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Since many people have taken my work and claimed it as their own, I have created this page.
Please understand that I am doing this for both your and my benefits. The main reason I made this copyright page is to make us feel that it is worth putting our efforts to create our own graphics and websites. I feel that a link doesn't take up much space and it is better to put the link than to get your page deleted.
If you take something from someone's site, EVEN if you "personalize" or "change" it just a bit, please link back to them. Their ideas and efforts should always be credited.
This homepage was created by Freda Auyeung (ME!) so that means, PLEASE don't take, without my permission, any of my text (such as my poems, htm pages, etc), scripts (since I always ask the author for permission), and images that I made. Only my dividers and images from free public collections! Don't take this background or the one on the main page... I made it myself!! If you like my graphics and want to use some of them, please go to my graphic page to get some that you are free to use: http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/9115/graphic.htm
Don't forget to link back to me!!
If I have taken any of your graphics and have forgotten to link back to you, please write me a nice note informing me that I have forgotten to link back to your site. If I have taken any of your graphics without linking back, it is totally unintentional. I don't like stealing things from other people's site because I know how it feels when MY graphics are taken. If anyone takes my graphics, I will send you a nice email asking you take it off within one week. After that, a "not so nice" note will come to you giving you 2 more days to take it off. IF you don't take it off, I will report to your homepage host (Geocities, Angelfire, etc) telling them about this. They will take over after that.
Remember that claiming MY work as yours is also not allowed. It really upsets me! So... please don't take any of my images! I'm sure you don't like it when other people take your images too!!
If you see anyone who has taken my images, please tell me so that I can inform them about this. I try to do the same when I surf around and see two pages with the same graphic... BOTH claiming they made it. Keep in mind that STEALING copyrighted information is illegal!
Lastly, I'd like to say: Never claim anyone's work as your own... it really hurts that person.
If you don't understand this copyright information, please visit these pages, they're very useful: Copyright Infrigment
Me/Webpage Stuff/My Work/Personal Interests/Links
Come here!