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About me
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Jack's closet
About me
My family
My world
Anita's Pooh Spot
My fun place
Awards won
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My adopted critters
- We moved! Our new home is across the Hudson River, in New Jersey. We love the new place, especially that it is finally ours!
- Visit our photo
album to see our latest pictures
- Our addopted a hamster
Toffee turned 1 in February. He loves his fish-tank home where he sleeps all day long.
- There is only
- Anita's great hobby
is collecting
beannie babies.
We will be adding Anita's plush friends' page soon! Stay tunned... For now you may link to the official TY Beannie Babies' Web site. Anita loves collecting bears mostly, but enjoys other animals too! Her collection grew to cats and dogs, and Beannie Kids. She adores her Beannie Buddies: Dotty, Spunky and Rescue.
- We are planning on spending our summer vacation with Anita's grandparents. It will be the best time by the pool!
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Copyright 2001 Iwinski Family. All Rights Reserved.
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