PACK 85's
Procedures and Rules

           The derby will be held at Kirtland Elementary School on        (TBD).     .  We will start            inspecting cars at 12:00 and the opening ceremony will start promptly at 1:00 p.m.  This is a            double elimination event which means that each scout will race their car at least twice!

         PROCEDURES:  There will be two preliminary heats for each rank, then a final heat to            pick the number 1, 2, and 3 speedsters.  Our Pack does not use the standard "Brackets" to            conduct our races, we use a process we call "King-of-the-Hill".  Here’s how it works.            Say we have 7 Tiger Cubs, we start by racing cubs 1, 2, and 3.  If cub 2 comes in last, he            and his car leave the track.  As the first one out, cub 2 will get a "Wild Card".  Now cub            No. 4 takes his place in the next race, but everyone changes lanes right away.  Cubs 1, 3,            and 4 now race. Whoever comes in last leaves the track with a "RED LIGHT". (We will            talk more about "RED LIGHTS" later.)  Cub No. 5 now enters for the next race, and            again, everyone changes lanes.  The last placed car gets a "RED LIGHT" and we proceed            with this until all the scouts have raced.  After the last race, the cub with the "Wild Card"            gets a chance to race the first two final winners.  The last place cub in this race gets a "RED            LIGHT". This will end the first preliminary heat for the Tiger Cubs. When we’ve finished,            each cub has raced at least once; and everyone who has won had to win on more than one            track against different scouts!

           The Wolf Cubs follow this process to do their first preliminary heat; results: 2 speedsters and            the rest "RED LIGHTS".  We keep going until all the ranks have had a chance to finish their            first preliminary heat.

           Time for the second preliminary heat. Now we are back to the Tiger Cubs.  The two            speedsters from the first heat sit out (remember, they’ve already raced at least twice).  The            second preliminary heat is another double elimination round, same as above, except only the            top winner of this heat will be selected for advancement.

           After both preliminaries, each rank will have 3 scouts available for the final heat.  That gives            us the place order of the three finalist.  All three will stay for the pack finals!

           Now for the pack final.  You guessed it!  We stick to the double elimination until we’ve got            the #1, 2, and 3 speedsters.  Each scout has raced at least twice on more than one track.

         RED LIGHTS:  This is how we make the double elimination work without a tote board            that takes forever to manage and a Ph.D. mathematician to understand.  Each rank will have            a roster of scouts listed on a posterboard for everyone to see.  The first scout out will be            marked with a "W" next to his name. After that, each last place racer will be marked with a            big red dot from a bingo marker, thus the "RED LIGHT". Its fast, easy, yet fair. It makes            the derby a "King-of-the-Hill" event for each boy!

         SCHEDULE:  At 1:00 p.m. sharp, we will begin with the opening ceremony, then a            brief talk on the rules and safety.

           NOTE:  Parents and scouts should be there between 12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m. to allow for            inspection and registration.

           Each scout should have his car registered and inspected upon entering the cafeteria.  In order            for the car to pass inspection, it must fit into the standard size box, not overtip the scales, and            meet the racing specifications listed below.  After the car is inspected and registered, there            will be a sticker placed on it and there should be two initials (one from each official) on the            sticker.  CARS CANNOT RACE WITHOUT A STICKER AND TWO          INITIALS!

           The graphite station will be next to the track and prior to each and every race graphite may            be added, at the scouts direction.  If the parent says "lube the car" and the scout refuses, the            starting official will follow the scouts wishes.

           NOTE: Parents and leaders may work together to coach from the sideline so that the scout            knows when to ask for graphite.  Too little, to slow; too much, too gummy and slow.  The            starting official knows to try and give you time for coaching, and will work with you, but we            must encourage a fast race throughout.

         MAINTENANCE:  If a car needs maintenance, it leaves the track, goes to the            maintenance station, and the next scout races his car.  If the maintenance holds up racing            altogether, the scouts at the track courteously step aside for the next rank waiting.  No places            or chances are lost.  When the car is repaired and the rank currently racing finishes, the rank            that stepped aside regains the track to finish their heat.  Simple, fair, and we hope with the            help from the parents and other scouts, FAST.

           NOTE:  Between the preliminary heats (the first and second) there will be a short break.            During this time the cars will be judged for the awards.  It is up to the scouts to ensure their            car is placed on the display table for the judges to evaluate them.  Please stay clear of the            display table while the judges are evaluating the cars.

         WEIGHTS and STANDARDS:  These cars are not titanium cars with perfect bodies            and a dynamometer spin balance Pirelli radial tires, this is the pinewood derby.  You may try            to get your car to the 5 ounce limit allowed by the official rules, or you may wish to run a little            lighter.  If the cub scout thinks that the car might be just fine the way it is, then he will be            allowed to race it as is (within the 5 ounce limit).  If the scout takes a chance, he might just            win.  If it doesn’t work, then he is welcome to add weight to the car between the first and            second preliminary heats.  This is called maintenance, but it does have restrictions:  the scout            modifies the car as he sees fit - scouts only register requests at the maintenance table.  Scouts            at the maintenance table can ask race officials, den leaders, and parents for help, but "extra            coaching" at the table by an adult will be considered unfair and in violation of the spirit of the            rules.

           If a car makes it over the finish with plenty of pep - leave it alone!  If it barely crosses, or            doesn’t cross at all (a very light car), then consider adding weight.  Race Day is Race Day -            not the "Operational Test Day".  If any heat occurs where more than one car cannot finish            (too little weight, loss of wheel), then the heat is considered a NO-GO.  Move over to the            maintenance table and finish per the procedures outlined above.

         AWARDS:  Each scout that places first, second, and third after the preliminary heats will            receive an award. Each scout that places first, second, and third for the Pack will receive an            additional award. There will also be competition between the first and second preliminary            heats for the SPORTSMANSHIP, ZANIEST, BEST LOOKING, and JUDGES            CHOICE awards.