Pokémon Deck Ideas

If you have a new Pokémon deck building idea, then just send it to us and we will post it here for others to see.

Rain Dance

4 Squirtle
2 Wartortle
3 Blastoise
2 Poliwag
1 Poliwrath
2 Magikarp
1 Gyarados

1 Gust of Wind
1 Professor Oak
1 Energy Retrieval
1 Item Finder
1 Computer Search
2 Super Energy Removal
2 Super Potion
2 Bill
2 Pokémon Trader
2 Potion
2 Switch
3 Pokémon Breeder
3 Energy Removal

22 Water Energy

By R.Live@mailcity.com
Rama Llama

3 Electabuzz
3 Scyther
3 Mr. Mime
1 Ponyta
1 Kangiskhan

3 Bill
3 Prof. Oak
3 Gust of Wind
3 Super Energy Removal
2 Energy Removal
2 PlusPower
2 Item Finder
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Scoop Up
1 Computer Search
1 Lass

7 Fighting Energy
6 Electric Energy
6 Psychic Energy
3 Double Colorless Energy

Psycho Psychic

3 Abra
2 Kadabra
1 Alakazam
2 Mewtwo
2 Mr. Mime
2 Gastly
2 Haunter
3 Jynx

4 Energy Removal
1 Super Energy Removal
3 Poké Ball
1 Pokémon Center
1 Professor Oak
2 Bill
1 Defender
1 Gust of Wind

25 Psychic Energy
4 Double-Colorless Energy


Little Hitters Deck

This deck is built around speed. All the Pokémon can do something with only one Energy card attached. Plus the deck only uses one Energy type, so you never have the wrong Energy in hand. Hit your opponent's Pokémon early with Machop, Rattata, or Hitmonchan. Then use Potions and Pokémon Centers to keep your little hitters healthy.

4 Hitmonchan
4 Kangaskhan
4 Machop
4 Rattata
4 Rhyhorn

4 Bill
4 Energy Removal
2 Gust of Wind
2 Pokémon Center
4 Potion
2 Professor Oak

18 Fighting Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy

Wall Stall Deck

There is mainly only one way to win with this deck: run your opponent out of cards. Featuring the best wall in the game, the mighty Chansey. Use Alakazam's Damage Swap ability to move damage to poke'mon without many energy attached and keep your active poke'mon healthy and use Pokémon Centers to remove all damage from your beat up Pokémon. Of course, the deck does feature some offense. Hitmonchan is one of the best Pokémon for dealing out beatings. Jynx is an excellent Pokémon for dealing damage. Trainers, such as Energy removal will slow down your opponents attack. Computer search will help get Alakazam out on the table to control the hits you take. Finally, what might seem like a useless card at fist--Imposter Professor Oak--becomes a dynamo in this deck as it helps hasten your opponent decking himself.


4 Abra
3 Alakazam
4 Chansey
4 Hitmonchan
4 Jynx
3 Kadabra

3 Computer Search
4 Energy Removal
2 Imposter Professor Oak
1 Pokémon Breeder
3 Pokémon Center
3 Super Energy Removal

3 Double Colorless Energy
7 Fighting Energy
12 Psychic Energy

Oak Maintenance Deck

With this deck, you want to get Blastoise into play as fast as possible. Use Bill and Professor Oak to draw cards quickly. Play as many Water Energy cards as you can and then play more Professor Oak cards. If you have a card you want to keep, use Maintenance to shuffle it and another card back into your deck first. Then you can safely play Professor Oak.

3 Blastoise
4 Seel
4 Squirtle
4 Staryu
3 Wartortle

4 Bill
4 Energy Removal
2 Maintenance
2 Pokémon Breeder
4 Professor Oak

24 Water Energy

Mr. Mime's Box

The stratagy behind this deck is to get Mr. Mime out and use his Pokémon Power to block attacks 30 and over and then to have an Alakazam on the bench with a couple of Chanseys or Lickitungs to soak up damage. The potions, Super potions, and Poké Centers are in the deck to get rid of the damage so that Mr. Mime can live.

4 Abra
4 Lickitung
3 Mr. Mime
3 Kadabra
3 Chansey
2 Alakazam

4 Potion
4 Super Potion
4 Pokécenter
4 Full Heal
2 Bill
2 Oak

22 Psychic

3rd Degree Burn

The main idea of this deck is to defeat your opponent quickly and fiercely while still having Pokémon with tons of Hp to take any and all damage brought on by the opponent.The potions are to ensure that your Pokémon are still ready to fight and the energy retrievals are to make sure you have enough fire energy. Switch is to save energy cards, so you don't have to do the retreat cost.
4 Charamanders
2 Charmeleons
1 Charizard
4 Growlithe
2 Arcanine
2 Vulpix
1 Ninetails
4 Ponyta
2 Rapidash

4 Potion
2 Super Potion
4 Bill
4 Energy Retrieval
4 Switch
2 Plus Power

18 Fire energy

This deck has won my many battles, I hope it helps you!

Send us your Ideal Pokémon Deck! And "Thanks" to everyone that has!

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