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LOTS of pictures of Bas and Rick, a few pictures of our home are on Page 2.

Family Picture (the only one I think the whole family is in, excuse the poor quality)
(left to right: Annick, Bas, Rick, Rob)

This is us

January 1999-Bas on the left; Rick on the right

The twins in Jan '99

Rick and Bas in the Zoo (on a concrete elephant)



Bas and Rick on the couch

Twins on the couch

Party Animals!

Next Generation Zorro

A True Clown

Easter 1999

Grease Painted Easter Bunnies

How cute (and quiet....*grin*)

See...they can be lovely after all! *hehe*

You tell us...who is who?....*L*

Yes! We actually do have 1 or 2 inches of snow

We'll tell you...Rick left, Bas right!

Photo Page 2