Moonstarr's office: the travel guide.

Would you like to view the links page without images and icons? Try out Dial-up friendly page!


Good questions, good ansers on Buddhism. This a great site, with information on Buddhism. It's great for people who do not study it already, but are curious or interested. I think even a well-studied Buddhist would find the descriptions insightful, accurate and easy to understand. I also like the link to the study guide.

GEEKS AND GAMERS 31337 57uff

Gaia Online anime roleplaying communityMy Gaia name is SirLoracazIII. Tell them I sent you! stuff for the geek you love! It has t-shirts and lots of other products for sale.

Think Geek, another geek shopping site.

Slashdot, a major forum for geek discussion.

The Linux OS homepage-Just one of many varieties of Unix.

CD Media World; a resource page.

mIRC, an awsome chat client.


I have a really goog book about the history of video games, called High Score. Look for it at Amazon or Half; it's by Rusel Demaria & Johnny Wilson!

The video game museum.

FF Net: Worlds apart. A splendid page with TONS of features! "By the fans, for the fans"

RPGamer- A gret place, with news, screenshots and tons of info. It also has fanfics, editorials and more! (rpg-type games only.)

You can find almost anything here, from game titles to mini-games, side quests and how to find everything in a game.

This just may be the ultimate source for all systems out there. It can list every game for any system, and give info on many.

Final Fantasy Illusions; a good resource.

Petion for Radical Dreamers to be officially released by Squaresoft as the sequel to Chrono Trigger.

Another page about Readical Dreamers, the real sequel to Chrono Trigger, referred to in Chrono Cross.


Good questions, good ansers on Buddhism. This a great site, with information on Buddhism. It's great for people who do not study it already, but are curious or interested. I think even a well-studied Buddhist would find the descriptions insightful, accurate and easy to understand. I also like the link to the study guide.

Pure Land Information about Pure Land (Shin) Buddhism, which focuses on Amida Buddha.

Another Page on Shin Buddhism. Lots of information here!

E-Sangha A forum on Buddhism. The people here are very kind and informative. They offer many good links!

Devadatta The sory of the man who practiced wrongly, and tried to hurt the Buddha.

A wonderful site on the Shingon Buddhism and pilgrimage. It is informative, lovely and professional!

Please help Tibet!

A wonderful site with lots of information and pictures about different Buddha figures.

Directory of Buddhist organizations in Arizona. It is extensive, but not complete.

Soka Gakkai International, a beautiful community that seeks to enlighten the world. Their leader has been a hard-working advocate for world peace.

A selection of spiritual/Buddhist books.

Lots of items to buy related to Buddhism. Find something that works for you!


For more, see my Asian page.

A site of Japanese castles, with excellent photos!

This site sells custom-made Chinese-style clothing for women, men and children. You can even create a custom design!

An awesome site about living in Japan. It's so informative!

The Japan Faq; "The Complete Guide to Working, Visiting, and Living in Japan"

A guide to Japanese Culture.

A great site for recipes from India!

A site about the wonderful benefits of green tea.

A directory for online shopping when you want Japanese items!


A great place to go for custom-made runic rings!

Wicca: the facts A VERY good Wiccan page that I highly reccommend. There are some wonderful real audios here!! :)!!

Pagan Rock!!

Witches Anti-Discrimination League.

Magickal Melting Pot. Pretty and informative.


The supreme site to visit for ANY comic book collector! If they don't have it, they'll get it, and you choose the shipping type!

WizardWorld: another site for collectrs. You can log in you whole collect and track it value!!

If you like X-Men and fan-fiction, this is a great site, with lots of links!

Locate a store in your area!!

The Marvel Comics homepage, filled with goodies and yummies!

Another neat fan-fic site. (may have adult content)


Anime lyrics!!

A fansubbing site.

Anime Music videos; thsis is awesome!!

A good anime resource

Another site containing the anime laws of physics

Revolutionary Girl Utena

A kool site about Niea Under Seven; it's a good series!

A site about Pilot Candidates. Kawaii!

Sailor Moon? save our sailors

Another cool SM page! Chibi Saturn.

Another Save Our Sailors page.

A way cool SM products page! Also has some other cool products, icluding FF, DBZ and Sanrio.

The Pioneer homepage. This company releases some good shows (including Tenchi) in the U.S.!


I really like the site; it's a good rescource.

COMPANIES used to have the best prices around. Now, thaey have average prices. It's still handy to visit., for all your gaming needs! one of the best places to shop online!! Discounted anime here! (very good results!)

Anime castle, another great site!

AnimeNation: Very good prices plius free e-mail!

Anime Village, another good place that gives great new anime!

Hello, Hello Kitty!! Chibi-manga characters from the other side of the world. Find your nearest Sanrio location toady! Or join the club, check your horoscope, and go shopping... A neat place for buying and selling books, movies and games. Quite useful!

Compass; a good bank, in my opinion.

Merlancia: technology for the needs of tomorrow.

Shoes- Admittedly, I'm not big on having tons of shoes, but Zappos has its uses, and some kool boots.


Google is a rad search engine!

a search engine and so much more!

Hotbot, proclaimed to be a good search engine.

Stinky as this sounds, Dogpile searches several other engines plus FTP, newgroups, etc to find your results! Can save time!

Alta Vista, where you get MANY results for your search.

Just ask Jeeves!


This is cool! NASA sky watch resource.

How to obtain a passport

Cat graphics galore! =^-^=

Geocaching- A fun activity that I like to call treasure hunting.

? Professor Ashfield is a hilarious mad scientist. This is a daily comic strip with a wonderful archive and some very funny strips! It is linked to keenspot, a sort of webring for comic strips on the net. Some other links to check out here are CRFH: college roommates from hell, and the help desk. There are some good internet-parodies, as well as some bad strips, but it's all so fun! With Ashfield, you could print some strips and give different ones to different people and places for fun!

A kick-ass site for everything you ever wanted to know. Fighting ignorance since 1973!

Keenspot: links to some of the best and funniest comic strips on the web!

If you've been around computers so much, your outside life is being effected, or you're tired of dealing wih people who don't belong near a computer, you will love this comic strip!

Sluggy freelance, a hilarious and wonderful comic strip!

Boy Meets Boy- A cute li'l comic about a gay couple.

Wizards of the Coast homepage

KBAQ, my local classical station. You can even listen online!

Mix 96.9: the best of the 80's, 90's and today. What could be better than totally 80's Friday and Saturday nights?

Arizona's Real Rock; Check out Dave Pratt, who is doing something very special for the children!

The ASPCA web site- the group for proper treatment of animals of all kinds.

Guiding Eyes for the Blind- an organization to help the blind using guide dogs. They need your support.

The World Wildlife Fund, dedicated to protecting all the species of the world.

It's lizard time! Sobe drinks are healthy as well as yummy!!!

The U.S. Fencing homepage. I hope to someday get into this!

Slang- A list of slang and vulgarity in many alternate languages.

I you would like to link to my page, here is a fun banner that i made up! The URL is Http://

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