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A few years ago I created a ficticious satanist sect as an outlet for my christian thinking as it was at the time. This page contains what's left of that sect. There are three parts.

The first is an actual letter, signed by real people, sent to Kobus Jonker from (then) Port Elizabeth's so-called anti-satanism branch of police, who wrote a book on the dangers of satanism. I think it was meant to be a strong hint that books on satanism did more damage than good. I also think, if I remember correctly, that the letter predated the actual founding of the sect by a few weeks.

The second is a lengthy doctrinal statement and letters written by various priests and priestesses. It was decreed that the thirteen derivatives were valid so long as the six fundamentals were valid. Two commissions looked into the matter -- one commission tried to prove the fundamentals wrong, while the other tried to prove it correct.

The third part is a very mainline (though at times ignorant) christian reply, to round things off. I have since come to different insights on certain issues.

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... Cinsatse ... Letter to Kobus Jonker

Datum: Nuwejaarsdag 0027 Anno S.

Die CinSatsec
Huis : Outreach
Kaapse Skiereiland

Kobus Jonker
Port Elizabeth

In die naam van die Groot Meester, mag jou vyande voor jou uit vlug en al jou aktiwiteite geseen word.

Ek skryf namens die Groot Raad (Huis : Outreach) van die CinSatsec, en namens Algemene Raadspriester Cindi. My naam is Raadspriester Annali. Ek wil van die geleentheid gebruik maak om jou te bedank vir jou uiters hulpvaardige boek oor Satanisme. Jou skerm is perfek - almal glo jy is 'n christen. Maar laat ek jou 'n bietjie oor onsself vertel.

Baie van ons was ook eers christene, maar ons het mettertyd agtergekom dis 'n godsdiens sonder aksie, sonder bevrediging, sonder doel en sonder veel van 'n toekoms, en met sommer hope huigelary. Ons wou graag by een van die Sataniste-groepe in ons omgewing inskakel, maar ons inligting was beperk, en so ook ons kontakte.

Dis toe dat 'n aantal goeie boeke oor Satanisme op die mark verskyn het. Boeke soos die van u, en ook van ondere andere Rodney Seale en John en Helen Gardiner. Ek moet toegee, dis 'n verbrands oulike gedagte. Die boeke word natuurlik ook in die kerke aanbeveel, en ons kon hulle in goedertrou aanskaf. Dit was 'n groot bron van inligting oor hoe om Sataniste te word.

Nou ja, die boeke se nie alles nie, en ons het later agtergekom dis ook effe outdated, maar die kombinasie is 'n goeie Beginner's Guide to Satanism.

Ons het al gehoor van die Skiereilandse Brotherhood, en ons bewonder hulle gesofistikeerde gang. Ons streef ook daarna om Elite te wees in onse wandel. Ons het egter gou agtergekom Sataniste-groepe meng nie baie nie - dis jammer.

Dit het 'n rukkie geneem om die nodige infrastruktuur te skep, maar ons is darem nou al mooi op dreef. Die benaming CinSatsec is 'n afkorting vir "The Satanist-Sect following the teachings of Cindi". Ons leerstellings verskil 'n bietjie van die wat oor die algemeen oor geskryf word, en ons is daarom per definisie 'n sekte binne Satanisme. Die leerstellings is deur Algemene Raadspriester Cindi opgestel, na baie navorsing, en veral meditasie en gebed.

Weereens baie dankie en voorspoed met verdere projekte.

Mag die Saak waarvoor ons veg net vooruitgaan. Amen.

Cindi (Algemene Raadspriester : Kaapse Skiereiland)
Annali (Raadspriester : HK Kaapse Technikon)

en die lede van die Huis : Outreach

Jeanne (Raadspriester : Simonstad)
Lala (Raadspriester : Kraaifontein)
Weasel (Raadspriester : Zwaanswyk)
Currer (Raadspriester : Bellville)

... Cinsatse ... Doctrinal statements


(The Satanist-Sect following Cindi's teachings est 1992)

Def Sect: A sect of a religion teaches falsenesses in that religion. Cindi teaches falsenesses in the Satanist-religion.

The Six Fundamentals:

1. Satan, although powerful, is not all-powerful.
2. Satan, although sometimes present, is not all-present.
3. Satan, although clever and very intelligent, and to some extent clairvoyant, does not possess all knowledge and/or wisdom.
4. Satan, although having much authority and access to many places known and unknown, is somehow bound by some strange sort of restriction from a Greater One.
5. Satan, although alive and well, has somehow been defeated by a Greater One's son's blood.
6. Satan is the Prince and Ruler of this world, and although many resist him, they pay dearly, in this age.

The Thirteen Derivatives:

1. Since Satan is not all-powerful, there must be some things impossible for him.
2. Since Satan is not all-present, there must be times when one could say and/or do things behind his back, without him ever finding out.
3. Since Satan does not possess all knowledge and wisdom, there must be some foolishness in him, and foolishness in worshipping him.
4. Since Satan possesses some degree of foolishness, he must be capable of doing foolish things, and of planning foolish scemes, and of making foolish decisions.
5. Since Satan is bound by some restrictions from a Greater One, it could be useful to acquire access to this Greater Authority.
6. If it be possible to acquire Greater Authority, it would be possible to gain some authority over Satan.
7. Since Satan is defeated by a Greater One's son's blood, given the vastness of Satan's power, the Greater One's son must be either all-powerful or nearly all-powerful.
8. Since Satan is the Prince and Ruler of this world, he must be in conflict with anyone not accepting his authority.
9. Since Satan is less powerful than the Greater One, and is restricted by a Greater One, and yet is defeated by the Greater One, he must be fighting a lost battle against the Greater One, but since he is still fighting the Greater One, there must be some gain in it which would be a loss for the Greater One.
10. Since many in this world resist Satan, despite dearly sufferings, they must be in possession of or at least in search of a Greater Cause.
11. Since those who resist Satan is in possession of or in search of a Greater Cause, the Greater Cause has to be present in this world.
12. Since a Greater Cause can only come from a Greater One, the Greater One has to be present in this world.
13. Since the Greater One is present in this world, it could prove useful keeping in his good books.

The Validity of the Derivatives

The Greater Council of the CinSatsec hereby approves the Thirteen Derivatives as valid so for as long as the Six Fundamentals are valid and true. Two commissions was appointed to deal with the matter of the validity of the Fundamentals.

The Commission Against The Fundamentals

Prologue : In order to prove the validity of the Fundamentals, this commission was appointed to prove or try to prove the unvalidity of the Fundamentals.

The First Fundamental : According to pure science anything with a chance ratio of more than 1:1000...000(50 zero's) is to be considered impossible for all purposes. In order to prove, then, that Satan is all-powerful, we will need to check 1000...000(50 zero's) cases of the works of Satan and they should all be successes in Satan's favour, and such an operation is obviosly impossible. It is therefore impossible to prove the 1st Fundamental wrong.

The Second Fundamental : According to pure science anything with a chance ratio of more than 1:1000...000(50 zero's) is to be considered impossible for all purposes. In order to prove, then, that Satan is all-present, we will need to check 1000...000(50 zero's) reports of natural and supernatural manifestations, and in every case it should be a reported to be Satanic, and such an operation is obviously impossible. It is therefore impossible to prove the 2nd Fundamental wrong.

The Third Fundamental : According to pure science anything with a chance ratio of more than 1:1000...000(50 zero's) is to be considered impossible for all purposes. In order to prove, then, that Satan is all-knowing, we will need to check 1000...000(50 zero's) things Satan did, or predictions he made, or desitions he made, and in every case it should correct and wise things and such an operation is obviously impossible. It is therefore impossible to prove the 3rd Fundamental wrong.

The Fourth Fundamental : If it would be possible to prove that a Greater One does not exist, it would prove this Fundamental wrong. If it would be possible to prove the all-power of Satan, it would prove this Fundamental wrong. Since we do not posssess all knowledge about Satan, it would be impossible the prove that there does not exist some sort of restriction. There is no other way of proving this fundamental wrong, than these three. Since it it impossible to prove the all-power of Satan (see two paragraghs back), the only way to prove this Fundamental wrong would be to prove that a Greater One does not exist. But Satan himself confesses the existance of a Greater One, thus it seems impossible to prove the 4th Fundmental wrong.

The Fifth Fundamental : Even the followers of this Greater One is inconcistant about the matter of the Greater One's son's blood, but such inconsictancy means nothing, since relative concistancy is not proof. In order to prove this Fundamental wrong we need to renounce or bypass the historical facts of the so-called Prophet of Nazareth's death, the happenings during and after, and its strange concistancy with Ancient Prophesy (but since such consistancies are but relative, they are not proof,and the latter argument is technically-speaking invalid). Since we do not possess Greater Knowledge, and there cannot tell what effect the Greater One's son's blood would have on Satan, it would be impossible to prove this Fundamental correct.

The Sixth Fundamental : It is unneccessary to prove that Satan is not Prince and Ruler of this world, simply because he is.

Thus the report of the Commission against the Fundamentals.

The Commission in Favour of the Fundamentals

Prologue : In order to prove the validity of the Fundamentals, this commission was appointed to prove or try to prove the validity of the Fundamentals.

The First Fundamental : If we could quote but one example of powerlessness of Satan in history, it would prove this Fundamental correct. "...Lucifer was kicked out of the Seventh Heaven..." - according to Ancient Prophesies. Since Satan was unable to prevent the Creator from pushing him around, he is not all-powerful, and thus the 1st Fundamental is correct.

The Second Fundamental : If we could quote but one example of the absence of Satan in history, it would prove this Fundamental correct. "...And the Satan went up into the Seventh Heavens with the other heavenly beings..." - according to Ancient Cronical Referances. Since Satan wasn't already in the Heavens, but had to go there, he is not all-present, and thus the 2nd Fundamental is correct.

The Third Fundamental : The clairvoyancy of Satan is very obvious in this example, a quotation from a Minor Literary : "...Hail Macca Beatt thane of Cawdore...". The prediction came true, thus proves the clairvoyancy of Satan. It is also obvious that Satan is not all-wise, for in Ancient Cronical Referances it is written : "...I will ascend above the Seventh Heaven..." and we all know this resulted in his being kicked from the Seven Heavens (see also two paragraphs back). The decition of Satan was unwise, and thus proves the lack of some wisdom with Satan. It cannot be proved among ourselves that Satan does not possess all knowledge.

The Fourth Fundamental : It obvious that we do not have knowledge of all places, but we have learned of new places after Satan was there. We only know about The Seven Heavens because Satan was there, but before he was there, it was considered an unknown place, thus proves that Satan has access to unknown places. As an Ancient Myth says : "...The Messenger Raphael chased Asmodeusso to Egypt and tied him by hand and foot...", thus proves that Satan is restricted (the Messenger are of course from the Creator, and although it is not certain if the Creator is THE Greater One, he must be at least A Greater One, since he kicked Satan from the Seven Heavens (see the three paragraphs back)).

The Fifth Fundamental : This Fundamental is perhaps the most difficult to prove. Unfortunately there does not exist, to our knowlegde, any conclusive evidence to prove this Fundamental. The only scripture that points to this Fundamental comes from a Recent Prophesy : "...The word of their confession and the blood of his son works together at Lucifer's destruction...". This cannot be accepted as evidence since Recent Prophesies are not considered sacred enough to uphold doctrine. Another thing that points to this Fundamental is its relative concistancy with Ancient Prophesy, but such consistancies are not proof.

The Sixth Fundamental : It cannot be questioned that Satan is the Prince and Ruler of this world, for he himself declares it. It is even recognised by the follers of the Greater One, in Proto-Canon Deutero-Messianic texts. The presence of followers of the Greater One in this world is proof enough that some resist him, yea, even 73% of the present Azanian State confesses their ties with the Greater One. That they pay dearly in this age is no secret, and we felt it a waste of time and space to even mention any of the countless examples of their sufferings as a cause of disobediece to Satan.

Thus the report of the Commission in favour of the Fundamentals.


It has been proven that the Fundamentals 1 thru 4, and 6, is valid. The 5th Fundamental cannot be proved valid.

Cindi's Comment

It comes as no surprise that most of the Fundamentals can be proven correct, and if something can be proven, it is valid. I can assure you that the 5th Fundamental is also valid, even though it cannot be proved. A Minor Scientist said : "...Science is measurement, and measurement can be proof, thus, proof is science...". If a faith can completely be proven, it is not really faith, but science. We cannot expect the Fundamental Law to be proved completely, for then it would not be a belief in Truth, but merely a branch of science. If there be any objections to this, let it be heard.

Comments from other Priets

Annali, Council's Priestess for the Cape Technikon : "I would like to comment on the matter of concistancy. It is true that absolute concistancy is proof (Subjects with a concistancy rate of more than 1000...000 (50 zero's) are considered absolute). But if the concistancy cannot be shown for so many cases, it is only relative, and therefore not proof of fact, although it could be proof of theory."

Jeanne, Council's Prietess for Simonstad : "Since when is Albert Einstein considered a minor Scientist?"

Weasel, Council's Priest for Muizenberg-Lakeside : "I still have doubts about the different names given to the texts, for instance, what is the Proto-Canon Deutero-Messianic texts called nowadays?"

Mel, Council's Priest for Stellenberg : "I hereby gladly accept the Greater Council's decition in this matter."

Jason, Lay Priest for Wynberg : (permission to speak granted by Melissa, Council's Priest for Wynberg) "Forgive my stupidity. It seems more profitable to become a follower of the Greater One."

Cindi's comments on the comments

Annali (Cape Technicon), your comment gladly accepted and approved.

Jeanne (Simonstad), in answer to your question. A scientist is considered minor when he or she has rejected Sacred Themes. Albert Einstein rejected the existance of the Creator. Rejecting a Greater One immediately classifies him as a Minor Scientist, although many of his other beliefs and theories are true.

Weasel (Muizenberg-Lakeside), in answer to your question. Today many of the Ancient and Recent Writings are preserved in the religious books of other religions. Here are a summery of some :
* Ancient Cronical Referances : Many of the Proto- and Deutero-Canon Proto-Messianic texts, and some other manuscripts preserwed in meuseams.
* Ancient Prophesy : Some of the Proto- and Deutero-Canon Proto-Messianic texts, and some other manuscripts preserved in meuseams.
* Ancient Literary : Some of the Proto- and Deutero-Canon Proto-Messianic texts, and many of the Hellenistic writings.
* Recent Cronical Referances : Most cronical referances after -2000 Anno Satanas.
* Recent Prophesy : Some of the Deutero-Canon ProtoÞMessianic and one Proto-Canon Deutero-Messianic manuscripts, as well as some other minor writings.
* Recent Literary : Most of the Latinian literaries after -2000 Anno Satanas, but before -100 Anno Satanas.
* Proto-Canon : Canonical Testaments of the so-called christians.
* Deutero-Canon : Apocryval writings of the so-calles christians.
* Proto-Messianic : So-called christian writings before É+ -1950 Anno Satanas.
* Deutero-Messianic : So-called christian writings after É+ -1950 Anno Satanas.

Jason (Wynberg), in answer to your question. I am quite surprised that your Council's Priest couldn't answer the question. Your question is not stupid, but actually very challenging. I will answer the matter in a later document.

Jason's Question

After the reports from the Fundamental-Approval commissions, some comments were made. The following one is especially challenging, in fact so important that it be dealt with in a seperate document.

Jason, Lay Priest for Wynberg : (permission to speak granted by Melissa, Council's Priest for Wynberg) "Forgive my stupidity. It seems more profitable to become a follower of the Greater One."

Jason is of course not stupid. It really seems more advantaged to follow the Greater One. In this document I aim to explain why this is wrong.

Cindi's answer to Jason's Question

Why not to be follower the Greater One

1. Inconsistency : Although relative concistancy is not proof, inconcistancy is proof. The inconcistancy of the followers of the Greater One demands an answer. They do not agree about many aspects of their religion, such as ordinances, worship, beheavior, ethnics, and even world view. They do not all use the same fundamental manuscripts and they are not friends. They argue and fight with one another. They believe in a Greater Love, but the way it seems is that they have a Greater Hatered among themselves.

2. Hipocrisy : These followers of the Greater One don't follow his teachings, they only follow him, where to I have no idea. Their ideas of Love, Righteousness, Obedience, and other good virtues don't show in their lives. They are not a good witness of their faith. Some of them try to justify their political claims and sinful beheaviour with small technicalities in their Fundamentals. Some even depend on folklore. And all the while they don't live like they believe others should.

3. Validity of the Messianic Canon : It is obvious that their Canon is hard to disprove, but the many versions of it makes a poor impression. Different translations is in order, but having different versions is not. How do we know which is the correct one? Furthermore, the Messianic Canon is unorderly, and one has to read to and fro, and quote things out of context in order to form any sound doctrines. The Canon is hard to get, because many gruops all base their arguments on it, and yet they differ.

4. Limited Knowledge : Even we know very little about the Greater One. All we know is his power and authority and his presence. How do we know he is not evil? If the followers of the Greater One share a Greater Hatered (see 3 paragraphs back), then there must be a Greater Hater, a Greater Evil who causes all this badness (madness?).

5. Suffering : It has been proven that there exists many sufferings among the followers of the Greater One. What for, I ask you. Do you want to suffer, for a Lie. If a Greater Evil proclaims a Greater Love, and yet promotes badness, causes famine, causes suffering, he is a liar. A Greater Liar. And he is the father of a Greater Lie.

6. Losing in various fields : The followers of the Greater One has everything in the wrong. Their music sucks. They get very little coverage in the Media. They cannot go to the in places, because of their faith (and yet many do). It is known that their books sell poorly. Their outreach teams stinks so much, you can smell them from a mile. They cannot cope.

The religion of the followers of the Greater One has no life, no excitement, no thrill, no obvious truth and therefore no future.

I have spoken. This ought to cclear all doubt.

... Cinsatse ... Christian reply

Jason's (last) Letter

Date : 7 April 0026 Anno S. no, 1992 anno Domini!

To : Melissa, Council's Priest for Wynberg and General Council's Priest Cindi and the Greater Council of the CinSatsec.

From : Jason, alias Susan Roux, alias newborn child of the Greater One. From death to life.

Your document was not at all convincing. It is full of errors.

1. Inconcistancy with the followers of the Greater One is no more than theinconcistancy among the followers of Satan. Furthermore, inconcistancy is not proof, because if concistancy is relative, it has holes in it and that holes are called inconcistancies. Therefore, if relative concistancy is not proof, then relative inconsistancy is not proof either.

2. Is there not hipocrycy among all religions?

3. Indeed the Canon is hard to disprove, no it is impossible to disprove.

4. Who are we to question the likes of the Greater One? As an Ancient Poet said : "If the Greater One send good, we rejoice, but if he sends bad, why should we cry?".

5. Satan is the Father of the Lie - disprove that! And if we suffer, we suffer in this age, but what about the age to come?

6. Their music is a match for Satan's. All the major newspapers write about them, and has special sections for the Greater One. It is written in their Canon : "We are free to do anything." , and "For the pure all is pure.". Their Canon is an all-time best-seller.

Their religion has Life, Truth and Hope. It has a great future - it lasted more that 1900 years, didn't it?

In short, your document sux, and it is you, Cindi, who are the one in darkness. I pray that you see the light!

May our Greater Higher Priest come quickly. Maranatha!

Jason, alias Susan Roux : I hereby renounce my childhood of Satan, I renounce all bondage and all strongholds of him in my life. I myself have defeated Lucifer by the Blood of the Greater One's son and the word of my testimony. Amen!

Signed, in red ink, symbol of the Blood.


The Cape Times 10 April 0026 anno S.

"ROUX, Susan Larria. Age 22, died awfully 8/4/92. See you in heaven. Rest in peace. May your enemies came to know the cause you died for. Love, S. M."


She literally rests in pieces.

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