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Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 85's home page.  This page was developed to 1) Provide members with up-to-date information about upcoming events, monthly themes, training information, etc, 2) provide our den leaders with a single point of reference on advancement requirements for each of the ranks, and 3) provide some valuable links to other sources for songs, skits, and any other material they may wish to access.


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UPDATED 17 Oct 1999

Pack Roster   Pack Bylaws
Annual Program Plan  (Calendar)  Face Painting Ceremonies 
Career Arrow Pinewood Derby
Pictures 1999 Pictures 1998  

 Guide to Safe Scouting   Skits  
 Tiger Cubs    Songs
 Bobcat Requirements   Stories
 Wolf Requirements   Clipart
 Bear Requirements   Index of Knots and Lashings
 Webelos Requirements     Webelos Activity Badges
 Arrow of Light Requirements   Sports and Academic Program
 World Conservation Award   Den Chief Service Award

  New Mexico Scouting                         Troop24 (California).

Cub Scouting Links                                

   Kirtland Elementary, Abq, NM(our Charter Org)


Special thanks to GeoCities/Yahoo  for providing disk space for our homepage on the WWW

If you have any comments or would like to see additional links placed on this page, please feel free to e-mail me. HH01580A.gif (1311 bytes)              Sign Guestbook             View Guestbook