Paint ~ Get out the
paintbrush! Kids love this
favorite alternative to sidewalk
chalk. You will need equal
portions of water and corn
starch. Mix well. Then add a drop
of your favorite food coloring
color! Paint this wonderful
concoction on the sidewalk. Give
it a few minutes to dry and
you'll have a wonderful work of
Paint ~ 1 tsp.
cornstarch, 1/2
tsp. cold cream ,1/2
tsp. cold water, food
coloring. An
empty egg carton is a good thing
to put each color in. You can use
cotton ball, Q-tips, or your
fingers to put the paint on their
faces. It washes off real good
with cold cream.
~ 3 Tbs
sugar,1/2 cup cornstarch, 2 cups
cold water, food coloring. Mix
the first two ingredients and
then add the water. Cook over a
low heat, stirring constantly,
until well blended. Divide the
mixture into 4 or 5 portions and
add a different food coloring to
each, plus a pinch of
detergent.The latter facilitates
cleaning up.
Paint ~ You will need 1
cup water, 1 cup flour, and 1 cup
salt. Mix together well. Pour
into plastic squeeze bottles. May
add liquid tempera paint before
mixing. Good way to use left over
small amounts of paint. Squeeze
onto heavy construction paper or
discarded card board. Has a
glistening quality and dries with
a textural effect.
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