The expanse of my Sailormoon collection is, in part, due to all of the different styles of dolls there are out there. So many different sizes and shapes, qualities, prices... I have by no means collected every doll out there, but I have enough to make a "Basic Set". From the North American "Adventure Dolls" to the Japanese "Beauty Change", here is my collection. ^-^

Please do not use these pictures w/o my permission

Japanese Dolls
12" Dolls

Dream Pockets

Beauty Change

UFO Catchers

Petit Figures

Please keep in mind that I am not a professional photographer and my pictures may be lacking in several areas. Also, all of these pictures are of my dolls out of their boxes. I keep the dolls I'm not displaying in their packaging, but it looks nicer (to me) to have the dolls out of the box when on my shelves. I do, however, have every piece of plastic or string that came with the dolls so if, for some odd reason, you have questions about the packaging, I can scan you a pic.


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