. Keep up the good job.
Hi Guys!
Hmmm... we'll HAVE to fix that!
What your folks may have to do is sneak in through the rear doors. How? Try going to www.clubs.yahoo.com or a variation or just yahoo clubs. Then look us up under "BUS DRIVERS" or "TRANSIT". That might get you in indirectly.
But we are definitely here! (it's like finding the good bus parked in the yard buried around all the junkers)
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It would be swell to have you Milwaukee County guys on board! I did get to see your web page briefly. I think people in transit management freak out when they realize that we can use the internet too!
Good luck there in Beer City. Fight the good fight!
Ralph >
That idea of removing 1st gear on 4000's really bothers me. Ever close the door, start to go thru an intersection and then watch as the light changes from green to yelo to red, and you can't accelerate fast enough because you're in 2nd gear? [It gets especially tense if traffic actually begins to cross in front of you.] Then of course all others (passengers and motorists) see only the RED light and think you're a less than competent driver. If I saw someone taking 20 seconds to get through a light that was changing I'd be critical too.
4/2/99 That very possible! The automatic transmissions in MCTS buses, operated by MTS drivers, were designed by highly educated and highly experienced Professional Engineers. As a result, these transmissions were designed to operate with first gear being used first, in order to lessen the stress and strain of moving 19 tons, not including passenger load, from a dead stop up to road speed!
By the way, to say that automatic transmissions have gears, is a misnomer. Automatic transmissions, versus manual transmissions, don't actually use gears.
Manual transmissions use cut gears that mesh with other gears, input shaft to output shaft, which is how the shifting or changing of gears -- from first upward -- enables the engine to maintain operation while moving the vehicle from a stop up to the highest speed it can accomplish!
Automatics use a torque converter to generate hydraulic pressure, which operates all the series of pressure bans, clutches and/or servos that force high pressure hydraulic fluid to activate different circuits, either a higher or lower ratio gear, which operates the transmission and moves the vehicle.
The use of a higher ratio gear, when a lower ratio gear is needed but not used, can cause transmission fluid overheating, premature wear and tear of clutches, and lead to early failure of a transmission that would otherwise last longer.
If you don't think this matters much -- taking off in second gear instead of first -- try doing the same with your personal vehicle. Start taking off, especially on inclines or when loaded down with weight, in second gear. Of course you can only do this if you drive a manual transmission. It won't be very long until your clutch begins to tell you how dumb you are for doing this.
Buses are no different, even automatics. If first gear wasn't necessary for the bus to begin with, why did the transmission makers put them in there to begin with? Sure, automatics can operate by by-passing first gear. But that puts an increased stain on the other parts of the transmission, such as the torque converter and the bans and clutches.
But hey, who cares. It's only taxpayer's money. It's not like we're paying for someone else's mistake!
Bus "4030" has 1st gear again. Does this mean we are going
to be getting 1st gear in the 4000's again???? Could it be that the transmissions
are going out because they are starting out in 2nd Gear????? Could it be
that we are running late all ways because we don't have the speed to get
the bus moving???
P.S. I will be at the arbitration meeting to vote yes! (1st time I will
ever be at a union meeting ever).
3/18/99 I just recieved a letter from the Labor Standards Bureau. In the letter it is written quote on quote, "I have recieved your request for a review of this case. The file is being transferred to the Madison office for an administative review and determination. A copy of the determination will be issued to both parties. Any additional information either party wishes to have considered must be submitted in writing directly to Robert S. Anderson, Bureau Director, Labor Standards Bureau, 201 East Washington Avenue, Madison WI. 53703 within 15 days of the date of this letter. Understand that the appeal process could take four months or longer."
This is the letter I recieved today March 18,1999. I want my name to continue on this travel pay complaint and I believe it is the right thing to do where it benefits all operators. I will be retire before it is resolved but I hope you and your counter companions don't give up the fight. Since names are not allowed I will give my badge # 0161. I thought you might be interested in this letter.
OS REPLY Thank you for the update. This is very good news because it means that we have fought MCTS' s lawyers to a draw in the first round of our travel time pay claim. As you have witnessed, they fight dirty and lies are a big part of their game. Enjoy your retirement and please keep our web site bookmarked, for old times sake. (Editor's note: This operator has included a generous donation to our legal fund.)
3/18/99 Just a thought, for any full timer that begrudges entry level operators weekends off this pick. I would gladly work weekends this pick for fully paid benefits, sick days, ability to trade work, and a higher rate of pay.THINK! THINK! THINK! Full time operators how DAMN good you have it!!!
3/8/99 If management believes that the police respond to buses with activated flashers, then they probably believe if we flash the "bat signal' into the sky, Bat Man will rush to our rescue. But it seems apparent management wants to live in their own little fantasy world. Therefore, I offer a suggestion; install a beacon style flasher on top of the buses which can be activated in a police emergency, separate from the standard flasher system. This would allow us to use our flashers in safety situations without causing confusion to the police (as if they care).
OS REPLY 3/8/99 Great idea, but it'll never fly. Let us explain. If management were to use your idea, it would be an admission that they are wrong on the flasher issue. Ain't never gonna happen; why, they still won't admit they screwed up when they ordered all those Artics.
3/2/99 First, Big Brother was watching us. Then it was said that Big Brother was going to watch us in the can, joking it was said. Well NOW big brother is listening to us, on our buses, mike's are being put up above the driver area for constant audio monitoring. 2 of these have appeared on 3700's buses. Now what is the union doing about this? Why, they are raising our dues that is what they are doing!
Your reply to "Management strikes back" was only partially correct. The term "differential" GPS is more than just a software application. It also consists of hardware in the form of a beacon which reinterprets GPS signals to a very accurate degree. When the system is functioning it can be accurate to within 3 feet. The problem is that it cannot be accurate unless it receives clear satellte signals, this is the reason for all the false readings and fallbacks.
In the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel dated 3-5-99,in the Auto Show Special Section, it mentions cars with "Global positioning satellites" (GPS).The reason the GPS is not accurate is because of a built-in-error. The error could prevent accurate military strikes by a hostile group. "Only those with clearance can use receivers without error". Hope this info is helpful to your readers.
3/2/99 MCTS stands for Milwaukee's Communist Transit System. We should replace the county logo with a logo of the hammer and sickle.
OS REPLY 3/2/99 Ouch! Tell us how you really feel!
3/1/99 Your paragraph concerning GPS locations was totally inaccurate. We, at the Transit System, use "differential" GPS not "true" GPS. Differential GPS is accurate within twenty feet when the vehicle updates its' position. It also uses "dead reckoning", i.e. odometer clicks, which calculates the distance travelled in "the concrete canyon".
Due to your arrogance with regard to Wisconsin state laws regarding the use of the flashers and transit vehicles, you have now jeopardized my safety on the Route 27 because Milwaukee Police is now disregarding any Transit System bus with flashers on...your insolence with regard to this law, as demonstrated by your misuse of your flashers now both reflects negatively on all bus operators and means that there will be no response by police to those of us who truly may need police assistance.
If you possess a law degree, in addition to the required Bachelor's degree, please state this fact in your website...if you do not possess these credentials; refrain from interpreting the law as you see fit/or to have the law fit your particular, vengeful needs. That is why there is law school (accredited universities only!!), the bar exam; in addition to the completion of the prerequiste Bachelor's degree and the LSAT exam to get to law school. Being a "wannabe" lawyer does not cut it this day in age; ignorance is not bliss and arrogance is detestable and you apparently do not know your left hand from your right.
OS REPLY 3/2/99 First of all we note that you do not deny the TCH carding story we reported yesterday. Next, we scoff at the confidence you have in the accuracy of your system. If what you say is true, then MCTS possesses a system more accurate than on the U.S. fighter jets which recently bombed the terrorist facility in Sudan. There is only one GPS system. The term "differential" you refer to is really nothing more than the software your system uses to interpret GPS signals into a format consistent with the end user's need. Your software can be no better than the hardware which feed it signals. And if you can't track 12 satellites, you've got yourself a system bordering on obsolescence. We hate to break this news to you, but one of your dispatchers openly jokes to us about your system reporting buses located 100 meters into Lake Michigan.
Now lets address the flasher issue...again. Maybe 20 years ago, when you were a driver, the Milwaukee Police responded to flashers. But get this through your head, and ask any driver, the MPD has not been responding to bus flashers for years. Get out of your ivory tower and see what's going on in the streets. We now have the silent alarm, I'll stake my safety on that, you can shove your flashers. Proper use of flashers is a matter of safety and courtesy to the other motorists with whom we share the road. With MCTS being the politically correct company that it claims to be, you think you would show some sensitivity on this issue.
Nobody on our staff possesses a law degree, although several of us have Bachelors degrees. However, you don't need a law degree to act as your own lawyer. Our interpretation of the law has no less validity than yours. As a matter of fact, we're just as confident in our position on flasher use as we are in our position on travel time pay. Only time will tell, but the smart money is on us. As Bob Dylan said, "you don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blow'n."
READER RESPONSE 3/3/99 Is that why drivers are asked where they are? The New Flyer buses don't have odometers of the dash. It's possible that the bus's computer has that capacity, but I wouldn't expect it is integrated into the GPS system. Otherwise, why does the TCH display jump from being on time to being 5 to 35 minutes late. Or in other cases, being 5 to 110 minutes hot?
Enclosed is a copy of the Federal Motor carrier Safety Regulations and, as you can see, it doesn't take a legal mind to read and understand. Maybe I should be in law school...Maybe I should be an attorney. Because if I were an attorney, I wouldn't sit on my butt and allow the company I work for to take advantage of me by not paying me for all the time I spend traveling from worksite to worksite, for their benefit , not mine!
2/18/99 You obviously under-estimate the skill required to run an operation as complex as a transit system. I have a similar sympathetic view of the union's challenges and restraints under which it functions. Having said that, I still find the OPERATOR SPECIAL interesting and sometimes humorous. It might eventually challenge the 998 EXPRESS in some ways.
OS REPLY 2/18/99 You make some good points. Both the company and union are being run by highly paid people and, from our lowly perspective, we can only hope they have the necessary job skills. Therefore, we will cut management the same amount of slack that they allow us when we're called into the office on one of their idiotic public complaints...not much.
2/12/99 After calling in and telling the dispatcher that I was physically assaulted, they sent supervisor "Jumping" Joe (name omitted). After taking down the info, he told me to continue in service even though one block behind me was a bus going to the same destination .It seems Supervisors can make up their own rules as they please. The contract reads that assaulted operators are to be relieved with pay for the rest of the night. And where is the union when this happens? Well, your guess is as good as mine. They say "file a grievance." But all the grievances I filed (2) got lost or disappeared. Great union we have.
2/11/99 After reading your comments ,I had to smile. I see every ones name but yours. Is that because your afraid of a possible suit for defermation (sic) of caracter (sic)? I'm sure this message will not make your page, because your only looking for negative comments. Isn't that so ( name omitted) . Yes we know who you are. Quite frankly I'm surprized(sic) that your(sic) still able to walk You know, someone hasn't broke your legs yet. But then maybe if you keep pushing these stupid issues that you know so much about after all your years of service, your luck may run out. I'd really like to thank you for screwing up my ability to trade my days out of the week. Now there is no way for me to get 6 or 8 days off, and maybe get the stress out of my face.. If anyone is causing stress, it's you. I know how popular you are at the station, but then you aren't there long enough to see anyone's stress. Why is it that you seem to be trying to just be a pain in the butt. I have no idea what your trying to prove, but please leave me and the rest of us out of your vendetas(sic). There are a lot of rules that we don't like, but still have to abide by them. Most of your quotes are federal laws, made for interstate travel. If your use of flashers were for real, don't you think other transit systems would be using them when they pull into bus stops? From NY to LA and many cities in between, I've never seen buses picking up passengers with their flashers on. Because of your use of them, some of your fellow operators could get hurt because the police won't come...you know the boy who cried wolf once to often. Maybe if we are lucky, that little boy may be you. I've said enough, for it won't do any good anyway, and I'm tired of wasting my time. I'll say a prayer for you, and hope to God you wake up and come to some sense.
OS REPLY 2/11/99 Drivers names are omitted from OPERATOR SPECIAL because of fear of retaliation. We noticed you did not include your name, too bad because your letter would surely get you a promotion. You mention stress several times; Is that stress due to working conditions or is it really due to just a couple of us drivers poking fun at management? What we say here is nothing more than what drivers talk about every morning over coffee. Lighten up! In regards to the days off issue, The State of Wisconsin has reversed their position, signed overtime waivers are now legal for employees who wish to trade days off between pay periods. It is only out of spite that MCTS does not allow such trades. Our position on flasher use is that we should be able to use them whenever we obstruct the normal flow of traffic such as mid-block stops for running passengers, parking the bus with the rear end protruding into a traffic lane due to a snow bank (for example), long delays at intersections while loading wheelchair passengers etc.. Routine bus stops are expected by the driving public and therefore create no hazard which would require flasher use. It is simply a common sense safety issue. Thank you for your prayers, likewise you are in ours.
1/31/99 If you observe, you will see that things are not going right; They are far from right. This is my opinion of just what is happening at MCTS and it is not good! Have you ever sat at the station on an inclement weather day and watched the drivers come in? They have stress marks in their faces. Their mannerisms are of exhaustion. I wonder who might die or become sick because of the non concern for our mental and physical well being.
1/31/99 MCTS has become a grotesque dying monstrosity. There is one heck of a huge morale problem here. The schedules are a shambles. The equipment is in deplorable condition. Management has zero credibility. We have a media department that is comatose at best.
1/31/99 The company's foundation is built on deceit. It is run on the formula of use and abuse, threats and punishment. Management and union are talking, but the cooperation between management and the individual driver has suffered dearly. When someone from upper management shows up at the station, you can feel the tension. It is seldom a happy exchange and is sometimes down right hostile.
1/31/99 Apathy is rampant through out the company. No one cares if the job is done right or not. Just cover your rear end. I feel the quality of workmanship is way down.
1/31/99 The company should not hold seminars. By doing so they expose their backward thinking. We are concerned with our blood flow and they talk about paper flow. We talk about immediate response to street situations, while they talk about long- term fiscal response. The inflexibility of the schedule department is the prime example. They need to spend more time in the streets and less time reading books by experts. Our needs have outgrown management's stagnated policies.
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