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Who Is Derrick?
There should be some music for you to
enjoy. Please either press play at the bottom of this page or turn up the volume!
My name is Derrick Lau. This is my first time ever revising a website.
This site is still in the early stages, but once the summer starts, major changes will occur.
This site will soon be one of the best websites=P
I am currently enrolled at Cal Poly, SLO. I am majoring in
Computer Science, but I'll probably change to Computer Engineering in the Spring
Quarter. After hearing about how the Playstation 2 was designed and
developed, I decided that I want to do both hardware and software. But
since my goal is to be a game-developer, I plan on mastering in Computer
Science....hehe! I just can't wait till I start making games like Final
Fantasy, Metal Gear, or the Madden Games. Just you guys wait...some of the
best games will be coming up. My goal is to develop for the Playstation 2,
then I'll be a happy man! So far college life has been okay. Nothing
extremely special, but quite a bit harder than high school. Especially
with the quarter system, time flies by very quickly. By the time I have
the new version of this page up, I'll be in my third quarter. That means I
have had three professors, and I have had new classmates three times a
year. Might not sound like much, but it's fast...actually now I'm just
babbling cause what I just said does not make much sense; at least grammatically.
Also as a devoted Christian, while at SLO, I attend First Baptist of San Luis
Obispo. But back at home, I attend San Jose Chinese Alliance Church!
As you can see, my interest in video games is huge. I'm not really sure why,
but I love to play and I would really love to create them. Other interests
I have is listening to music of course. For some strange reason, I'm
really into Hong Kong Pop...don't ask me why...the only reason I can think of
right now is because the girls are so "SOK"... if you know what that
means...hehe. I also enjoy sports...wish I played better, though. A
cool dream I have is to shoot the winning shot, kinda like the way Michael
Jordan did in his last game. Or bring my team back in win the Super Bowl, like
Joe Montana. Or at least dunk like "Half man, Half Amazing"
Vince Carter! As for me, I would catergorize myself as a
introvert. If I wasn't, I would be out right now, instead of making a
homepage...hehe. That's basically it for now. Oh yeah...below is a
picture of one of my favorite bikes. I don't believe I'll be able to drive
one, but a guy can still dream, right? If you are wondering what type of
motorcycle it is...it's the Honda 2000 CBR929RR.
The following is a more in-depth look at my bio. This list will help you learn more about my
interests and hobbies. Thanks for reading about me! Hopefully you will enjoy the rest of my homepage. Please come again.
Name: Derrick Lau
Birthplace: London, England =)
Sports: Badminton, Basketball, Tennis, Football, Ping Pong
Interests: Sony Playstation, Playstation 2, PC, TV
Goals: to become a programmer or a movie director or a game developer
Favorite Games: Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy 8, Madden NFL 2000, FIFA 2000
Most Wanted PSX Games: Chrono Cross, Dragon Quest 7, Final Fantasy 9, Vagrant Story
Most Wanted PS-2 Games: The Bouncer, Tekken Tag Team, Kessen, Dead or Alive 2
Favorite Female Artists: Sammi Cheng, Cecilia Cheung, Miriam Yeung, Kelly Chan, Gigi Leung,
Grace Yip
Favorite Male Artists: Jacky Cheung, Eason Chan, William So