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Masoul Petz Adoption Center



cat_home.gif (2646 byte)

dog_breeds.gif (2524 byte)

cat_adopt(1).gif (2624 byte)

dog_service.bmp (10678 byte)

dog_litterz.bmp (47894 byte)

cat_petzshow(1).gif (3268 byte)

dog_pix.gif (2748 byte)

cat_links.gif (2756 byte)

dog_mail.gif (2061 byte)


Hi Hi Hi!Hi Hi Hi! My name's Barsie! I'm doing exercises to keep in shape! I own the Pix Section! Here are all the best photos of your petz!


**If you want your petz shown here, E-Mail me some pix, your name and your pet name!

And remember to enter the Petz Show!!!**

#7: - Julia's James Bond!

007dane.bmp (336074 byte)

#6: - Zach's Dogz

zach.bmp (62678 byte)

#5: - Tomi's Dogz

tomi.bmp (19798 byte) tomi2.bmp (25558 byte)

#4: - Sampatches' Dogz

sampatches.bmp (87938 byte)

#3: - Matt's Sammy

mattsammy.bmp (16078 byte) mattsammy2.bmp (12310 byte)

#2: - Jennie's Dogz

jennie.bmp (19558 byte)  jennie2.bmp (16378 byte)


Send Me Your Pix!

cat_home.gif (2646 byte)