Welcome to my Guestbook!

My honorable guest,
Cos' you come here. You must be interested in how others think of my home,
Why don't you leave your comment too?
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09/05/00 20:05:30
Name: Joanne Flynn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Pet name: jasper
Where are you: Binghamton,NY Your Age: 36

You have a great site! I enjoyed my visit. Stop by and visit mine sometime.

08/07/00 16:54:33
My URL: Visit Me


06/14/00 17:04:56
Name: JaCi My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Pet name: booboo
Where are you: USA Your Age: umm..........

Cool site!!! visit my homepage too!

05/29/00 14:43:46
Name: Deborah Desmone My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Pet name: Deborah Desmone
Where are you: Pennsylvania Your Age: 39

Thank you very kindly for providing a link to find cursors for Macs. I've been searching for a while. I appreciate the help. Debbie

05/26/00 02:59:05
Name: eagles My URL: Visit Me
Your Pet name: eagles Where are you: arizona
Your Age: 44

thank you for this nice web page

04/12/00 20:17:42
Name: Smoky My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Pet name: Bear
Where are you: Illinois Your Age: 64

Back again and still think it is the greatest page by far!! Love it and will be back again and again. Thank you for everything you have done.

04/05/00 07:02:14
Name: Robbi01
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I love the music. I was looking for a different icon. Actually, but I love the music.

04/03/00 20:39:44
Name: Smoky My Email: Email Me
Your Pet name: Bear Where are you: Illinois
Your Age: 64

What a wonderful page!!!!!!!. I have enjoyed it very much and found some very wanderful cursurs to break up the humdrum windows ones. Thank you!! looking forward to visiting often. Smoky

03/20/00 04:55:06
Name: Albert My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Pet name: hippo
Where are you: vsncouver Your Age: Adult

Coo.....l web! I like it.

02/13/00 04:50:03
Name: hoong
My URL: Visit Me

very intersting

12/18/99 03:37:40
Name: Fiona Tan Lu Pin Your Pet name: Lup
Where are you: Singapore Your Age: 11

It is a fun homepage.

12/15/99 19:34:56
Name: Eric Patton My URL: Visit Me
Your Pet name: Leora-Eric's mom Where are you: Texas
Your Age: 10 and 28


08/22/99 11:57:05
Name: Ann Chou My URL: Visit Me
My Email: annchou Your Pet name: Kwakwa
Where are you: Vancouver

I am really very happy to see the number of Iconhatch visitor growing. I will keep on my work! Pls, My old guestbook is still working! And here is the new guest book

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

08/21/99 04:02:44
Name: Silver-necked Snake
Your Pet name: I'm a pet.....
Where are you: Virtual Reality

Could you please add more things for Mosquito's Page? I want to know the news of mosquito.

07/20/99 15:43:57
Name: Janet My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Pet name: dragon-mom
Where are you: NY Your Age: 36

Great site. Thank-you for sharing, Your 4ever friend

05/23/99 12:21:57
Name: Lingling My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Pet name: �p��, �p��
Where are you: Hong Kong (no change)

This is my first time to enter your homepage, I have not finished viewing it yet, but Ann is still Ann, you are still very creative!! But why would your homepage has so many javascript error?! Please configure it when you have time, sot that your homepage becomes perfect.

05/11/99 07:45:37
Name: Deef My URL: Visit Me
Your Pet name: my pet's name? Smudge...my nickname? Deef Where are you: FL
Your Age: 19

excellent page!!!!!!!!!!

04/10/99 21:57:45
Name: Amy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Pet name: Fifi (?)
Where are you: Arizona Your Age: 16 (well, almost)

Nice page! It's really nice! Keep up the greta work!

03/31/99 14:49:14
Name: Bobbi Jo My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Pet name: LiLBlackRainCloud
Where are you: Ohio Your Age: 17

Hey there thanks for signing my guestbook I really like your page...it is a great sweet place :o)) Nice to have been able to stop by!!!!!!!!

03/27/99 08:54:20
Name: Irene My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you: Vancouver

Since I haven't finish reading your website yet, I'm not going to comment on it now.

03/17/99 22:28:10
Name: MAtiLDA` My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you: Kuwait
Your Age: 26

Nice & CoOl page:)

03/10/99 02:34:28
Name: But's bro My URL: Coming Soon
My Email: Email Me Your Pet name: ??
Where are you: Great Vancouver Your Age: Still young

How come all the guests have their own website? Anyway, I think this site is cool. Hey! Can u make some sounds, like thundering and lightening or bacteria talking on the page? ;P But's brother P.S. Where is But??

03/07/99 09:59:41
Name: Sylvia My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Pet name: Silver-necked Snake
Where are you: Hong Kong Your Age: umm...

Haven't visited for a few weeks. New things has been added. I like the section - "About me". It lets me know Ann more. Can you add a new section called "My Friends". I would like you to mention me in your page.

02/27/99 17:33:46
Name: Diane (Lady Loyalty) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you: Northern California

Hello, and Happy Friendship Day to you too. I am sorry this is late but I have not been around for the last week or so. I am back now so want to Say hello to all my friends at Forever Friends. Please accept my gift from me to you.

02/25/99 14:35:19
Name: Luscious My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Pet name: Luscious
Where are you: Ontario, Canada Your Age: 31

I love the way you have yer homepage laid out! :)
Hugs and stuff,

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