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"In the fight between the bear and the alligator, the outcome is determined by the terrain."
Original Source Unknown
Jim Barskdale, Netscape
InteVation helps companies envision future trends and markets, explore strategic alternatives and develop strategies and services to maximize opportunities. We work with companies in a variety of industries, but specialize in working with companies in the professional services, business services, SOHO product/service markets and Internet-related industries. The following are descriptions of selected current and recent engagements.

Representative Engagements

USWeb Corporation - Santa Clara, CA
Competitor Analysis

Conducted an extensive analysis of the overall competitive environment for the leading global Internet consulting firm. The output formed the basis of the company's positioning strategy. Detailed analysis was also conducted on 18 competitors and posted on the firm's Intranet to aid local offices in the proposal process.

Leading Internet Consulting Firm - Sausalito, CA
Market Offering Plan and Consulting Methodologies

Developing the market offering plan for the Research and Analysis unit of a key practice/office of a leading Internet consulting firm. Project includes developing new service offerings, consulting methodologies, pricing recommendations and internal and external marketing and message points.

Leading Internet Consulting Firm - Sausalito, CA
Research and Analysis

Working as a subcontractor, Loren McDonald is managing the Research and Analysis unit of this firm during an extended absence of the unit's manager. Responsibilities include developing client proposals, overseeing research, conducting analysis and developing client reports.

Web and Print Design Firm - Oakland, CA
Strategic Business Plan

InteVation is helping the owners of a growing Web and print design firm develop both short-term and long-tern business plans and strategies. The owners' goals are to more than double revenue within 18 months and build the organization into an attractive merger or acquisition candidate.

Marriott International, New Ventures Group - Altamonte Springs FL
Strategic Business and Marketing Plan

Developed a comprehensive business plan for this Fortune 150 company that was exploring whether to launch a new division and enter the executive office suite industry. Key elements included an extensive look at current and potential future competitors; identification and assessment of customer segments, needs and market size; identification of existing industry orthodoxies; and identification of unserved needs and potential new services.

Arthur Andersen, Manufacturing Business Consulting Practice - Los Angeles, CA/Dallas, TX
Strategic Business Plan

Assisted the manufacturing management consulting practice of one of the world's largest professional services firms develop a long-term strategic vision and plan. InteVation managed the project; conducted analysis of current and future trends, competitors, customer wants and needs; customer segments; and developed potential alternatives and a recommended strategy.

PM Realty Group - Houston, TX/Los Angeles, CA
Acquisition Due Diligence, Business Plan, Expansion Plan and Naming Strategy

Developed a strategic business plan for this real estate services organization that was exploring whether to diversify its service offerings and enter the executive office suite industry. The company planed to enter the market through an acquisition of a regional company currently offering these services. This multi-phase project included:

  • Conducting due diligence on the acquisition target and making recommendations on what actions would be necessary to use this company as basis for building a dominant national player in its industry.
  • Developing a business plan that assessed the future potential market opportunities, recommended business model and strategy and initial design of potential new services.
  • Developing an expansion/acquisition strategy and framework, and database of potential acquisition candidates.
  • Developing a company naming strategy, conducting name and trademark research and recommended naming alternatives.

eWork Systems, LLP - Walnut Creek, CA
Business and Marketing Plan

Assisted this Internet start-up company refine its business strategy and develop a business plan used for obtaining seed financing. Project included an analysis of market trends and direct and indirect competitors; identification of potential service offerings; exploration of Internet revenue models; customer/market entry strategies; and initial marketing strategies.

Arthur Andersen - Chicago
Best Practices Process Development

Revised the annual business and marketing planning process for the internal Marketing and Sales Best Practices knowledge base of this major professional services firm. Project included the development of business plan templates for use by industry groups, service lines and local offices.

Arthur Andersen - Chicago
Best Practices Process Development

Developed a new process for developing service offerings for internal customers, organization structure and resource plan for marketing and business development departments of Arthur Andersen. The Best Practices process is available to marketing and sales professionals through the firm's Lotus Notes-based Marketing and Sales Best Practices knowledge base.

Arthur Andersen - San Francisco
Organizational Structure Design Meeting

Facilitated an organizational structuring meeting for the San Francisco office marketing department of this large professional services firm. Purpose was to align the marketing department's competencies and services with the needs of their internal customers.

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