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  Spring 2002

March 22-24th- Acquire the Fire- Greensboro Coliseum

March 28th- 7-9- preparing for Stations 

March 29th- *8 a.m.- until we're done.  All day event, getting Stations ready and then live performance from 7:00 p.m. until around 11:00. 

March 30th- 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.  Final day of Stations.

March 31st- HE IS RISEN!, but the youth counselors will not be, as they will be recovering from Stations, and nibbling the ears of chocolate bunnies. 

April 7th-  4-6: preparation for Youth Sunday and Building our Vehicle for Thompson's Children's Home. 

April 14th- Youth Sunday 

April 20th-21st ROCK A THON 2002 

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