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Geography ResourcesClick on any bar to return to the top of the page.
Geography4Kids - a good overview that promotes understandig Geography World This is one of the best comprehensive resources. Library of Congress Country Studies This is packed with information. KIDPROJ's Multi-Cultural Calendar Keep current. World Fact Book This is a great source. ABC Interactive World Fact Book - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements, Population, Social Statistics, Political System What a title! World Cultures From ancient to modern, this is a good jumping off place. Geographia background country information by region Governments on the Web listing by continent Infonation Compare statistical data Around the World: Countries Here is a great list from Yahooligans Countries at a Glance just the facts Country Studies Information from the Library of Congress < Shuttle Radar Topography Mission see the latest 3-D earth maps from NASA Africa on-Line Keep up-to-date here. Kids Africa A fine PBS supplement Africa Focus Photos, maps, and more On the Line: the Sahara Desert learn about this true desert K-12 African Links It is well categorized so it is easy to use. Canada for Kids There is so much here! Canadian Geographic a good e-zine extension Amazon Interactive lots to learn and a great simulation too World City Maps All alphabetically organized. Antarctic Ice Shelves and Icebergs a great collection of satellite imagery is included South Pole Adventure - all types of information Arctic Theme Page maps, information, data, and more from NOAA l Geographic for Kids Take the GeoBee Challenge or just keep current. Flags of All Countries Most complete Geo-Images Project - pictures from around the world Terraserver - largest database of satellite images of earth Nationa Master guide to facts on most countries Globalstat Compare many countries. Visible Earth - directory of visualizations, images, and animations presented by NASA Earthviewer -view from space - plug in an address What You Need to Know About Maps scale, distance, contour and more are presented Maps and Globes Review the basics here. Mathematics of Cartography Learn and then solve the problems. Latitude and Longitude good graphics enhance understanding Lost at Sea: The Search for Longitude excellent interactive learning from NOVA Early Maps Links to many historic maps from all over the world Maps First choose the continent, and then choose the country and download information and a map. Outline Maps On Line They are free but small. Topozone great topographic maps of the USA Flags and Maps of the World a basic reference Maps and Atlases There are more than 700 in this collection. Maps of Europe The Perry-Castaņeda Library Map Collection United Nations Cartographic Section good maps require Adobe Acrobat to see or print Ask Asia Map and Timeline Library good quality Map Collections: 1597-1988 from the Library of Congress The Electronic Map Library There are a limited number of atlases, but they are excellent. Oddens Bookmarks Lots of choices are here if you look. Maps of the United States more than 700 are here United States Climate Page Choose a state and find out lots of information. Historical Maps from all parts of the globe Maps and References The University of Iowa must have every good map on the net listed here. Earthshots - satellite images of changes over the last 20 years How Far is it? Check out the distance between any two cities. Autopilot You will get travel maps on demand. MapQuest - travel maps and more Terry Fly put in any address and look down and"fly" over the area getting an excellent Arial view. Fifty States excellent information makes this a great place to start Class Brain's State Reports links to information, maps, clipart, and more Color Landform Atlas of the United States Visual information is just a click away. Topo Zone - Type in the name of a city or place to get a topographic map of the area. The United States Yahooligans has many sources for each one. Home Pages of the States These are the official links. Find them a bit down the page. State Capitals Take this practice quiz to check your knowledge The Grand Canyon Enjoy the virtual trip. Yellowstone Geographic - geology, biology and more Virtual Yosemite - lots of pictures California's Coastal Geography There is much to explore. US Naval Observatory Master Clock check the time for all US time zones NAEO Sample Questions from the people, who construct the tests that give us the "Nation's Report Crrd." Burarra Gathering - interactive eay to learn about the life of the Burarra in Australia Capital Cities of the World - There are lists by continent and a quiz for each. State Web Games - Choose the game and level. Globe Spotter Shockwave game to check your knowledge United States Use the mouse to learn the states, then play the game. The World Use the mouse to learn the continents, then play the game. US State Capitals There are four ways to learn and check. Flags of the United States - of our country, the states, and more US Map/Quiz Printouts - This will test your basic knowledge with a map for each state. US State Capitals - Choose from several games. The States - great coloring/learning pages from Crayola US Cities - Match the city with the state. GeoNet Game It is a fun challenge. Find Your Longitude See how much you really know about this important basic. Where is That? another great game from Fun Brain Learn and Play about ten fun ways to test your knowledge Flag Trivia Play the game. Discovery Channel Geo Game Learn about cultures and places. Flag Tag How well do you know the flags? Geography Games great games from Quia Geography World Games large listing of links Home / Geography / US History / Reference / Current Events / Literature
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