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Hotels In China

Chinatowns exist almost all around the world. Some are small, and some are large, but all of them seem to offer the basics for cooking Chinese cuisine. The most basic ingredients can create an incredible feast. To the Chinese, food is not just sustenance, it is part of the soul. So as long as there are Chinese, there will always be something to eat.

Hotel Telephone Fax Stars
Beijing Hotel (86) 10 6513 7766 (86) 10 6513 7307 5
City Hotel Beijing (86) 10 6500 7799 (86) 10 6500 7668 3
Grand Hotel Beijing (86) 10 6513 7788 (86) 10 6513 0048 5
Garden Hotel Shanghai (86) 21 6415 1234 (86) 21 6415 8866 5
Grand Hyatt Shanghai (86) 21 5049 1234 (86) 21 5049 1111 5
Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza (86) 21 6280 8888 (86) 21 6280 2788 4
Shanghai JC Mandarin (86) 21 6279 1888 (86) 21 6279 1822 5
Shanghai Int'l Airport Hotel (86) 21 6268 8866 (86) 21 6268 8393 3
Hotel Nikko Shanghai (86) 21 6268 9111 (86) 21 6268 9111 4
The Jimen Hotel Beijing (86) 10 6201 2211 (86) 10 6201 5355 2
Jing An Hotel Beijing (86) 21 6248 1888 (86) 21 6248 2657 4
The Rainbow Hotel Shanghai (86) 21 6275 3388 (86) 21 6275 3736 4
21st Century Hotel (86) 10 6513 8888 (86) 10 6513 4810 3
Westin Tai Ping Yang Shanghai (86) 21 6275 8888 (86) 21 6275 5420 5
YMCA Hotel (86) 21 6326 1040 (86) 21 6320 1957 3

China has the most Horses with 10,000,000 and chickens with over 3,000,000,000.

In 2001, the world's tallest building will be the Shanghai World Financial Center in Shanghai China 

There are more English speaking people in China than in America.
