Trading Card Game Decks

In the Pokémon trading card game, one of your goals is to collect each of the cards. But not all Pokémon cards are easy to catch as others.

2 Player Starter Set
The two-player Starter Set includes: Two 30-card decks, a holographic 1st edition
Machamp card, 10 damage counters, a starter game guide, and an advanced

Zap Theme Deck
Knock your opponent's Pokémon out of the fight with the Psychic and
Lightning Pokémon in this "Zap!" deck.

This Theme Deck includes: 60 cards, a special holographic card, 10 damage
counters, an advanced rulebook and 1 Pokemon Coin.

Power Reserve/Jungle Theme Deck
Pokémon, unite! With this "Power Reserve" deck, your Grass and Psychic
Pokémon will come swarming to each other's aid!

This Jungle Theme Deck includes: 60 cards, a special holographic card, 10 damage
counters, an advanced rulebook and 1 Pokemon Coin.

Water Blast/Jungle Theme Deck
Hold your opponent's Pokémon at bay until it's time to bring out the big guns
with the Fighting and Water Pokémon in this "Water Blast" deck!

This Jungle Theme Deck includes: 60 cards, a special holographic card, 10 damage
counters, an advanced rulebook and 1 Pokémon Coin.

Brushfire Theme Deck
Surprise your opponents by attacking swiftly and fiercely with the Fire and
Grass Pokémon in this "Brushfire" deck!

This Theme Deck includes: 60 cards, a special holographic card, 10 damage
counters, an advanced rulebook and 1 Pokémon Coin.

Blackout Theme Deck
Leave your rivals in the dark as you destroy their Energy with the Fighting
and Water Pokémon in this "Blackout" deck!

This Theme Deck includes: 60 cards, a special holographic card, 10 damage
counters, an advanced rulebook and 1 Pokémon Coin.

Overgrowth Theme Deck
Take over the game by evolving your Grass and Water Pokémon to
maximum toughness with this "Overgrowth" deck!

This Theme Deck includes: 60 cards, a special holographic card, 10 damage
counters, an advanced rulebook and 1 Pokémon Coin.

Bodyguard/Fossil Theme Deck
The "Bodyguard" deck is bursting with tough Pokémon that can take any punishment that comes their way!

This Theme Deck includes: 60 cards, a special holographic card, 10 damage
counters, an advanced rulebook and 1 Pokémon Coin.

Lock Down/Fossil Theme Deck
Shut down your opponent's offense with
the "Lock Down" deck and attack at will!

This Theme Deck includes: 60 cards, a special holographic card, 10 damage
counters, an advanced rulebook and 1 Pokémon Coin.

Here is a list of what comes in each Theme Deck


14 Water Energy
14 Fighting Energy

4 Poliwag
2 Poliwhirl
1 Seel
1 Vaporeon

2 Machop
1 Rhydon
3 Rhyhorn

4 Eevee
4 Meowth
2 Persian

2 Gust of Wind
2 Potion
1 Professor Oak
2 Super Potion
1 Switch

16 Grass energy
12 Water energy

4 Bulbasaur
2 Ivysaur
4 Weedle
2 Kakuna
1 Beedrill

2 Magikarp
1 Gyrados
4 Staryu
3 Starmie

2 Bill
2 Gust of Wind
1 Potion
2 Super Potion
2 Switch

17 Grass Energy
11 Psychic Energy

4 Bellsprout
1 Gloom
4 Nidoran (F)
2 Nidorina
2 Oddish
2 Weepinbell

4 Abra
1 Jynx
2 Kadabra

1 Kangaskhan

2 Bill
2 Gust of Wind
1 Pokédex
3 Potion
1 Switch


12 Electric energy
16 Psychic energy

3 Magnemite
4 Pikachu

3 Abra
1 Kadabra
2 Drowzee
3 Gastly
2 Haunter
2 Jynx
1 Mewtwo

2 Bill
1 Computer Search
1 Defender
2 Gust of Wind
1 Potion
1 Professor Oak
1 Super Potion
2 Switch


18 Fire energy
10 Grass energy

1 Arcanine
2 Growlithe
4 Charmander
2 Charmeleon
2 Vulpix
1 Ninetales

4 Nidoran (M)
2 Tangela
4 Weedle

1 Energy Removal
2 Energy Retrieval
1 Gust of Wind
1 Lass
1 PlusPower
3 Potion
1 Switch


16 Fighting energy
12 Water energy
2 Farfetch'd
1 Hitmonchan
4 Machop
2 Machoke
3 Onix
3 Sandshrew

4 Squirtle
2 Wartortle
3 Staryu

4 Energy Removal
1 Gust of Wind
1 PlusPower
1 Professor Oak
1 Super Energy


16 Grass energy
12 Fighting energy

4 Zubat
2 Golbat
4 Grimer
1 Muk
4 Koffing
2 Bulbasaur

3 Geodude
2 Graveler
1 Onix

4 Potion
2 Super Potion
2 Professor Oak
1 Pokémon Center


14 Grass energy
14 Fire energy

4 Krabby
2 Kingler
4 Horsea
2 Seadra
1 Lapras

2 Magmar (Fossil)
3 Ponyta
3 Vulpix

1 Energy Transfer
1 Gambler
1 Full Heal
2 Super Potion
2 Potion
2 Switch
2 Bill

For complete Pokémon Trading Card Game rules and instructions visit Wizards of the Coast.

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[Deck Set Ideas] [How to Trade] [Card Facts]