More About Me

Well here's a list of stuff that might help you to get to know me better (I tried to narrow it down into categories!). So,ENJOY!


Birth Date: August 21,1983

Zodiac Sign: Leo (Grrrrrr!)

Height: 5'5

Weight: 120 lbs

Eye Colour: brown

Hair Colour: brown

Pets: 4 horses (Razzle, pooci, Zoey,and Nibby), 2 dogs (Charlie and Elliot), and an iguana (Iggy haha)

Location: Toronto, Ontario Canada

Sibs: 1 sister

Fave Colour(s): Purple and Blue

Fave Sports: Horseback riding, soccer,basketball, and boxing

Fave Artists/Groups: Econoline Crush, Backstreet Boys, Robbie Williams, Janet Jackson, and many more!

Fave Songs at the moment: I Want It That Way (BsB), All That You Are (Econoline Crush), Angels (Robbie Williams)

Fave Food: Pizza, chinese, and junk food in a bowl

Fave Quote: "You can't please everyone--you just have to please yourself" -Janet Jackson

Fave Saying: "that's crazy!" (lol thanks Heath for reminding me about that one)

Idols: Me, Heather, lol

Fave TV Show: Friends

Fave Movie: hmph......

Fave Actor/Actress: Who cares!?

Things I Couldn't Live Without: Lemme seatbelt belt, MuchMusic, the mall, lip gloss, money, my Econoline Crush CD, the rest of my CD's, my boombox (I might as well stop here, cuz I could go on forever!)

Fave Clothes Designer: Miu Miu

Biggest Fear: Heights, Hicks

Things That Bug Me: Kids that scream and run around ( if u ask me,parents should just wire their mouths shut and keep 'em in a cage hahaha), ugly people, screamy teenie boppers, people who like complain about their weight but then they go and like eat tha refrigerator, guys who are always like "Hey bro",and stuff like that and walk like they're "black" (ok,I don't mean to stereotype!) but they're WHITE. That bugz the hell out of me! When they walk around like that, with that "limp walk" I just feel like going up to them and going like "Is there sumpthing wrong with your legs!?", oh yeah, hicks - all kinds any kinds!!!, people that stare, ummmmmmm I guess that's it for now.

Things I Do To Kill Time: Talk on the phone, go to the movies, hanging out with my budz, going to parties(and stuff like that), singing, and listening to music. FUN! :)Oh yeah, and

If you'd like to learn more about me, or you just wanna say "Hi", feel free to e-mail me=o)

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This page was created by Heather Kirshin August 21, 1998

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