About me...
"All my friends call me Griz! I am 5'10", with brown hair and brown eyes. I am the medium body build but that is fine with me. I am the crazy type of person. I love to do wild stuff, like white water rafting, parachuting, rapelling (just learning), mountain climbing, hiking, flying hobby helicoptors, and flying Cessena 172s, and I like just having fun.
I am a 22 year old college student at Piedmont Baptist College. It is a very godly, and kinda conservative school devoted to teaching people about the ministry, like Pastors, Missionaries, Teachers, and of course Youth Directors! It was started by Dr. Charles Stevens in 1945. Take a look at the school if you would like, just be sure to come back, THANKS...!!
Like I said on my main page, I am studying to be a Missionary to Tanzania. It is a country on the Eastern coast of Africa. It is a really cool country with beautiful terrain, people, animals, and of course home to Mount Kilimanjaro!! I will be going there to start churches in some of the areas where there is no gospel presence at all. Lord willing, I will be taking a Hummer and a Kit Helicoptor with me.
E-mail me at griz4tanz@aol.com