There are just a few pics and info as of now, but there is more to come. There are tumbnails for your convinience with the pictures (just click on the picture and you can view the full size) and information about the shows will follow!
More to Come!
Star Trek
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TNG, DS9, and Voyager
Click on the thumbnails of the first two to view the bigger picutre.
And Warp Speed ahead with this little gif
Click on the thumbnails bellow to view the bigger picture____
It's my alien Timlox and his pet Tibbar. Links to other sites on the Web
Startrek homepage
X-philies alert! This is a great website- For anyone interested in being part of an x-files group! Click here to go there! The Unofficial X-files Site - If you are interested in not just things like pictures (my site for example) then click for info on the show and charicters!
Scully's Filing Cabinet- visit this excellent x-files site including some x-files storys!