Andre's hood Home About Me Favorites Photo Album
WHO AM I? . . .
I'm A senior at Long Beach Poly High, Home of Scholars and Athletes. Football is my favorite sport (I like watching), sad to say though, I don't play it. I play soccer, and quite frankly I'm good. That surprise a lot of people, because I'm black. I don't know why people are still surprise, there's a lot of soccer players that are black. I guess folks in the inner city just don't get it yet. If I could be somebody in history, who would it be? I'd have to say Peter. You know the other guy that walked on water. I don't know if people consider those people in the Bible real, but I do, and I guess that's who I would of wanted to be. Someone that saw all the miracles and was an inside man to Jesus Christ himself. I think that would of been so cool. I have no hero. People are so disappointing. I know they say no one is perfect, but damn, do that means no one should try to achieve to make a difference and stick to it? I'm my own hero. Yeah. ME! Because I'll do my damn best to make myself proud. Well enough about me. How about YOU? Let me know by signing my Guestbook. You can view it afterwards. Below you will find a list of things that I'm interest in. Not particularly in order.
This page was last updated on 02/09/99. |