EnchantedForest Tower

My first Award of Achievement is for a home page well developed with a good start.

The Winners From Cottage are

Address:_____________________ Name

EnchantedForest/Cottage/7449 ______Stephanie

EnchantedForest/Cottage/7457 ______Jamie

EnchantedForest/Cottage/7459 ______Jonathan

EnchantedForest/Cottage/7481 ______Kayla

The Winners From Creek are

The Winners From Fountain are

The Winners From Meadow are

Address:_____________________ Name

EnchantedForest/Tower/9408 ______Lilflippa

The Winners From Tower are

Address:_____________________ Name

EnchantedForest/Tower/9408 ______Lilflippa

EnchantedForest/Tower/9418 ______tas7

EnchantedForest/Tower/9419 ______Karen

EnchantedForest/Tower/9425 ______Rabbits-on-line

EnchantedForest/Tower/9428 ______Claudia

EnchantedForest/Tower/9432 ______Ane Le

EnchantedForest/Tower/9434 ______Tharina

EnchantedForest/Tower/9435 ______Alex

EnchantedForest/Tower/9439 ______Angela

EnchantedForest/Tower/9440 ______Aki87

EnchantedForest/Tower/9442 ______Krysten

EnchantedForest/Tower/9448 ______Hee___________

EnchantedForest/Tower/9451 ______Cara

EnchantedForest/Tower/9459 ______Mallory

EnchantedForest/Tower/9465 _______Renee

HREF="/EnchantedForest/Tower/9474/"> EnchantedForest/Tower/9474 ______Daniel & Mathew

EnchantedForest/Tower/9478 ______Uneva

My Second Award is the Award of Excellence for great home pages that have excellent content, at least two pages, a guestbook, a geoguide tag, and of course safe for children!

The Winners are

Address:______________________ Name_

EnchantedForest/Cottage/7457 ______Jamie

EnchantedForest/Cottage/7459 ______Jonathan

EnchantedForest/Tower/9419 _____Teacher's Room 2nd Grade class_ New York

EnchantedForest/Tower/9434 ______Tharina

EnchantedForest/Tower/9459 ______Mallory

EnchantedForest/Tower/9465 _______Renee

The Next Award is the
Enchanted Forest Royal Nod Award

The Winners are

Address:_______________________ Name_

EnchantedForest/Cottage/7457 ______Jamie

EnchantedForest/Cottage/7459 ______Jonathan

EnchantedForest/Tower/9419 _____Teacher's Room 2nd Grade class_ New York

EnchantedForest/Tower/9434 ______Tharina

EnchantedForest/Tower/9459 ______ Mallory

EnchantedForest/Tower/9465 ______ Renea

Then you will go on to more Enchanted Forest Awards.

The Highest Award is the Gold Award of Excellence

A Winner From our Block is the

Just For Kids Magazine at

Information collected from entries in this award will be used by Angel Mauri - "An EnchantedForest Community Leader" solely for the purposes of conducting this award, and announcing the winners of this award. YOU MUST BE 13 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THIS CONTEST. This contest is sponsored solely by Angel Mauri. GeoCities is not a sponsor of this contest/award/committee and is not involved with the administration of the contest or the "awarding of prizes/homesteader contact" pursuant to the contest rules listed here. If you have any questions, please contact

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